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Emery Feine Feb 10
He started his own fire,
then he put it out.
They called him a "hero."
You know who this is about.

(People are incapable of change.)
triginta quattuor felonias
Jeremy Betts Dec 2024
I went looking for revenge
I only found the edge
Of good and evil
Teetering on the steeple
What side will it fall?
That's anybody's call
The victorious write the history
Leaving moral a pointless remedy
The loser is always the enemy
But how often does victory,
Align with the righteous?
Glory is told despite this
The innocent pay the price
Propaganda paints it nice
So the mindless can sleep easy
But what's that mean for you and me?
Simply put we all fall in line
Regardless if yours starts or ends in a different place than mine

Traveler Nov 2024
When “what have I done”  finally sets in.
You’ll never be on board
for any war again!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Good people die in wars.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
For crying out loud
Due to the outcome
I was not particularly proud
For more than two centuries, election days go and come
At a similar season, every four years
This time, there were plenty of wows and tears
Of disappointment, heartbreak, anger, anxiety and sadness
And the other half was full of glee or happiness
Such is life. Politics is a ***** and unpredictable animal
No, America did not die. Things are normal
We’re still talking about immigration, liberty
Freedom of speech, and of course the economy
We’re hoping that everything will be better
America has been great for a long time, forever
It’s redundant to add ‘again’ to the propaganda
Yes, America did not die in the middle of the political saga
Where the two parties fought fiercely like two strong tigers
America is an immensely prosperous country
Ignore the false promotional and advertising slogan
America is a huge market with a very rich economy
Ignore the wacky and illusory politicians and Élon
Tigers, lions, jaguars and hyenas are fighting and vying
For their portion or stomach. It is a new political spring
In November. America will not die, on the contrary
We pray, hope and dream to see a better country.

Copyright © November 2024, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of numerous collections of poetry.
Emery Feine Sep 2024
They determine our strength with no brains
We get our brains with the lack of strength
To find balance in this life is unobtainable
Unless you are the propaganda itself

With tests, they see how smart we are
With miles, they see how far we run
Run, run away from it all
But you won't get anywhere

They reward us with worthless prizes
They drown us in our unfamiliar seas
They overwork us with all we know
Is the haunting propaganda outside?

Propaganda. Manipulates us all
To believe it is utterly flawless
Flawless, you must be flawless
Flaws show ugliness and mistakes

Mistakes? There are no mistakes
When you are talking about propaganda
this was my 24th poem, written on 8/29/23. this was one of my first times not using a rhyme scheme, not my best job but at least I tried
Traveler Aug 2024
The algorithms didn’t like what I had to convey.
So I attempted to say it in a different place ..
Instagram, Twitter it’s all been done…
Activism gets eaten in the algorithms!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Samara Jan 2024
threads of violins
shredded by violence
to stop the song of sirens
shrieking on the live wire.
it's twisted by air not felt
& captured by flash bulbs
that blind not deafen
- - -
suddenly we begin witnessing:
the tides are shifting
the tides are shifting

Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2022
They're an author of their own authority
What's the majority in a government
Controlled superiority
—Gluttony; feeding pockets on
once starved fabric
Fabricate the news; I don't see anything new
Anything true, but the higher unfair rules, to rule
T.v. screens teach more about ***, than any
*** education in school
I don't see anything new, tell me what is new?

New in the terms of being stuck with another term
Terms of agreement; always a fine print
Always the somewhat cleanest character
With just a little filth
All to ***** with your motherland
Like a personal ****
I don't see anything new, tell me what is new?

I probably never knew!
Andreas Simic Jun 2022
Modern Warfare

Hearts and minds won

Cyber attacks
Diplomacy feigned

Bullying and intimidation
The UN meeting
Pleas for peace


Land grab
Rigged elections

Headlines galore
Time passes
New normal tolerated

Status quo accepted
Mission complete
Rinse and repeat

Andreas Simic©
Carlo C Gomez Apr 2022
Corrosive elevation
Metabolic creation
At the mouth of cough drop falls
Trails of caustic, nomadic influence:
Coffee lips
Decaffeinated tongue
Resealable groove
Reusable embryo
White hunter
Melt snow
Hang fire
Black crow

Mechanical peak
Summit on a stick
Chiseled grey
The smoke ascending
They call "day"
Lovely shade of sadness, this
Wandering endocarp
Hidden in caves, hollows, crags, cellars, and cisterns
It came naked
From out of the acrid woods
And said

"The locust are upon us..."
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