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Anne Jul 2018
I think you're making a big mistake
But it’s your decision to make
Seeing you going hurts
Just throwing me from the thin air like dirt
I tell myself to let go and move on
Now you’re feeling regrets
Yet you come crawling back
Begged for great love
’’Please give me a chance’’
’’I’ve made a mistake’’
It was my favorite mistake you’ve done
One I hope you to make again
Perhaps some mistakes
Demand to be made
To learn something in life
For the future
Mistakes and regrets
Jamie Newton Jun 2018
Haunting whispers call to me while I lay upon my bed

Thoughts of guilt I long to free, to cast from out my head

In the deepest darkness of lonely night I see a flicker turn to flashes

Ghostly memories before my sight played out from our pasts ashes

By J.N
I made this very short poem before sleep thankfully claimed me, i will add to it as time goes on, no doubt during other nights of insomnia.
Jamie Newton Jun 2018
I feel the pain and I push it away

I’ll Fill my mind with other stuff today

Yet you creep back in it’s hard to shake

Wondering what you think and feel is hard to take

I don’t know a thing, I’m in the dark

My Parental pain tears at my heart

The only thing that was sweet and pure

Lost to me through class A allure  

I’m sorry baby, you will never know

How I roll in pain and agony so

But not for me, but for precious you

A daddy should be a proud and stable statue

I let you down and destroyed my soul

I don't know who i am now, or where to go

I’ve lost my baby, my heart and my pride

The grass is never greener on the other side

I will carry on fighting and I will never stop

I will get you back I will come out on top...

Yeah right, my fate is sealed

No more cuddles, no more love I finally yield.

Take her and take her fast

And while you’re there point that gun and blast

Oh that would be so simple, such an easy way out

Just stupid thoughts from a useless lout

I’m in a bad place, a deep depression, in a fudge

Hours and days and thousands of pounds in front of a judge

To no avail, I sit back broken and bent

dead inside from the years fighting I've spent

She was my anchor, my hopes and my pride

She was also my deepest fears on an opposite tide

Now those fears have finally come true

9 months 13 days and 2 hours since I last saw you.

By J.N
E McNamara Jun 2018
if you act perfectly happy for too long
a darkness will grow inside you
and will spill like blood.
regrets, screams
things you wanted to say
things you wanted to do
all the hits you took
which led to all the punches you pulled.
as your thinned heartstrings
finally snap,
you will too
and your fire will burn the world alive.
it's okay to let people see you cry
it's okay to scream and yell
it's okay to not be perfect
it's so much healthier to not be perfectly happy all the time
Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2018
Go with the flow, quit resisting change,
Hour by hour time is running out,
Stay up all night, you can sleep when you're dead,
Make lasting memories, forget regrets,  you're better without.
I'll sleep when I'm dead
Ana Ehlana Jun 2018
I’ve got scars on my heart
flaws on my skin
but I’ve got no hate in me
& a thousand regrets for my sins
nihiliti Jun 2018
gently beckon
the sweet words with
slivertongue fingers
slowly, steady
'til all is ready

placate them with lemonade
and roses for the sweetly grave
snipped especial so to save
their souls' decay
as it were
in olden day

gaily affair we
singing high and merr'ly
and twirl as tiny fairies
do in mid-summer eves

sprinkled loves
and lists
of hopes and kisses
and corpse-like tenderness
it sickens

so do the sweet words sour
and I alone this hour
do turn the tables paleweak
and weep them
so they sink
into my nothing
I keep
oh so dearly

how sincerely
I do try
to **** them softly
and dry the eyes
of mourners
far and wide
but alas
they always die

the end is my domain
Never was one for parties.
Hannah Draycott Jun 2018
Nowadays, I am a particularly content person.
I write, I study, I watch, I socialise (but only on Wednesdays)
and I am alone.
I have officially finished with the nasty business of a relationship, in fact, I don't think I'm relationship material at all.
All in all, I'm okay with where I am in life.

But at night,
I have to close my bedroom door.
I have to close it as soon as I turn out the lights, so the ghosts of my past regrets don't come sneaking in and come creeping into my head while I sleep.
I must keep them out of me, it's not my fault you see.
I tried so hard to help them all but I'm not as strong as I seem.

I accept my life of sin and solitude.
I'm happy this way, honestly, it's the truth.
You have to believe me, you must.
Recently, I've been questioning why I'm happy and I think it's because I'm not used to being happy that I'm refusing to allow myself to really endorse the feeling. Either that or I'm only pretending to be happy
Vener Jun 2018
If only
I had
said all the
things I
instead of
what you

it wasn't worth it.

you weren't worth it.
I feel so sorry for all of my characters. I can't help but give them problems ;-;
This one is for my boi Alejandro
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