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Keiya Tasire Apr 2020
The sun, shined warmly this morning.
Yet by noon the rain clouds rolled in.
We donned our sweaters and hats.
Yet off they came and the clouds parted
And the sun began to shine.   

Facing the sun
It warmed our cheeks
Lifted our souls.
Our hearts understood
Even when it rains
The sun continues to shine
Above and between the clouds.

COVID-19 is just like a little rain
In the larger scheme of Life.
When trouble comes
We don our coats
And remove them
The sun shines  hot upon us.

Day after day,
Season after season
Year after year
Looking between the clouds
Lifting our eyes to the Light
Noticing the wheels
Within the wheels
And cycles within cycles

It is the same within
As is above.
The sun in its orbit
With the Earth revolving
And turning upon itself
Inward around the sun.
Season after season
Circling, around
The evolving celestial paths.
Until this too is but a memory of long ago
When the COVID viruses used to roam the earth.
And this too shall one day pass into history. For there is a part of us that will always remain eternal and never die.
As I walk down the spiraling staircase
Blood of tears run down my cheeks
I open the door to that room, that place
Where my soul will be set ablaze
A wonderful place
Filled with so many freaks
An awful place
Filled with so many screams
I'm wide awake in this dream
I wish to go back to sleep
But here I lay and here I'll bleed
Because I..
I believed.
Angels asking for help
And begin to cry
Society too braindead
So they give no reply
Demons running rampant
Where is God? He is absent
Who can save us? He who gives no judgment
The replacement

Earth shrouded in darkness
Promises never kept
No solace
In a world so clueless

The world as we know it is burning
But it's not a terrible ending
Because in its ashes
Will come a new beginning
A new world filled with laughter, interesting characters
And bloodsuckers
A world we all deserve

To all sinners.
jolly May 2020
There she lays
a figment of my despair
with cowering eyes
and tainted blood
torn in her mind
****** for eternity
there she lays
alone and bleak
glaring at the starless night sky
with feathers falling like the stars
trapped between worlds
from all the evil she has come to know
and here I kneel
crying for salvation
cheeks stained with tears of blood
....wondering why I never truly belonged
hey, I am a 19-year-old girl who always bottled up her emotions but I found that all I need is ink and paper to stop this heaviness in my chest. I am not a good writer but I hope that one day I will be.
if you are reading this thank you and I will appreciate it if you comment after reading.
veevee May 2020
Said the tall new candle
To the gnarled old one
That was a fraction of its size:
"I am pristine and slender,
As you are charred and gnarled.
White is my skin with
No blemishes and no black marks.
I pity you for much longer
Than you shall I burn."

"I am all that you say,
Young pristine candle.
Long may you retain
Your good looks.
But there is one thing,
This candle would like to impart:  
I shine bright and without fear,
Till I am candle no more
And true flame have become."
Reflections from one generation to another
Shadow May 2020
Become one with the wind
The ones that can move mountains and dunes
Become one one with the stars
The ones that shine so bright on the darkest days
Become one with the oceans and seas
The ones that can swallow cities whole
Become become the shining sun
Become the spirit
That gives life to it all
Become yourself
Mind enclosed
Body controlled
Soul exposed
Behold, I am that which is owned

Pleasure in pain
Pain in pleasure
I giveth to the altar
So please
Set my soul aflame
Anything for a little fame.
Are you prepared for the coming war?
Better repent
Cuz they want more
More atrocities, more tragedies
A singular movement
For a one-world government
Don't ask why
Spiritual progress is truly complex
Down is up, up is down
Such are the ways when the sun goes down
Where the moon moves high
Way above the clouds.
Wolves beware, there is a sheep among us
That I swear

He is frolicking about, knows no boundaries
Which isn't allowed
Not in this world
In which we own

He has seen the unseen, spoken the unspoken
For that, he should become one of us
An aristocrat
Destruction brings creation
So we'll break him, build him up
Then place him in a new direction

Morality is for the weak
Who cares who we hurt
If it fulfills our needs

Money brings happiness
But it is also poisonous
Greed, such an awful mistress
Always controlling, never understanding
All we want
Is to be free.
Big Virge May 2020
Ya Know …
My Form of... " Spiritual "...
Is Really... Quite Simple...

