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Spencer Dennison Aug 2014
A sound.
crr crrraa
Not unlike that of an egg hatching.
But there is no egg,
There is only my skin...
And it's cracking.

Slowly at first,
with no hurry or hesitance,
My epidermis is no longer flesh,
it is a resin.
A coating made to contain.
To mask.
To shroud.
But the clouds upon the surface
are waning enough to almost
see inside.

I crack.
Emerges pure hatred,
A spirit of vengeance.
I am no longer human,
if indeed, I ever was.
I am not NOT me.
I am more me than ever.

In seeing your horror,
your fear at what I am,
I retreat back inside my shell.
Ready to visit upon you visions of hell
when next I crack.
It's dark in here, right now.
I know deep inside,
That this vindication,
was an indication of my hate,
and it came around pretty late.

It was built up rage,
let loose from its cage,
and I put it up on a stage.

I could've avoided it all,
had I remained calm.

I could've avoided this disaster,
Had I not drove on,
Especially when my minds red light was on.

I guess I am to blame,
for your claim and things will never be the same,
I guess I am to blame.
I was inspired after reading this......'Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. and the harm we do, we do to ourselves.' An excerpt from The Five People you Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Noel Aug 2014
It's hard to see logic when I only hear lies
it's tough to keep fighting when you're running in disguise.

I need to know the truth but when I stare into your eyes
every second that I look it seems a piece of me dies.  

You wear this mask to hide your face
its shame and guilt that took its place.

Tell me please what have I done
I fear my hand which holds this gun.  

Was it me who lost your heart
Or was it he who made it start?  

Tell me *****, did you love this fling
I can't hear you past this awful ring.

No more lies just tell me straight  
Oh no you're dead, I shot, too late...
Just Melz Aug 2014
She slowly started to hear what sounded like whispers in the distance, her mind was at ease though.  It felt like a bed she was laying on, plush, maybe even extra pillows under her head. Her face ached more than she thought possible and trying to open her eyes made her head throb more than she could stand.  

There was a shadow in the distance, a man, standing perfectly still. She could only make out his shape but he seemed familiar, friendly. She finally felt safe though, for the first time in days. The man said something she couldn't understand, then he rushed to her side.

"Clara, you're awake! Finally! It's been 12 hours. How are you feeling?" he said rushed and excitedly.

"Uncle Frankie?" she asked weakly.

"Yes Sweetie, I'm here, you're safe now" he said with a big awkward smile. He'd always been awkward, since she was a little girl, but he was her dad's little brother and she loved him like a father.

"What happened?", she was so confused, the last few days were a blur of fists and guns in her mind.

"Johnny BlackHeart and his crew kidnapped you Clara. They held you captive for days, called us for ransom and demands, said they'd torture you if we didn't comply.  We finally found out where they were keeping you yesterday, me and the guys came in guns blazing and killed most of the guards. We thought we'd lost you for a few minutes but George got you out just in time. We're so lucky you made it."

She took all this in and in the next instant all the memories came rushing back, the beatings, the restraints, all of it.  She sat up quickly, refusing her uncles hand for help.

"We need a family meeting, now! Get George and the boys in here immediately!" she said angrily.

"What are you going to do?" he asked wearily.

She looked at him like it should have been obvious but she said it anyways, in the calmest voice she could.

"Get Revenge"
The next chapter in my "mafia" story. If you haven't, I suggest you read Clara Pt.1 too.  There shall be several more chapters to this story.  I hope you all like it. Thanx for reading!
Spencer Dennison Aug 2014

Perhaps when you lay in the most bitter of agony,
when suffering is laced in every fiber of your skin,
When the hangman's noose begins to fray
and your broken body on cold cobblestone lay,
perhaps then I could even try to begin.

Perhaps when you have felt as you have made me feel,
taste damnation as it was inflicted by your very own hands,
when through penance and pain I have made you see,
through brotherhood if not through empathy,
perhaps I'll quail when a blow most brutal lands.

Perhaps when your mind is in bitter fragments,
when your crops are burnt and no cattle does live,
maybe through some amusing twist of fate
despite the fact it will have been much too late,
I'll find it in my broken heart to, in time, forgive.
Jackeline Chacon Aug 2014
I know I hurt you well
It may have been wrong

But I have no regrets
I planned it all along

I can hit you harder
Harder than a knife

I always get revenge
Remember me for life
Darnel Aug 2014
You caused me pain
But thats my fuel
That fuel will be used for revenge
And my revenge is being
And being successful will make you sorry
Darnel .h ©
And follow
Alexandria Hope Aug 2014
You made “you and I” not exist
And that’s kinda cool in an aesthetic sense
But when I ****** dry your essence
I could taste only me in your skin

You took the chord and chewed it
Tore it with your incisor and spit it in my teeth
Children of the gourd
Children of the gourd
We swim in eels’ flesh
We mix with organs gutted and bleached
From fish in a factory

My fingernail split the cuticle and fell
Curling into your ear
That all you hear of me is mine on a chalkboard
And in a dream my bones rotted
Dancing against your form and encasing you to me
That my touch is nothing but raw and unwanted
I popped your cornea into the pocket of my cheek
Stole your vision for only that of me
That such a vision is now irritating and blinding

Lover lost I blew you away like dust to the wind
Every light popped and sizzled to show mercy
Then I whispered “to the pain” and cupped a vial of our blood
You made “you and I” not exist
But you drank deep until you drained me
And I could taste only me in your skin.
littlejoelle Aug 2014
the world is

s p i n n i ng

around us

and I'm down
to my last puff

in a row of shots
the last drop

but let's linger
a little
longer -

we'll play our songs
on repeat

and sometime later,

maybe when we think
we're done talking
and telling
and recalling
all those moments
that got us

f a l l i ng

I'll get up,
take your hand

and pull you up
to your feet

I'll reach out to you -
put my arms around
your neck
and let yours
my waist

I'll ask you
do you
how we swayed
will you
even after
this is


or maybe,
just maybe,
I won't

I'll ask you this instead
close your eyes

I'll tell you,
make a wish

leaning in,
I'll whisper,
you can always
ask for this

and right before
you're about to

just as how
you had me

r e e l i n g



slip away

this time, I get to do the leaving
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