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Sophie May 2019
Memories of you haunt me
I see you everywhere
I remember the short time
And i wish they never were
The way I felt
The smile and laugh
The trust I had
The future I hoped with you
Second, third, forth chances
I wish everything was a dream
A nightmare that I am now
Waking up from
Vekunda Kakujaha Apr 2019
Is that a pang of jealousy I feel?
As you walk past me with a guy that isn’t me
Flash of a quick smile?
Asif to let me know it’s my fault
That you are with him and not me
The world chooses this very instance to freeze
The look on your face
Etched into my mind
The look of a woman reluctantly
Moving on with her life

In that instance
Wishing it was me holding your hand
Wanting to make you mine
Am left with a burning feeling of regret
Regretting all those fleeting moments we shared
Fleeting moments where we were the only ones that existed
Fleeting moments where the world around us didn’t matter
Fleeting moments that we wished would last forever
Fleeting moments I was supposed to make last forever

So I am left with pangs of jealousy
And a feeling of regret
As I remember your smile
Hidden within our fleeting moments

- Vex
zz Apr 2019
I came to you slowly
after you pierced my heart
with your gaze

I came to you slowly
reaching just my fingertips
to ease my fears

I came to you slowly
opening my soul
exposing my flesh

I came to you too slow
after you
already left
Arduino Apr 2019
Yes, I

Pitter patter
On a bitter pattern
Of broken memories that I chitter chat about with little matter

And according to the middle latter statement

I'm a little out of place when
I reminisce about that nasty past

That mask... THAT mask.

The one that covered the area where my face belongs

Which matched PERFECTLY with the shoes I would step in **** with

Telling myself:
"My socks are still clean"

Thinking I could use more chemicals than a Sheen to be Pristine
But that's just artificial heat from a blanket with no seams..

I try to tear apart this quilt
Threaded with empty promises in vain

Inside veins that don't pump blood
They pump shame

I'll never be wrapped in this again..

Covered in unfamiliar skin
Wearing a questionable grin

When in the hell did I begin this transformation?

Self surgery.

Murdering false idols!

******* the very fabric of entertainment.

(Yes I can be a ****)

But I rock an S on my chest over the D..

I'm so sick

My thoughts are so vile
They will leave you ill on your lying lips

There is no use in trying to switch
The shattered reality you now have as a dying wish
***** feet wearing clean shoes
Adina Alvarez Apr 2019
sitting at a corner
being filled with anxieties
trying to put up borders
just to unsee the reality

it's not that I fear what is there for me
it's just that I fear what will be the outcome of me being there

i fear the unknown
the unknown that can also set me free
but only if i choose to undergo the pain it is with

i'm scared
i'm scared to take a step
guided by a rope that i, maybe can lose a grip
that after that i fall and wounds and scars are back again
unrecovered from the alleviating pain
scars that are made, that will forever stay

but after all it's just acceptance
having the confidence to put resistance on hand
maybe, just maybe, i will experience happiness
i will experience the fullness of life
and maybe after all, it could be worth it
it's just that it's inevitable that someone experience the pain of the unknown and that is what i fear
E B K Apr 2019
You gave me every chance
and I burned them all down
Sumaira Asghar Apr 2019
He tiptoes through the dark forest
in the smell of damp earth
combined with old fallen leaves
in this bitter summer eve.
Dull cloudless sky hovers over him
along with the bare limbs
of tall trees while he hears
cooing of birds returning to their nests.
He makes his way slowly,
but his heartbeat is on the run,
rises, falls as if imitating the sun.
A battle of words is taking place inside him,
but he does not dare to whisper.
Stars slip out of existence
and moon is about to set.
Comfort disappears, regrets pose a threat.
Last thread of light casts shadows
on the ground where he treads barefooted.
Waves of nervousness wash over him
whereas folks lumber in peace-
a complete detachment from the scene!
Reaching the far end, he bents
holding his knees, sweating all over
as if his one last hope ends.
to be free of all his burdens.
His eyes catch a glimpse of drowning dawn
making him wonder if the universe
abandoned it too between
transition of day and night
just as he is left out unseen
somewhere between dreams and memories.
He is left out unseen
somewhere between dreams and memories.
bob Apr 2019
Burn the canvas and lose the attire
Just learn from this don’t choose the squire
I’ve lived rich and I’ve lived poor
Laid in a ditch and saw the end so near
Thrown out and cast away
Starving yet drunk lead astray
Good “friends” and good places
Make ammends and fake chases
Looking for redemption or a spot of glory
Searching for salvation in a place not holy
A voice burnt like the scars of time
A choice you learned yet far behind
Apologize and sleep it off
Wake up to realize you’re alone and scoffed
3 years and yet still alone
No more tears you’ve done all you’ve shown
Can’t take back the things that happened
Can’t fix the the rings that cracked and
Still here you are  
Awake 3 am writing in the car
Missing them and knowing they are gone
Wishing them the best knowing you might not see dawn
But none the less you go on
Rambling and talking
Just wishing the life wasn’t the picture you’ve drawn
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