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Jordan Gee Jul 2022

I’m sitting in the 8am sun by the end the driveway,
trying to get a handle on the day.
folding chair
house basket
such is my custom
and my delight.
driveways are a luxury this part of town.
my back is to the brick
sidewalk to my right
sunshine upon my face and forehead
eyes closed.
a rundown hispanic fellow
about my age
from nowhere
out of my blind,
asking for a lighter.
my eyes open and all is light.
he recognized my lighter sheath
heavy *** metal with the bottle opener at the bottom
told me that he had had the same one;
picked it up from some no name bodega
out of where he originated in
spanish harlem.
he began telling me his life story, you see.
he never heard the word
‘****’ until he moved to
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
told me he was the black sheep
of the little family he had left,
and that he hadn’t seen them in years.
he stood before me on the sidewalk
in the morning sunlight.
I asked him for a cigarette.
he was raised tangled in
a cultural straight jacket;
one tailored to his demographic.
an urban person of color.
his Divine Masculine
red lined and impoverished.
hand me down outfit
tj max rap music video.
I told him I identified as a stray dog,
sitting by the end of the driveway
8am sun.
he told me he was just doing the best he could.
best he can
with what he got.
our hearts were bleeding there together
pooling up on the driveway
8am sunshine
sky, blueish white.
I told him where I worked,
gave him the address
told him
come get some free samples of CBD.

everyday I forget that
it isn’t my job
save anyone.
he’s walking away with a limp up west orange.
i close my eyes.
I hope he doesn’t need any CBD.

©️  Jordan Gee
Savio Fonseca Jul 2022
Let the flow of Love, surround Me
and fill My Heart, with Joy and Peace.
Let the Waves of Passion, move Freely.
So their flow thru Me, doesn't Cease.
Let the Sound of Love, keep Ringing.
So My Words run, Clear and Strong.
Let My body Cells, rejoice in Singing.
To a Heart, which My Feelings Belong.
Let My Feeling for Love, stay with Me.
So My Nights, have a Beautiful Dream.
Let My Boat of Love, sail Peacefully.
On Waters, of a never ending Stream.
Let the flow of Love, be Vibrant.
As I travel, on the Highway of Life.
Sharing Love with Family and Friends
and with the Woman, in My Life.
It’s fun to Journey, inside my mind,
The more I search, the more I find,
Many Visions, messages, positive signs,
I collect, rearranging, into understandable lines,
What ever I’m thinking about, at that moment, in time.

The original: Tom Maxwell © 3/30/2022 AD
I’ve met a lot of people, as I travel, through life this time,
Searching, for my purpose, mixing the energy in my mind,
There are countless messages, and inspirations, at any moment,
In time, then I search, sort, and mix, to see what I find,
None of us should plan for a perfect grade, in life this time,
I thank God for this chance to discover and being so kind.
When my journey in this life ends, the smoke, from,
My cremation will rise up, like a dark cloud,
Floating towards the sky, and it will fade,
Only then my soul will travel on, more to discover, another stage.
My material possessions will be left, somewhere they will lay,
My poems/songs, read, learn, share, for now, and the future,
Change the worldwide negatives, to positives, harder each day,
In a few short moments, memories of me in this life will fade.
The Original: Tom Maxwell © 11/27/2022AD 4:20 am
All the words, I print out of letters,
I do not read over… to impress me,
I’ve experienced the visions, in my thoughts,
The best feeling inspiring others, as they read.

This life is not, a selfish journey in space,
Sharing positive thoughts along, each day,
Helps others and myself process this life,
As we travel on our paths, in different ways.

None of us would survive, on this planet earth,
Without the ideas, from past, and recent times,
Now mixing our knowledge, and suggestions together,
New generations, will sort and separate in their minds.

The Original: Tom Maxwell © 11/16/2018
Glenn Currier Dec 2021
Thinking of my closest relationships
makes me marvel at what a fool I am.
A map of the streams of my loves
would show small settlements
tiny villages where I’ve rested
from my frantic search for meaning -
spaces made by nights of talking and sharing -
spaces of kisses, cries,
shouts and whispers that kept together
the threads we coiled into a chord
of memories.

Memories of foolish leaps we both made
into a friendship, a kinship, a marriage
a co-creation.

What faith abides in me that causes
me to abandon logic for love?
It is a mystery to me
how I can stay in this embrace
despite our divergencies?

But it is a splendid mystery
I celebrate.
I bow to my new friend ruqayyah I met on this website. His poem, “keep your friends close” caused me to write this poem. It is about the trust necessary for close relationships of all kinds. I think of my relationship with my relatives, my friends, my church, my wife. All of these are based on some degree of trust.
Nicoline Fougner Dec 2021
What better human quality than generosity?
They say sharing is caring, who could disagree?
Sharing bread, sharing bed, sharing deep intimacy
Sharing souls, sharing hearts, sharing vulnerability  

But a world without sharing is a world that stopped caring
Without care, love will fade and cause lack of compassion
Division of humankind, is what causes war of nations
Borders are border line, they impede freedom of roaming  

Don’t you think it’s absurd how people will decide
How much they’ll share with you,
How much they’ll care for you
Depending on where you’re born or you reside

Whilst the truth is that we share - the same entire planet
Borders caused our division - and used us all as puppets
To get richer and be better than those outside our borders
Made us greedy, made us needy to increase our own possessions

Some might think sharing means - losing parts of what is yours
But where true love persists - all that is mine is also yours
Sharing doesn’t halve happiness; you’ll see it multiplies it
Possession is what grows greed and the bad weeds that surround it
Jack R Fehlmann Sep 2021
Yes! Given access
Yet again.
I've wanted or more so
This. An outlet.
Somewhere to place the emotions
Kept, felt, endured and enduring.
A place of thought and introspection.
For I live.  
In itself meaning highs and lows
Felt and known.
Poetic postings
mary liles Aug 2021
i have never had to share
not a room
not a bathroom
not clothes
i have never had to share
and now i cannot share my heart
Rama Krsna Aug 2021
sharing this tiramisu ~~
the one more in love
gets a little less

© 2021

inspired by the japanese haiku poet keisanjin
dedicated to all those who are willing to share their desserts unconditionally
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