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Nutshell Sep 2017
Have you ever seen a bird of prey
Flying high above the sky so blue
Even this heat that enduring the day
Waiting to meet the bird of prey

Up above little they known
With no problem nor struggle as they flown
Dancing like naked indians as i lay
As i wait for the bird of prey

Minutes gone by and he land beside me
Helping me with my suffering
Thinking it as a God wanting to feed me
Save me bird of prey save me

The bird move closer
As my vision gone blunder
Pain shook my skin and water surrounds my body
Oh thank you for being death bird of prey
Robert J Howard Aug 2017
A life full of sighs
Never give me a rise
Working for we despise
The lows always outweigh the highs.

Hiding in the grass surprise
Your thinly veiled disguise
Smokey slanted eyes
Severing all ties.

Long begged alibis
Covering your lies
Occasionally the cries
But no longer he shies.

Finally growing wise
Feel the need to advise
In the end all dies
Chasing butterflies.
Hunt Life Death Prey
Clive Blake Aug 2017
See the owl in swift silent flight,
Surfing the darkness of the night,
In control of its black domain,
Its prey killed quick, no time for pain.

Don’t be outraged when its victim dies;
The owl’s not a mugger of the skies,
No malice shown when it hunts for meat,
It leaves alone what it cannot eat!
Sam Anthony Jul 2017
Slow peek
Whiskers twitch
Little twitch
Nostrils flare
Immediate acceleration
Straight-ahead scurry
Speedy tick-tack of claws on hard floor
Cat appears
Screechy scratchy panic spinner
Ducking skidding
Heart racing
Slalom chair legs
Cat crashing, collapsing
Running home hungry
Barely in time
Re-prepare to retry
Zero Nine Jun 2017
Keenly sharpened lashes black the soul
Shroud the awful secrets of portals
Two brown pretending eyes pulling in
The sun, moon, light, every remaining hint

Yet prey's feet split the difference over floor
Soles stick to stone, *** warms, heart exposed
And the blood kept sacredly entombed
As prey migrates wildly out of vein
Til the gun dogs swap kisses
In familiar red

Keenly sharpened garb draws the edges
Grants malevolence a silhouette
Encroaching ****** deviance
Dances her hips so sweetly you forget
I never was, but when it counted.
AllyRose Jun 2017
Have my rivers began flowing?
Is my hair finally growing?
The sharks are blood-thirsty.
Forgive me, but is my womanhood showing?
Is it only natural for them to prey on me when their thirst needs quenching?
Their tendencies are dangerous,
They can **** with a look.
When their finished, they leave you for dead.
After using every trick in the book.
They leave you for the next and the next after that.
In their eyes, you're just another fish in the sea, they can pound away at.
Mara W Kayh May 2017
I am your bird of prey

Caught between 2 posts
And a glistening fence.

Neck broken,
beak to the ground,
Half way trapped inside
your field of green.

I am your bird of prey,

Wings on a wire,
Still soft and light,
with feathers gleaming
where promise of flight,
newly broken, fell to earth.

'Twas passion that lured me to your
nest, where the cloud kissed Sun
with time
turned ashen my listless frame.

A testament to nature's seduction,
there was no escaping
your embrace
As the warmth
slowly left
my still
Inspired by a beautiful Robin I found yesterday, stuck in a fence I had put up around a field of garlic.. it must have fluttered to death, trying to escape.
Kat Allen May 2017
middle of the night
black like a panther
cold like ice
wind like owls
quiet like mice
in the dark but
of my own devise
footsteps like water drops
she will not suffice
so I turn and again
I roll my dice
Erin Suurkoivu Apr 2017
in the old neighbourhood

I had never felt more beautiful
and unafraid.

But I am afraid now
as you stalk near.

My words are naked babies
and I must run.

Swifter beasts than me
have not survived

the chase
across the savannah.

You too struck
quick as lightning.

Do they willingly give up
their bodies and blood?

Are they all too happy
to submit to death?

But I,
I just wanted to get out alive.
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