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Spike Harper Apr 2018
It isn't always an imperfect meaning.
Nor never as flawless as we wish it to be.
These constant cycles are in place to keep the masses sane.
Distracted from the fact that they will live and die in the same fashion.
In small.
Much like the time Punch cards that enslave them.
Even with evolution of time the average worker is still.
Just binary..
Infinitly encoded to mediocrity which sadly.
Has no bottom.
Nor was one programed.
But by the sweat of our forefathers did they carve a place.
For the next generation to pick up and sew the seeds for the next.
And so on.
And so on..
And so on...
Until some one with more wit than grit comes along.
To dissolve the mundane routine.
And possibly shake free from the chains of old.
But with so many ready to turn the other cheek.
That time.
could be some time away.
Rylie Lucas Apr 2018
Hallo! It's Ash, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to upload anything recently. I've been going through state testing prep work(boooring) so now that I have finished the Math test, I can write this(yay!). So let's answer some basic questions! Also, if you're just reading this on the home page, check out my other poems on my channel! Thanks!

Age: 14
Birth Name: Rylie Ashtyn Lucas
Nickname: Ashtyn( or Ash)
Gender: Female
Grade: 8
Pronouns: She, Her
****** Orientation: Panromantic, Asexual
Best Friend: Maxyyyyyyy (his poem:
Siblings? How Many?: Yes, 5 brothers that I love dearly( except the eldest, he's evil..)
Birthday: December 15th, 2003
Birth Location: Landstuhl, Germany
Coke Or Pepsi: Coke
1 "addiction": Pinterest

Thanks y'all, sorry for not uploading recently. It's been hectic, not just with school, but also a lot of family drama(if you want more info, message me!)

Love ya!-Ash(tyn)
Lol, idk what this is, but do y'all like it?
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
What am I to you?

What am I to you?  Which words do you hear?
When I speak only truth and face my fears.
What am I to do, when I don’t know what comes next?
If this is all we are, then what is left?

What am I to you, if not an impostor?
What am I to do, to become even clearer?
What doesn’t ring true, when you view my minds picture?
I follow no footsteps and I am no leader.

I walk in solitude, wary of facing a deceiver.
I am what I am; I am my own special creation.
Breathe into me, so I can take you into my heart
And not be left here alone feeling vacant.

Devoid of empathy and lacking understanding;
Who am I to complain to you, when I am winning!?
Who are you to judge me?  I am unworthy of a glance;
But the fire in my hands will breathe new life into your romance.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Lyka Mosca Apr 2018
That person wants to make people happy
But that one is not.

How did God created a world
When he does not have at first.

How does a road end
And where did it start

That person's questions
Have no answers

As to why that person lives
Or why that person hates to live

Hates to leave
Yet wants to be alone

The surroundings and being surrounded
Is cruel in all possible ways
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Drink myself into oblivion,
Let me be the forgotten son.
The forgotten one;
I will soon be forgotten and gone.

Gone from you, gone from this place;
I want to be gone from this space with no kind of grace.
I want to find out if Heaven is real or just a myth on a piece of paper.
I believe, I don’t believe, I will believe when I meet my maker.

I thought I knew how to belong,
Now all I do is wrong
And all I feel inside is, I want to be gone.

Now we are gone to become the ones,
Who disappeared, like we have become God’s.
Our skeletons shall be the only mark we leave on this planet,
My poetry my only indent on this Earth;
My existence will disappear when the electricity is gone.

Thinking about you shows me how little I knew you.
Who are you?  What did you believe?  What did you do?
Any question answered, it’s all in front of our eyes;
Still we cannot choose which question to ask.  Which question is right?

You may call it intuition, or you may call it a day,
But there is nobody left to call when they have all been sent away.
We live in but a second, we exist for an instant;
We are soon to be gone, so make a good impression.
We are here, then soon enough our time has been spent;
We never accomplish all our goals, before our death sets in.

Now I am gone;
I am higher than the sun.
I walk alongside God;
I am humble before Him/Her and all I want is to not be forgotten.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Jonathan Nouse Apr 2018
Can I just know im not being used?

