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jules May 2020
i sit in the bathtub
surrounded by
lit candle wicks
allowing tears to flow
feeling the comforting
cleansing of the water
wash over me gently
as i connect to my breath

the new moon
allows for manifestations
and new beginnings
so, i grab pen and paper
and jot down:

when i see myself in the mirror
i want to look deep within
and see the divine being i am
instead of
someone i wish not to be

i wish to cultivate
self-love, stillness
and harmony;
giving myself the space
to slow down and reconnect
while loving myself tenderly
for all that i am

i wish to spread
this love of self
unto others in my life
and to the collective
beings on the planet

in hopes that they too
will see the beauty
that is already within them

thanking the four elements:
earth, air, fire and water
for their guidance
and protection,

i step out of the bathtub
blow out the candles
dry myself off and
step out of the sacred space
releasing my intentions
into the wild.
One hand over the blade, another over the face
Breath in deeply and take a swing
Ignore the screaming, feel nothing
For he is smiling
For what you are sacrificing

So take a drink, have a sip
Pay no mind to what drips
Your mind has gotten dark
Your soul brands his mark
Hold your tongue and tell no secrets
For ignorance is bliss
Here in the apocalypse.
Diana May 2020
I believe in the sycamore trees
As they cast their reflection upon the seas
They tower above us, tall and grand
The commandant of the untamed land

I believe in the whispering breeze
They travel the lands in burst full sprees
They swirl akin against an azure sky
A dance hidden from the human eye

I believe in the rising sun
A watchful mother bested by none
A warming presence waiting up high
A shining gemstone upon the sky

I believe in mellow humankind
Benign and tender in our mind
That we can bring some good to this life
To rid the world of worry and strife

__ OrcasTogether
Whether it be through mountains of snow or the scorching summer heat, just keep trudging on.
युवराज हे क्या कारण, क्यों खोये निज विश्वास?
मुखमंडल पे श्यामल बादल ,क्यूँ तुम हुए निराश?
चुप चाप  खोये  से रहते ,ये  कैसा कौतुक  है?
इस राष्ट्र के भावी शासक,पे आया क्या दुःख है?

आप  मंत्री वर  बुद्धि ज्ञानी ,मैं ज्ञान आयु में आधा ,
ना निराश हूँ लेकिन दिल में,सिंचित है छोटी एक बाधा.
पर आपसे कह दूँ ऐसे ,कैसे थोड़ा सा घबड़ाऊँ
पितातुल्य हैं श्रेयकर मेरे,इसीलिए थोड़ा सकुचाऊँ .     

अहो कुँवर मुझसे कहने में, आन पड़ी ये कैसी बाधा?
जो भी विपदा तेरी राजन, हर लूँगा है मेरा वादा .
तब जाकर थोड़ा सकुचा के, कहता है युव राज,
मेरे  दिल पे एक तरुणी  का, चलने लगा है राज .

वो तरुणी  मेरे मन पर ,हर दम यूँ छाई रहती है ,
पर उसको ना पाऊँ मैं,किंचित परछाई लगती है.
हे मंत्री वर उस तरुणी का, कैसे भी पहचान करें,
उसी प्रेम का राही मैं हूँ, इसका एक निदान करें .

नाम देश ना ज्ञात कुँवर को , पर तदवीर बताया,
आठ साल की कन्या का,उनको तस्वीर दिखाया.
उस तरुणी के मृदु चित्र , का मंत्री ने संज्ञान लिया ,
विस्मित होकर बोले फिर, ये कैसा अभियान दिया .

अहो कुँवर तेरा भी कैसा,अद्भुत है  ये काम
ये तस्वीर तुम्हारी हीं,क्या वांछित है परिणाम?
तेरी माता को पुत्र था, पुत्री की भी चाहत थी ,
एक कुँवर से तुष्ट नहीं न, मात्र पुत्र से राहत थी .

चाहत जो थी पुत्री की , माता ने यूँ साकार किया,
नथुनी लहंगे सजा सजा तुझे ,पुत्री का आकार दिया.
छिपा कहीं रखा था जिसको, उस पुत्री का चित्र यही है,
तुम प्रेम में पड़ गये खुद के , उलझन ये विचित्र यही है .

