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Leave me
You following things
Stop sticking to my back like feathers
I am an ostrich
Stuck to the ground
I am a penguin
Slipping on the ice
I wish I could trade in these heavy wings
And sweep away these feathers
And take to the sky
Using nothing but my bare arms
forestfaith Jun 2018
Parasites in my mind, manipulating my life.
I can't figure out whats mine.
The voice in my head commands me with no regret, I hate that, yet I feel bad.
My heart it hurts, is it that voice in my head that's worse or is it the explosive pain of my heart that's the curse?
Falling apart, my mind controlled, my heart bursting apart.
Faiza Arakkal Jun 2018
There’s these nights when I go on a tour back to my past.
Taking stroll on all the Shouldn’t have, Could haves.
But isn’t that all what makes us more human?
Mistakes and regrets?
If we no longer had those, we would be too perfect to be called as Humans.
Arke Jun 2018
monogamy means I am a thing
an object possessed by someone else
their trophy, their conquest
their maid and chef, too

I want to be loved, not owned
held loosely and with courage
treasured, valued, and desired
instead of confined to chains

monogamy is stifling
monogamy is jealous
monogamy is cruel
monogamy is immuring

I have always been your everything
rather than comforting, it's exhausting
love is complex but not binding
and sometimes love isn't enough

fifty years down the road
will I regret the time I've spent
being inauthentic and forced
living someone else's dream?
I often feel like I don't belong in the world I'm in. I wish I could want the normative discourses of life.
Kee Jun 2018
I knew I was going to fall in love with him
When I heard his voice on the other side of the phone
I knew I was going to fall in love with him before it was even real between us
And we were tight
Everyday we talked
And everyday we shared
And I realized
That I had fallen in fast
And way too deep
I lost it a few times
But brought myself back on my feet
And he’s knocked me down so many times
Still I rise
And it hurt
But I kept going
Until he said “I cherish you as a friend”
And that’s when I realized
That I swam down to the bottom
And wasn’t sure if I’d make it back up
I’d lost myself in him
And couldn’t find the exit
And all I could was grip
And clutch onto something
That no longer wanted me
I was being held captive by his voice
And by my broken heart
Who just couldn’t let go
I’ll always have love for him
But I know that it won’t ever be
Even all of those times when he said “just wait for me”
I can’t wait any longer
I have a life to live
But I know one day we’ll speak again
And we’ll do these things
All over again
Oskar Erikson Jun 2018
Write to me
about the sun.

Even if we're over
and I'm not fine.

I'll live knowing
your sun can still shine.
japheth Jun 2018
for whatever i do,
with someone new,
there’s a small part of me thinking
it could have been with you.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I am temporary.

I am a fleeting illusion and one day I will be gone;
So enjoy me while you can, because I am temporary.
If you like what I do then I have been heard by someone.
I regret nothing!  I am dumb.  I am full of empathy.

Learn from your mistakes; do not keep making them.
Give up or try harder, time is of no consequence.
The light fades away and we all become grey,
In the end my friend; so savour the taste.

I am just one messenger, in a land of screaming voices.
All the choices we make only bring us more choices.
A violent heart is lonely, truly;
A loving heart is happy, inside empathy.
Any fool with a tool can try to speak,
But I shall only listen to things that interest me.

A stranger in this land, I am becoming.
Forget about me, I am heading for my day of reckoning
And I think in the end, my life will have counted for something.
I wish I could be with you, but time is not our friend;
Goodbye to the good times, I hope we have shared.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

Final ticks on the clock
Hourglass; a few grains
Might not make sense to you
But I am not insane
Feel the end drawing near
I don't have much time left
I'm okay to move on
Only have one regret

Many mornings passed by
Was in bed wrapped up tight
Fire streaked through the sky
And the day replaced night
An explosion of hues
Fire that God had set
The sky painted for me
Did not see; I regret

Or a clear and cold night
Spent locked up and away
Prisoner in my home
By my choice it's this way
Staring at the TV
Often feel like its pet
Should have stared at the stars
Beauty missed; I regret

An assembly of friends
Maybe family event
It could be something small
Or require repent
Those I love and I know
People I have yet met
Socialize; Interact
Did not do; I regret

I followed my heart
And my dreams were alive
Lived each day to the max
Drinking nectar of life
The potential I had
Wasn't lost on a bet
Fairy tale had come true
Dreaming still; I regret
Written: May 28, 2018

All rights reserved.
Shadow Dragon May 2018
Purple and pink
glooms of hope
spark in what
I like to call life.
But my sweet darling
this is no life to live.
Full of regrets
that sail across
the passive mind.
Only to relive
what once wasn't
yellow and orange
juicy drinks
at the beach
with stars above.
The colorful hope
serves limited time
but at last it gives
an after glow.
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