Can you grant me the satisfaction for my mind that im not wasting my time?

Can I please have the feeling that im not still in your life for the benefits that are reaped through me?

I just want to know if you still care.

And if you do care, is it enough to try again?

They say time heals all wounds but i feel mine growing as time goes by because im left with questions unanswered.

Can we just be on the same page for once in this struggle?

Can my mind just shut its ******* mouth with the anxiety and fear it feeds to me?

Thoughts that you say you need space to heal but in reality its because you dont want to deal with any of this.

You dont want to deal with me.

Can i be treated like a human and not a waste of time?

Can i be seen as a human and not old memories?

Can my mind be put at ease? For these questions unanswered are starting to eat me alive.

Can these questions be answered, please.
Again another personal poem that i hope she reads. My mind is starting to eat me alive
XPY Apr 2018
What is
A soulmate?

is it someone who
everything about you
without needing to be told?

Or is it someone who
completes you?

Are they supposed to be
your other half?

Do you need to be
on each other?

Can a soulmate be
a friend?

Do you know exactly
who it is
the moment you meet them?

Do you only have one soulmate?
certainly there
(or somewhere).

What if you
aren't in
[See: *Soulmates.*]
© KMH 2018
Benji James Apr 2018
Drenched in thoughts
Decisions on my mind
The options I should find
Have become more inclined
To make me climb
For the answer lies
Deep in the dark of the night
That's why we must fall
To learn to get back up
But when this struck
It punctured every cell in my brain
It's made it harder to get up again
I've been a fighter all my life
But this time I didn't feel it strike
The fire in my eyes
Have lost all there desire
To be a high climber
Your soul divider
Has made me a weak decider
When it burnt, it left a mark
Deep inside of my heart
it left no air in my lungs
in fact, I don't feel the rushing in my blood
Can you feel a pulse
Can you hear a beat
Cuz I'm laying here dying
In this deserted street
I fell high from the peak
Only to wind back up on the ground
Hope was lost now it can't be found
Surrounded by vultures all around
Where were you, Where were you?
When I was lost in the crowd
Where were you, Where were you?
When I hit the ground
Where were you?

©2018 Written By Benji James
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I don’t care.

Would my father have left, if I was not born?
And would I have become his favorite son?
If he’d let me, if he’d let me.

Would I have become, the son I became,
If he’d stayed in my life?  And if he had stayed,
Would I still be?  Or would I be?
The same as I am!  Angry at my Dad!
Or would I see, he’s not worth it?

And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there.
I don’t care!  How he is now.
And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there;
Because I have love, from my Mother.

So rejoice with me, because I speak my mind
And I say what I mean and I’m not angry,
Because I don’t care; no I don’t care.

And if you can relate, to the words I say
And you understand, what I’m saying today,
Then it’s ok; yeah it’s ok.

And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there.
I don’t care!  How he is now.
And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there;
Because I have love, from my Mother.

And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there.
I don’t care!  How he is now.
And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there;
Because I have love, from my Mother.

So I thank you Mom, for the love you gave;
For your warm embrace and your smiling face
And I do care, yeah I do care.

Because you were always there!
You never walked away!
You are always there!  If I need you.
I thank you Mom!  For everything you’ve done
And I do care, now and always.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Sanjali Apr 2018
I’m on my way to find my soul,
With it I believe I will be whole.
Page after page I devoured some books.
Why, I wonder, do I get sour looks?
I only speak what's on my mind,
People say that it isn't kind.
But tell me just why I should lie,
What is there to fear when I'm about to die?
Pain and sorrow never do last
Neither do the actions in our past,
Happiness too flies away,
Is there something here to stay?
My existence is all I feel,
Then just why should I believe
In this world of changing lights?
Things come and go; Are they alive?
Soon, I hope the day will come
Where I will decide on what should become
Of this life that led me here
To this moment of utter fear.
I disappear or do I stay?
In this life tell me, I pray.
This was the first poem I published online, though the website now doesn't work anymore.
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