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Celebrating Ramadan amidst the concrete rubble

String lights illuminate hungry faces

To be surrounded by oppression and violence yet sit together at a table to share a feast

That is true resilience.

Love radiates from the dishes, food scarce so they share

No matter the evil, the deathly threats,

They stand together united, all as one,
Their connection un-severed.
Material things, they have none.

To have such joy in dark times
Is to resist the occupation, to be freed
Body, Soul, Spirit, Mind.
My thoughts after seeing the images of those in Gaza breaking their fast.
Safana Mar 2024
Our guest has arrived.
He is about to end his visit.
We began to say farewell before disappearing.
We trust Allah (The Almighty)
has prepared us for another encounter.
To see your appearance again.
Until another day, our friend.
Until another day, our brother.
We bid farewell to our Ramadan.
9 days to end his visit (RAMADAN)
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2022
The evening star
at the sunset of Ramadan.
Mistake it not for a stellar
maybe an embroidery fell down
from the broidery in paradise!
What crosses in your mind, dear
fondly you look back
at this nick of time?

The twilight ambles down
with moonflowers on the hands
is about to wrap up
one more blessed day of Ramadan.
What have you come up with then
for the fasting person on your hand?
What a broad array
you stole the last show of the day!

Singing nightingales keeps musing
deeps down the rose in low light.
The first light shines out
amidst the dawn chorus.
What does it miss out
the nightingales disappears
in broad daylight.

Have you too leave the scene
with the rose dews
only to pour it off the honeyed petals
into the fasting person's glass?    
So cool it tastes a sip of water
at the Iftar!
Zafirah Apr 2021
My favorite pursuit of happiness
is to recite the enchanting verses from the beauteous Quran.
To be lost in its splendor.
To Mesmerize myself with its grandeur.
Breath with pure sublimity.
I can wipe out my woes and blues.
And rise to the majestic heights of glee,
like an uncaged eagle who soared to be free.
Ramadan Mubarak!
Adam Omar Dec 2020
Ramadan is here,
so lets all fast,
it's the ninth month of the year,
lets make it last.

When you see the Ramadan Moon,
up in the sky so bright,
you need to get ready,
to pray all throughout the night.

Now that Isha has passed,
lets get up in congregation,
to pray Taraweeh,
with the Muslim nation.

Ramadan is here,
so lets all fast,
it's the ninth month of the year,
lets make it last.

The first ten days are upon us,
so we need to avoid what's wrong,
keep good intentions,
all day long.

It's the middle days now
when there's things to buy and your phone rings,
don't let these worldly matters,
distract you from doing the right things.

Ramadan is here,
so lets all fast,
it's the ninth month of the year,
lets make it last.

Now it's the last ten days,
lets stay in the mosque for long,
lets do may good deeds,
and avoid what is wrong.

Lal a tul Qadr is upon us,
it's the Night of Power,
let's start praying the Allah(subhanawataallah),
throughout the night for every hour.

Ramadan is here,
so lets all fast,
it's the ninth month of the year,
lets make it last.

Ramadan isn't forever,
so lets do what is right,
avoid doing bad,
with all our might.

Ramadan is here,
so lets all fast,
it's the ninth month of the year,
lets make it last.
Shofi Ahmed Nov 2020
Even the pipilikas maybe
kept an ear to the ground
and heard the men on earth’s
news of the year: it works!
Pfizer-BioNTech jab is out.

Finally the Covid-19
vaccine is on our hand
life hopefully will soon be normal!

Along with everyone else me too
is absolutely over the moon
yet something I can’t forget.
Like how that came months ago
on 27 Ramadan 2020 in London.
I was still in sleep in the morning
in a dream but turned out to be real
indeed touched by lovely safest hands
promptly vaccinated me there and then.

Know not how that could key out
off the safe the trillion dollar vaccine at first!
All I know when that hands of love tie a knot
it becomes the undoable perfect circle.
Imran Islam May 2020
তুমি আমায় ভাসাও মুক্ত বাতাসে
তুমি বড় করো মোর মন
আমায় ওড়াও তুমি নীল আকাশে।
আমি যেন ফিরে পাই নতুন জীবন।
তোমার আলোয় জেগে ওঠে আমার এই প্রাণ।
আমি চাই এমন করে সারা বছর
তুমি থাকো আমার পাশে।

রমজান রমজান,
ও প্রিয় রমজান!
রমজান রমজান,
তুমি কাছে থাকো সারাক্ষণ।
(সারাক্ষণ থেকো তুমি পাশে।)

কানায় কানায় ভরা ভালোবাসা
হাওয়ায় হাওয়ায় এত শান্তি ছড়ায়-
রমজান, এই কোরানের মাসে।
(তোমার রহম অনুরাগে)
আমার হৃদয় ছোঁয়া জাগে, দৃহ করে মোর ঈমান।
আমি চাই এমন করে সারা বছর তুমি থাকো আমার পাশে।

রমজান রমজান,
ও প্রিয় রমজান!
রমজান রমজান,
তুমি কাছে থাকো সারাক্ষণ।
(সারাক্ষণ থেকো তুমি পাশে।)

আমি যেন ধন্য ওগো তোমায় ভালোবেসে
মনে হয় প্রতিক্ষণ তুমি থাকো আমার পাশে
নিশ্বাসে নিশ্বাসে তুমি রবে মোর প্রাণে মিশে।
আমি করছি প্রতিজ্ঞা, বলছি সপথে-
তোমার শিক্ষা-কদর, এই হৃদয়ে ধরে রাখবো সারা বছর,
কভু দেবো না হারাতে।
হে রমজান!

রমজান রমজান,
ও প্রিয় রমজান!
রমজান রমজান,
তুমি কাছে থাকো সারাক্ষণ।
(সারাক্ষণ থেকো তুমি পাশে।)

[রমাদান রমাদান,
রমাদান ইয়া হাবির।
রমাদান রমাদান,
লাইতাকা দাওমান করিব।]
Original Lyrics of Maher Zain Song : Ramadan
অনুবাদ : ইমরান ইসলাম
It's the first day
Of the Holy Month
Of Ramadan

I am happy
To be here
Among the chosen one

Thank you for this chance
Thank you for this day
Thank you for the food

There will be no words
That could discribe
How much thankful I really am

Happy Ramadan Kareem
To everyone who celebrates
Stay strong, it won't be long
Quarantinistani Apr 2020
you must.

In sha Allah,
Coronever you may.

Fast by day.

By night,
Taraweeh pray.

This is the way.
Fatwa ruling by Shaikh Mufti Babyyoda Al-Jedi. 🤣🤣🤣
Dua's requested, pleases and thank yous in advance.
Ramadan Mubarak.
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