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Jeremy Betts Oct 2024
I sit down to write
A particular piece
I don't want to keep writing about pain
My muse and I fight
We don't find any peace
My desire buckles under the strain

Jeremy Betts Sep 2024
It never stops
Like Seattle rain
Enormous drops
Engorged with pain
Choking crops
A new forever stain
Bogged down
I struggle with the terrain
Tightly wound
I burn out under the strain
Parts are lost and never found
How much of me could possibly remain?

Funds are low
Food is low
Prices are
High everywhere
we go
Gas is on High
So, is the Supply
Products on Low
It makes you wanna cry
Products on Demand
This makes No sense
Were trying to make a Dolllar out of Fifteen cents
We're Dealing with Struggles Everyday
We some po folks
Lord please make a way!
We're Dealing with the Struggle
For, things have gotten Tight
We're Dealing with the Strain
Lord Please make it Right
Rent is on High
Utilities on High
Everything thing today
has gone sky high
These Struggles are Real
All we could do is Try
While these Days go by!!

Date: 10/23/2022
Jeremy Betts Aug 2024
Everything I write is filled with the same,
It's all hurt and pain
And feeling insane
And how I can't stay in my own lane
Continually asking, "what's wrong with this brain?"
While evening else sounds like
It's just easier to remember the rough terrain
And every little stain
Leading me to ask, "why should I remain?"

else Aug 2024
you take granted

of my existence a bit too much

in your rose-tinted eyes that

always look for the easy way out,

i am far too less, because i am always there,

like the air you breathe, never rare,

the rock that never changes, never bares.

you know i hate that part of you, i really do.
Debra Lea Ryan Aug 2024
Fire in my Eyes
Moody Waters
Under Strain
Feeling the Pain
On a Healing Journey

I finally started much needed Pool Therapy this Week and I cried like a Baby! All Good not even going to count the days anymore just get on with it everyday because I am grateful for everyday.
Jeremy Betts Nov 2023
My head is everywhere BUT in the game
Existin' and livin', my very own ball and chain
I walk the walk, a strut of shame
I wouldn't recognize a day without a cripplin' amount of pain
Physical or brain
Far more damaged under this fleshy terrain
I've lost the safety line between insane and sane
I'm lost beyond what I could not contain
Low to no visibility, can't see through the fog and rain
Not a chance in hell I'm coming out of this the same
A constant strain on this average Joe camouflage membrane
One I've made to hide what I'm made of, keeping the real me out of frame
I'll take the skill, you go ahead with the fame
If it's destiny who needs a strategy, why train?
What happens to the rest of me when there's no more life force to drain?
If I knick a main artery vain would you then know that I am not playin' around when I say all pain, no gain
Don't need no stupid prize so I won't play your stupid game
It's rigged anyway but that's why you came

Helen Carter Jul 2023
The feeling of life is flowing out of my soul.
I can feel it leave my fingertips.
My knees buckle under stress.
I express my pain in dreadful tears streaming down my swollen face.
I fall into position that has become unmovable.

Every inch of my bruised riddled body aches.
Air beginning to swiftly embrace my trembled breathing.
I surrender into its loving arms.
Swallowed whole from its loving touch.

The lifeless body I once knew,
Struggling through the cracked corridor,
Gains a heaviness to which I tremble,
Gazing around the gloominess before me,

When suddenly,
A light is bestowed onto me.  
Granting the wishes I once had.
Heaviness lifted from my shoulders
Regaining my balance,
Moving through the sudden brightness.

Embracing the feelings I once knew,
Longing for the touch of something new,
Once I open my eyes,
I attempt concur the light.

Reminded of the ghastly past,
I embark a new adventure.
Regaining love, strength, empowerment.
Devoted to life like never before.
For I was once broken,
For now, I have awoken.
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