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Frank Sherwood Nov 2017
Hell draws closer and closer
While the sun rains on the unsuspecting
With this asphyxiation,
the sweat beads
The world I was born in, filters out the weak

UV beams on all the eyes can see
Its immoral waters, it's continuity
No condolences given for those who can't handle the steam
This is the sunshine State, the land of selfish means
And unforgiving gleam.
Sometimes you gotta beat the heat.
Angela Rose Oct 2017
I did not etch our initials into a tree
That was so common, so typical
Our love was not
Instead, I carved our initials into a rock
True love
Rocks don’t die, they don’t wither away when they aren’t given enough sunlight or water and pass on on the night
Rocks do not get chopped down when nobody is looking and disappear without remnants
Our love was timeless
Young love seemed so juvenile to what I felt
Is that even a thing anymore?
I thought it was when I was fifteen
Our love was definite, never ending
The letters you wrote me every day for an entire summer
The umbrella you delivered in the midst of a rainstorm
The lyrics to “You Are My Sunshine” posted against my window at 6 AM
The endless songs and medleys you wrote in my honor
Rocks do not pass on in the night and leave you hanging
Rocks are permanent
So I thought

As it goes, rocks die too
Rocks have a life span of at most thirty six hours
Despite contrary belief rocks die as well
Just like our love
Kayla Sep 2017
Take me back to last summer
To 4am laying on a damp blanket
Under a dark sky sprinkled with stars,
The quiet envelope of night,
Next to a warm breathing body,
An entity of love

To slowly closing eyes and then
To open them and find that
streak of light sprint across the night canvas
Your hand squeezes mine as you say
“Did you see that?!”
“Yes,” I say but the stars are only beautiful
Because they are here with you

And now we are back in your car
The heat is turned on high and
I am wrapped in your blanket
Falling asleep in your passenger seat
I thought for sure I’d kiss your lips tonight
But our relationship is still young,
and we are both so shy
So I let you kiss my cheek - that is enough

You look so beautiful
even now
At five in the morning  
with tired eyes, a sleepy smile
And a drowsy sway
Simply amazing
Just like the night sky.
Kitt Aug 2017
Chapped lips carry a searing burn
in memory of your scalding kisses
So thus they ache and yearn
throbbing in agonizing reminiscence

As we sought the key that might unstuck
the hallowed steel floodgates of our innocence
We found instead a stroke of bittersweet luck
in respect, I vowed to resist my own appetence

I meet you here in the overgrown tangle of garden
that once nurtured what I let fall to waste
Under the pale moonlight laden in pardon
that I beg from you as I crave another taste

Smashing my precious memories
shattering my gears
Now I beg mercy of my former self
as she caves to icy fears.
Your Name Here Jun 2017
Just needed one look,
as I gazed into ur telling eyes
to know the fire is still burning,
obvious it's still alive.
And baby girl its heating up,
catching wind, it strives.
Stretching to the pearly white clouds,
it disperses through the sky.

Your lips were smirked,
coated a hint of chocolate brown.
Melted right through me,
knocked all my defenses down.
Became Lost in ur look,
like a pouting puppy in the pound.
Perched on ur throne,
defiant, just missing ur crown.

Then as quickly as you arrived,
you instantly left.
Had me stunned and shook,
drowning with regret.
Missing the photgraphed chokers,
softly fit, yet snug on ur neck.
Fell back on reminiscing of the night,
the magical night we first met.
True story
PoeticPresident Jun 2017
I look at the waves
and feel the ocean breeze;
the cold atmosphere to my skin
leaving me with goosebumps
But not until you come
and wrap your arms around me
We'd sit together and look at the stars
Play connect the dots
while trying to find the constellation
We form our own shapes
and talk about how we'll create
our own little Utopia
while looking at the midnight sky

the grapes you pop into my mouth
The sweetness is like the kisses
you plant on my lips,
even when I cry
And everything I do,
you wrap your arms around me
and let my tears wet your shirt
You then rub my back and remind me
that the good outweighs the bad
even on my darkest days

I swear you're magnetic
because even when you're away
I can still feel your aura
The burning passion and affection
that we have for each other
is predestined for eternity
But baby,
when we arrive home
the land will carry us
and we'll uphold our values
for pessimisstic beliefs
are just myths
because love does exist
And man, this one that we have
is sureal
It's real,
but it's like it's not
because it's like living in a fantasy
It's just orange soda you see
Tastes delicious
when it touches my taste buds
and goes down my throat
into my stomach

Tupac said to Jada
that she brings him
to ****** without ***
and baby, I give those words to you

I wanna live with you
even when we're ghosts
or magical creatures in Utopia
So that we can plant our love
on various people who are like us;
Predestined for eternity

You're my euphoria...
Leanna Miller Sep 2016
I long - for the stars in my sight...
These days are dull  - not like the night.
The night sky glistens with twinkles high above.
I yearn..
to fall with the sunset
and think of things I will never forget.....
I like this pub.
Not too loud so you can't think.
Not too quiet so that you can't
help but think.

An old Cambridge pub called
the Portland Arms.
I've recently taken to drinking
whiskey straight, enjoying the burn.

The music is mediocre but
the people seem genuine enough.
Not that that matters anyway
when you're drinking alone.
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