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Makayla Jane Jan 2020
Its the behind the scenes
That no one knows,
World's questions
Of greatest secrets,
Truly beautiful;
Greatest desire
Feel free to share any revision ideas :)
M R White Dec 2019
How many burdens do you carry? How many have you passed through your kin? How much of your burden is not yours to carry?
I have struggled with these questions.
What burdens are mine? My shoulders are weakened by these unanswered questions.
I know that maybe this is just family tradition, I was given them at birth. Yet, I did not pick them. I would like to know why I have inherited them. Have my brother have them? Does my sister struggle with similar questions?
What if I did not care to nurture them anymore?
Would they die with me?
Or still be gifted to my kin?
And if they were given to my kin, how would my kin feel?
Would they bare it like Atlas, strap it to their backs and lift with their knees?
Or never speak of it. Hide it in a locket around their neck, neatly tucked under their shirts.
Would they take time to calculate their percentage of the age old burden? Or bury it somewhere in the country, deep into the side of a mountain, with the rest of the ancestors.
I’d hope they would give the burden back to the rightful owners.
I hope with all my being left, they are mighty enough to confront the age old tradition. I hope they give each burden back, to each dead being in the grave.
I am weary of carrying the ancient decisions of my elders.
I wish you luck, my child.
The size of the burden does not determine its weight.
It is heavy.
It has nearly buried me with its ominous weight.
I now understand why the burden is so easily passed without a second thought.
I just hope my guilt does not add to its weight.
Carlo C Gomez Jan 2020
I've been sent to prism
For minor refractions
My days of frequent violets
Are now in the past
As the light in me
Is slowly emerging
Tomorrow I'll open my eyes
And find correction of vision
Mingled with distorted spectrum
When answers to puzzling questions lead only to more confusion.
Travis Kroeker Dec 2019
Heavy lids cinch sockets shut
allowing only in(ternal)sight.
Awash in slumber
I witness dreams
those interdimensional thoughts,
that stuff of other worlds.
My consciousness has entered their land
and they drift toward it, permeating it placidly
like nubile nimbus innervating the sky.
I am enraptured by their ever-changing narrative.
Wispy cirrus with its fleeting skeleton story,
cumbersome cumulus, pregnant with meaning,
eager to spill forth and shower me with its mysteries.
I gaze at the heavens and I am their architect.
I mold the ever-shifting shapes they show me
into some semblance of significance
as they dissolve before my eyes
and new forms take their place.
Though I will remember none,
their impression leaves
and I awake with more questions than answers.
Ayn Dec 2019
Why do I write so much?
Because you have emotion to take care of.

Why am I so emotional nowadays?
You were once a man of steel... look at you now.

Why are my scars still there?
Because you never cared enough to treat your wounds.

Why am I crying?
I don't know.
Asking and answering, pondering my empty mind in my favorite writing spot. I fixed my bike so it got easier to get there now.
Sh Dec 2019
What if one day,
standing in front of her cage,
you'll tell the bird that she could be free?

Do you think that she does not know of the limited space you permit her to live in?

Have you mistaken the ruffle of her wings as nothing more that a call for attention?

Do you think she is happy when you Trim her wings?
Feed her seeds? 
Gift her sparkling jewelry?

Do you call her complicated because you don't want to listen to her needs?

Do you believe that she will not squawk and bite strange hands coming to pet her feathers?

Why do you curse the nightingale when she does not sing you a symphony from her cage, but spits in your face?

Birds do not exist to please your eyes.

They don't build their nests for your pleasure, do not grow their colorful feathers out of consideration to your opinions.

are simply living beings existing in the same world as you.
A poem from a bird to the cage maker
Nilia Loh Dec 2019
"You look so rough on all edges."
"I'm very sharp."
"You look really tough!"
"Of course, I am tough."
"Wow, you're so strong!"
"Can I touch your heart?"
"Erm, no it's uhhh quite sharp so-"

There goes, a facade crumbling down.
Never knew, you'd be found so torn.
Always thought you're like a rock.
But all it takes was just a knock.
Why do you stand so still?
So tall like a hill.
Barely see you face to face.
Always seem to avoid our ways.
Couldn't look into your eyes,
As you hide those hidden fights.
You're not a rock,
And it's okay.
You don't always have to act like one.
It's fine being a fragile rock sometimes.
I wrote this about someone who constantly put up a strong facade because this person fears to disappoint the people around who look up to this person :) weeeeeee
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2019
Do you even like me anymore?
Do you love as much as before?
You can love someone and not like them
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