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Bobbie Bachelor Dec 2014
Do you know what it's like
To walk down these halls
And to be judged constantly by the cool kids?

If your shirt and pants are yesterday's news
So are you

I actually
Feel like crying
They say that I dress like a ****

I know it shouldn't bother me
But it does

It's so hard to ignore some people
They just never stop bashing you

When I get nervous and shaky
I feel like I want to throw up

They still laugh
I try hard to smile

Then you get the
Oh be real
You don't need make up
You're beautiful without it

That's not true
And I may sound like a broken record sometimes
And my story's not a Cinderella happy ending

Still stuck with the bossy sisters
And the wicked witch of a mother

Stories don't end like that people
And poems don't sound that perfect
I can tell they're fake
Because I can't actually apply it to my life
Without looking like a complete idiot

Get it?

So if I so happen to ignore some kids that are picking on me
And you walk in
And ask me why I hate them
When they're being so nice

Shut up
Shut up

You're a guy
You don't get girls


You don't get it


I walk away

You ask
What's wrong with me

They lie
You believe their sweet lies

Grow a brain
Use it
For more





Get it?


How many times do I have to explain myself to you

You're suppose to have the bigger brain here
But from what I'm seeing
You never even use one percent of it


They will hunt you down
Even when you're
In the bathroom
Washing your hands
And checking your face


Just wait
It's your turn

You're lucky

Just kidding
I'm fine

aviisevil Dec 2014
Tim wasn't the only one infected,
But he was the only one who wasn't turning into a duck.
It had been more than two years of horror,
And almost every part of the world had been struck.

This new disease was carried through the shiny electronic devices,
That had gripped the world in a photogenic way.
Every wall and post reeked of the self centeredness,
And all that led to this last man standing scenario today.

Tim was resisting his fate by throwing away all the devices he could find,
But his hope was slowly degrading, as they were scattered everywhere.
He was experiencing what scientists called as a celebrity syndrome,
The last stage before he would give in, it was almost too hard to bear.

His soul was being crushed within his hundred dollar shirt,
But he was far more inclined to break the mirror in front of his eyes.
The disease was spreading through his arms and hands now,
And in sometime there would be no place left to hide.

Everyone at his school had turned into a duck the other day,
He had seen it from his own eyes, as all his friends got stuck on the web.
Scientists were baffled how it spread impervious of one's religion or faith,
They said the only part recognizable after the infection spreads is the head.

He found his moms name last night too, posted on the wall of lost people.
Tim could only rub his eyes, she was only fifty -five.
He had no clue of what to do, he was already feeling so miserable,
His father had already died, lost sister at twenty-five.

Tim was growing restless by the second, wrestling with his own arms,
But it was too much to handle and finally his hands got free,
He flashed the electronic device at the mirror, it felt warm,
And that's how Tim became the last casualty on earth to catch a selfie.
Notes (optional)
kelia Dec 2014
at 8 am i am thinking of you
i’m looking at my hands dance across the keyboard remembering how i reached out and touched your face in the dark, and my hands danced in a similar way, touching your lips because i need to remember them exactly as they are, for when i'm riding a train across the english countryside, or when i’m moved back in with my parents and i can’t sleep at night
or when i’m doing laundry, you know, those mundane things that would be a lot more beautiful
if i could just reach out and touch your lips, your face
and two thousand miles can’t do much about that, now can they?
so i drive 20 minutes each direction thinking i’m 20 minutes closer
or further away than when i woke up today.
i don’t think you think of distance the way i do
but distance and your lips are the most beautiful thing i have right now
so i’ll fancy them all i want.
i’ll fancy them all i want.
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
They say you can't I say true
Heehee here are the steps

Step 1:buy a bunch of fruit (mostly banannas)
Step 2:take the fruit find your stupid person why is he under the couch cushionss
Step 3:Feed the banannas to him
Step 4:steal his shoes and throw them at his head
Step 5:Stick a toothpick up his nostrils up his as* and into his mouth

Step 6:Kick his as
*til he learns his lesson
You can't fix stupid at all wanna gross as* toothpick and morbid smelly shoes
Michelle Garcia Nov 2014
they look at me with puzzled expressions
laughing and thinking it’s cute
how i am such a silly girl
for being afraid to fall in love again

i want to think it’s silly,
that this is all just a stupid game, like they say, and
i’m just being naïve about something
that a young girl like me doesn’t understand

i want to be able to smile
and have someone think that mine
is the most beautiful smile in the world;
that sunshine exists in the gaps between my teeth
and beauty lurks in the circles under my eyes
(even though i cringe when i see myself
so raw, so imperfect, so flawed)

i crave for you to prove me wrong

i want to be able to love unconditionally
to be able to hold someone’s hand and feel connected
instead of wondering if there’s another pretty ******* his mind,
someone who isn’t me;
i want to be so blindingly in love with you
that we are too busy being in love while watching the sunset
to notice it turn into a sky full of stars

i want to look at you and see the entire universe
instead of seeing myself and something like an unknown planet,
waiting to be discovered
(but you never let me in)

i am just a naïve girl who still wishes on fallen eyelashes
and keeps her heart hidden under her sleeve
because of fear that someone might abuse it,
or even worse-
lose it
and that’s when i realized that maybe
they were right,  love is just a stupid game,

but i am tired of always having to lose
(for once, please let me win)
Michelle Garcia Nov 2014
i was in the seventh grade
when i met a boy in a red shirt
whose voice sounded a lot like home,
and i remember hearing them say

"silly girl,
you're only thirteen years old,
you don't even know what love is!"

but who are they to judge
when their ancient bodies
have already forgotten
what it felt like to be yound
and electrified?

who cares if it isn't their
dictionary definition of true love,
i'd still rather be young and clueless and trembling
with my veins pumping his name
over and over again
than having to spend the rest of my life
away from the only thing
i'll ever love enough to call
Aspen Nov 2014
you always said it could be
worse and that someone
else could be having a terrible
day but what you failed to
notice was that everyday was
a terrible day for me
i wanted you to understand
i'm not just going to get
better and that it would take
time but you pushed and
pressured and pressed on for
a speedy recovery that
never came
now i'm stuck with all of these
bad days and cigarette
burns and ****** noses and
where did you even go
menmarou Nov 2014
It is so hard to stranded by a love story.
Where I can feel the near end but the story is isn't ending..
Much confusing is today;  He loves me,
Tomorrow; He doesn't Care,
Tonight; I'm Special,
The Next Day; I'm Nothing,
~Emotions put in a pen then write it down in a paper, I don't need to explain much. Its enough,
y i k e s Nov 2014
dearly beloved,

we are gathered her today in this moment

where i tell you the honest truth,

but you smell gooood
Jessica Steepy Nov 2014
It's sad to know
That a stranger
Still cares about me
More than you do
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