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thyreez-thy Feb 14
I wouldn't know how you feel as I type
But you were always mine
Atleast in hindsight it felt so
Sublime, yet I was inclined
To love the one who saw my hype

When everyone saw my jokes crude
You saw a comedian
when everyone saw a shallow puddle, rude
You saw the Caribbean

So today, I see you, even if not in reality
I see your beauty from memory and history
The kind acts of your mother, and the mysteries
Your tears of mystery, your thoughts of destiny

I hope one day he sees your Glory, your greenish eyes
And I hope that every demon comes to despise
Your beautiful lineage, your kindest acts
From your blunders, to your in facts
May the world keep you whole and intact

May your shape that changes from child birth to Love
Meld into the beautiful soul you host
May you never come to boast of the many blessings
From the God we celebrate up above
And may you be blessed the most

My words don't do enough to describe your totality
Your obscurities and your beauty
May he see what I see in you, if I never get the chance
To fall for you not in hindsight, but at first glance
You deserve the world, not a puddle, you deserve to dance

I know you don't like the name Mirinda, you prefer the beautiful other
But today I wanted to show the beauty as a whole instead
That you needn't see it as a rather anymore
That you soar, and it brings sweet dreams when you go to bed
That nothing stops you from living and loving to your core

I hope you make a great mother
I hope you make a great wife
I hope you see love in the eye of one another
And that you don't see dirt in spite
Of how the storyteller replays events of asunder

Forgive me if this isn't enough
But please learn to love beyond the scope of existence
And always be persistent
Because you are who you are Mirinda
You are as beautiful as every name Mikayla
You are as loving as your family says you are
You are beyond these words, and beyond these feeble stars
You are you
through and through
A valentine poem I wrote to a special person, it was difficult writing this after a few months of no contact but it helped to make it (to me) mean something. Thank you for reading.
Willow Dec 2024
The moon, joined first,
With her long flowing hair,
Looks fondly upon her friend.
She strokes her hand, once, with care,
Reassures her with gentle words;
"To defy you? No one would dare."

The girl whom she comforts,
The heart which she tends,
Soul strengthened with courage and fight.
Across stars, universes, reaches to all ends,
Calls on her family, her comrades,
Her allies and friends.

They answer at once,
Some come quick, some come not,
But the she can gather enough.
Some tensions runs high, relationships taught,
Heartbreak, betrayal, loving and trust,
Scars won from the battles they've fought.

An army of stars, led in by their mother,
A figure so gentle but chiding.
She's clumsy, she stumbles,
But steps up and brings good tidings.
Smile shines, so bright,
That it's blinding.
The rhyming scheme is very off but I'm having fun
Jack Aug 2024
Story tellers
Weavers of word
Criers and friars
All on a mission
A goal in the front of mind
To tell the stories of all mankind
To teach the lessons learned and past
To those in the future so they may last
Larry dillon Jun 2023
Don't move or make no noise.
They react to the sound.
This place was once a shopping mall,
now there's bodies all around.

Such dread!
they're searching with soulless eyes,
From sun up,until sundown!

Their broken wailing, unearthly cry.
My picket sign once read.
I'm forced to lie here and play dead.
They search for the living-with no rest-
I'm alive because of putrid, rotting, flesh.

I dare not make a move.
in this food court.
this unholy mess.
I lie underneath defiled remains,
insides ripped out from their chest.
I dwell within these monster's nest.
Subsist beneath decaying stench of death.
It covers my scent well:
The undead react harshly
to how the living smell.

This new world-I can't tell,
Is this hell, or a fiendish fresh start?
Are they really so different?
I can't tell either world apart.
fear has always been a substance
Pumping through my old heart.
In those days I was ignored or-
they would notice,then shudder.
While folks that lived-well,
well: they ate one another.

I'd fall asleep by night.
under street lamps shivering, uncovered.
Lived my life as a ghost.
haunted those who walked by:
My picketsign.
My shaking fist.
I was cast aside;I did not exist.
they refused to see me,
Notice me when i speak.
The world was a table
With no room for my seat.

Outside corner stores I'd sit with resentment.

I needed to be noticed.
Yet my efforts never got me closer
To being seen by any ONE of them:
An exquisite type of torture.

I see now so ironic, what i used to beg for:

Maybe zombies are ghosts...
that refuse to be ignored?

Maybe if that man in the store window
-he was standing next to a mannequin-
If he hadn't lost his balance...
I could've began again ...?
But that false life fell.
Futility in his attempt to flee:
They ripped out his throat
before he could even yell.
In the commotion a man with a minor creeps,
Crawling toward the exit,
for a stealthy retreat.
Oh yes! I do see it too.
There's a car parked outside,
its engine running right there in the street.

Six hundred and sixty feet.
Salvation has four wheels, power steering
and leather seats.
Something is shouting in my stomach.
Their opportunity.
Their window is closing to leave with no trace
Seconds stretch as I stand
I connect - making eyes with the man.
Him and the child hesitate.
out in the open, words aren't said,
but I can see his face deliberate.
Too late: they can't turn back.
How to sneak past that last zombie
without a face to face?
It shambles in the path of their escape.
They hide under a counter:

I think its better if that child left here safe.

there is bodies, all around.
Bodies all around.
Bodies.  All.   Around.