उस कन्या को कहो कहाँ, कैसे तुझको ले आऊं मैं ?
अद्भुत माया ईश्वर की , तुझको कैसे समझाऊँ मैं ?
तुम्हीं कहो ये चित्र सही पर , ये चित्र तो सही नहीं ,
मन का प्रेम तो सच्चा तेरा , पर प्रेम वो कहीं नहीं .

कुँवर  प्रेम  ये  तेरा वैसा  , जैसा मैं जग से करता हूँ ,
खुद हीं से मैं निर्मित करता खुद हीं में विस्मित रहता हूँ .        
मनोभाव तुम्हारा हीं ठगता ,इससे  हीं व्याप्त रहा जग तो ,  
हाँ ये अपना पर सपना है,पर सपना  प्राप्त हुआ किसको?
ये कविता एक बुजुर्ग , बुद्धिमान मंत्री और उसके एक अविवाहित राजकुमार के बीच वार्तालाप पर आधारित है. राजकुमार हताशा की स्थिती में महल के प्राचीर पर बैठा है . मंत्री जब राजकुमार से हताशा का कारण पूछते हैं , तब राजकुमार उनको कारण बताता है. फिर उत्तर देते हुए मंत्री राजकुमार की हताशा और इस जग के मिथ्यापन के बीच समानता को कैसे उजागर करते हैं, आइये देखते हैं इस कविता में .
Candles on the floor, Angels ignored
Blood on the wall
Enlightenment forevermore

Fallen angels beg for mercy
Screams echo throughout
Yesterday a fading memory
Us children locked out

Its as I feared
God bailed out.
In these dark times, I cry
Though the dream has come at a close
I keep my head held high
Because I will not surrender, not to my foes

I have the courage to fight for what I love
The knowledge to see through the darkness
In these times I will heal those empty
No matter how black their soul is
I will raise their consciousness, Bring out their happiness
Because this world is twisted, utterly infected
But I hereby give out my own energy
So the world might be mended...
So the world might be mended...
Through my jagged
Rhymes mine and yours
My time be tattered
My words cloaked by daggers
Rusting and broken-unclipped
Slightly tragic
Shall have some lyric
Inasmuch much ragged pith
If your love is for us dogged creatures
It finds a prickly finish
Much like a yellow rose that hides
In a thorned spine
Tearing your fabric
To reveal your true nature
Based on an Middle English poem.
Sheila Greene May 2020
Carefully arranging your
glistening pink shards
To create a masterpiece
Of colorful glass
decorating my soul

All the shattered pieces you loathe in your self
Shine brightly to me
I hang them up for all the world to see
We have nothing to hide

But most of all, I want to cut you open
Peeling *Layer by layer
Revealing the secrets of you
That you have yet to whisper to anyone
And only in pain can you reveal

Wrap them in fine silk
Place them in a vault*
Stashed ** safely where only we can find
I'll never let them go

Hidden ****** secrets, the pain
The parts we hide
Trust so binding
It's love
But to free it for the world to see
A rare gem indeed.
We all are guilty of hiding something from the world.  It's a special kind of love and admiration for someone to see through all the things we don't like about us for fear of persecution.
Keiya Tasire Apr 2020
The sun, shined warmly this morning.
Yet by noon the rain clouds rolled in.
We donned our sweaters and hats.
Yet off they came and the clouds parted
And the sun began to shine.   

Facing the sun
It warmed our cheeks
Lifted our souls.
Our hearts understood
Even when it rains
The sun continues to shine
Above and between the clouds.

COVID-19 is just like a little rain
In the larger scheme of Life.
When trouble comes
We don our coats
And remove them
The sun shines  hot upon us.

Day after day,
Season after season
Year after year
Looking between the clouds
Lifting our eyes to the Light
Noticing the wheels
Within the wheels
And cycles within cycles

It is the same within
As is above.
The sun in its orbit
With the Earth revolving
And turning upon itself
Inward around the sun.
Season after season
Circling, around
The evolving celestial paths.
Until this too is but a memory of long ago
When the COVID viruses used to roam the earth.
And this too shall one day pass into history. For there is a part of us that will always remain eternal and never die.
As I walk down the spiraling staircase
Blood of tears run down my cheeks
I open the door to that room, that place
Where my soul will be set ablaze
A wonderful place
Filled with so many freaks
An awful place
Filled with so many screams
I'm wide awake in this dream
I wish to go back to sleep
But here I lay and here I'll bleed
Because I..
I believed.
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