Live In PEACE And KEEP Negativity...
Where It... NEEDS To Be... !!!

In A Place Where It's CHANNELED...
To... Wage War And Battle...
When I Hear... Tittle Tattle...
That's CLEARLY NOT Factual... !!!

So My Spiritual Dives...
Into Musical Vibes BOTH Day and Night...
It Also... ENLIGHTS'...
Via These Words That I Write... !!!

But Get Your Mind RIGHT... !!!
That's NOT Arrogance I TRY YES I TRY... !!!!
To KEEP Some Humility RIGHT BY My Side... !!!

Because Spiritually... Sometimes I'm Inclined...
To Be BRAGGADOCIOS In Words That I Write... !!!!!!!!!

See My Spirit Has Sides I'm TRYING To Find... !!!!!

That'll Help Me GROW Into Being MORE Wise... !!!
Like Guys Whose Vibe Rolls With Guidelines...
Like Letting Love SHINE And To Look For Good Times...
So That I Live My Life... In A Vein That DETAINS...

Letting PAIN RULE My Mind... !!!!!!

But Balance... DEFINED...
Means My Spirit Sometimes...
Let's ANGER... " PRESIDE "... !!!

When Speaking of CRIMES of Human Designs...
That PROVE That Their Spirits …
Are … DEAD To The LIVING... !!!

But LIVING... To The DEAD... !!!
YEAH... That's What I SAID... !!!

LIVING... To The DEAD... !!!

Spirits Whose Heads...
Are FAR From................ Level.............. !!!!!

Energies DISHEVELLED And Clinically MENTAL...
NO WORD Like DEVIL... Can Define Or Stencil... !!!!!

What THESE Spirits Are..... ?
That Move in... " THE DARK "... !?!

Their CALL YES... " HARKS "...
of... POISONED Hearts...
Who THINK They're SMART... !!!

UNTIL Their Spirit UPLIFTS Their Thinking...
To A Place Where... SINNING...
is Left To DIMINISH From Start To FINISH... !!!!

So That NEW Beginnings...
KEEP Balance Linking...
To Spirits Like Shippings...
Connected To Fishing..... !!!

As I Wrote THAT Line...
My Spirit Took FLIGHT..............

Cos' My Mind Went.... B   K....
Yup... Just Like THAT... !!!!!

But My Spirit Took OVER...
And Tapped Me On The Shoulder... !!!!!

... DEEP Inside My Mind...
For Me To FIND That Line... !!!

Shipping To Fishing...
Is That Lyric Now SINKING...........
DEEP Down In Your Thinking... ?!?

NO Di Caprio' Though... !!!
That's A Big Virge Quote... !!!

Make SURE That YOU KNOW...
Cos' My Spirit ALWAYS SHOWS...

.... IMPECCABLE Flows.... !!!

Whether Rhyme or Prose...
Cos' My Spirit EXPLODES...
Right From My Core Node... !!!

Or... Solar Plexus... !!!!!
STRONG Like... Lexus...
CONNECTED Like Nexus...

Because My Senses....
Go WAY BEYOND Endless... !!!!!!

So NOW You Can See...
That I'm Spiritually DEEP...

AWAKE Or Asleep...
Cos' My Spirit STILL Breathes...
Cos' It's.... PURE ENERGY.... !!!!

Well That's MY BELIEF..... !!!

It's Clearly What FEEDS …
My NEED To Drop Speech...
And Write Poetry That Hopefully Seeks...

To Do MORE Than Teach... !!!

It's Aim Is To REACH And TOUCH The Psyches...
of Peeps' In The STREETS And ALL Humanity.... !!!!

To LET GO of...
ALL of This INSANITY... !!!!!

That's On The INCREASE... !!!!!!!

MORE Balance And PEACE... !!!!!!!

Cos' It's Something That FEEDS...
... From WAY UP Above... !!!

So This Is My Ritual...

To USE What I Write...
To Connect To My...

..... " Spiritual ".....
It's a deep thing to me .........
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