Those dead bodies kept me a secret.
Kept me safe and sound.
It's my turn to be that for you.
I nod at the man.
Can you see me?
Witness,what I'm about to do.

A rush.
Air fills my lungs.
All fear dissipates.
The four words I yell make the zombies irate.
                          " THE!!!




**** cretins are closing in;
My two friends sneak deftly by.

I see the man and child look back.
I pick up a baseball bat.
Safely on the street
they both wave goodbye.

                  The end is nigh.

Please notice me.

A story of a homeless man trapped in a shopping mall overrun with zombies and of sacrifice paid forward.
Larry dillon Jun 2023
Crafty Waters lured the Captain
To the middle and the deep.
in the height of the hurricane,
It proceeded to speak.

"What do i matter to the birds
who exist between sky and tree?
These fish swim in my currents,
yet are unaware of me.
But for you, oh captain,
I'm everything you need me to be!
You have your ship, and your men,
and your lives at my mercy.
Today you will learn
you can't control the sea."

The dastardly Waters led him to believe,
In exchange for his life,
his crew would survive,
brief cessation from the culling winds,
and unabiding tides.
The captain decided then and there
To make the sacrificial dive.
But before he made a splash,
the hurricane came backΒ Β 
and claimed his crew.
A Sage Seagull swooped down
saying," dear Captain,
those Sneaky Waters lied to you."

The trusting captain stranded,
his ship capsized,
despair in his voice,
to the clever gull he cries.
"stoic grey winged beast,
with blackened,beady eyes,
what difference does it make to you,
if a captain dies?"

The apathetic gull got close
and in a whisper replies-
"we'll trade words for fish one day,
now, repeat as I say."
The captain certain it won't help,
but he spoke them, anyway.

"Proud Waters don't you gloat!
boast about how big you pretend to be.
your power buys our fear,
turning men into memories.
But my life holds your story!
I'll tell it, if you set me free.
Am I drowning in you...
or are you drowning in me?"

Returned home.
the Captain captured fish
for the seagull to eat.
And from his lips told a story
of his time out at sea.

Still new ships think they will prevail.
Distant from diminutive land,
sailors set sail dreaming of the safety
of a mundane harbor.
Unaware of the schemes
between the Shifty Seagull

and those Maniacal Waters.

A story of a captain's shipwreck, an ocean's pride, and a seagull's duplicitous nature.
Larry dillon Jun 2023
She gave away the best thing for less,
as if Heaven spread its gates for a garage sale.

            "But will you tell?"

I'm moving slow...
Like a snail in my approach to her.
It's best if I-I pretended like I never knew her.
She had a prada purse that screams,
"I can only do worse!"
She treated that thing beating In her chest
like a curse.
With no clue how to cure it.
Her hobby was to only corrupt the purest.

So don't call me false
in my intentions to hesitate;
from the moment our eyes connected
I knew my fate.

              "But will you tell?"

I said,"what's your name?"
To her...
"you got this vibe that makes me levitate."
she retorts, "call me breathtaking
because I make men sufficate."

But who could breathe without her?
I'd give nothing less.
I said, "for you,
I'd gladly exchange all of the air in my chest.
because time grows in seconds.
I'd spend each one I saved on you."

She responds, "i'd watch the world burn
in exchange for the view."

So don't call me false
in my intentions to hesitiate;
she hit me with words I couldn't anticipate.

I could see her.        
                                   Pulse.           Thumping.
veins in her neck.

Forced me to put.       my.
           primal instincts.
                        In check.

She told me time is incorrect.
       Its numbered by seven.

Broken into seven second increments.

Seven days in the week.

Seven deadly sins.

Seven circumstances with no right words for,
so instead we say friends.

She insisted I guess her favorite sin,
I guessed,
she said I was correct,
and then she asked,
    " but will you tell?"

without getting Into detail:
she sealed the deal.
Even before she unbuttoned her blouse
-her smile-
I'd made my adulterous decision:
her attention and bare skin
was the wine she used
to wash away all my inhibitions.

"So listen,"
She says...
"In between heaven's gates
are seven indiscretions no one knows about,
that trade for the seven things
you'd never sell.
Tonight they're all yours
-if you want to savor them-
but only if you won't tell,

and again,

above all else:

If you pay for them."

A story of an (unfaithful) man's encounter with a women of the night.
SiouxF Nov 2022
Fire fire burning bright,
Your power and dominion respected,
As you imbibe our offerings of poetry, rhyme,
And ancient storytelling of free men.
Conspiratorial keeper of our secrets,
Mastered by none,
Your red embers and golden flames
Nurture and cajole us
To share our
Word farer Feb 2021
There is no big storyteller than one's life !:)
Zindagi se bada kahanikaar koi nhi hota !
a dark room in the cellar
he laughed like a good old storyteller;
vengeance is what he needs
throwing away all his good deeds
i hope you like it!
Matt Sep 2020
How could we have survived,
Without that old table?
Memories made of creaking wood,
Every scratch a storyteller.
Super glue for flesh and blood,
Which rested in my mother’s kitchen.
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