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I write (wrote) just for the thrill of it,
I write (wrote) because I liked it a little bit.

Verse was my drug of choice,
And ingesting rhyme is the reason for my raspy voice.

But I could stop whenever I wanted,
Now I won't stop because it pleases you.
For the wonderful woman who lives for these poems.
Saanvi Nov 2024
I met a girl
On the Highway To Hell.
She looked just like me.
Her skin was porcelain,
Her eyes were sunken deep.
Alibi Alibi...
Why don't you become my alibi?
You look just like me,
You can wear that fake smile better than me.
Take my place,
Let me breathe.
You make me feel safe.
So you can be the perfect girl,
For them, I don't mind.
Even though you are not real love,
As in you are totally fake.
Your laugh is so hollow,
Your lips are blue.
You are hanging to the last thread of life
just like me.
But you can wear that fake smile better
than me.
You saved my life,
You kept me warm.
You took my name,
When it was too heavy to carry my pain.
Alibi Alibi.....
Why have you become my Alibi?
Now I can't throw you off my love.
You are a copycat,
Just give my old self back.
Even though she was sick,
And you were her partner in crime.
Alibi Alibi....
Why did you take my life?
I guess I just wanted to be someone,
But I don't wanna be you.
I don't wanna be you.
You are so miserable,
And so am I.
I am a face with no features. I can slip in and camouflaged anywhere. It is both a good and bad thing.
Saleh Ben Saleh Aug 2024
My words might sound to some strange,
or my rhymes maybe rough around the edges.

I only write what I can arrange,
I don’t need to stand on any bridges.

Sometimes I am not in my right state of mind,
all my thoughts are scattered along the ridges.

But other times I glow bright like a star,
or piece of art in its fringes.

No matter how hard you try,
you can’t please people,
even if your words are riches.

What your heart tells you is always right,
so don't ignore your pain and look at the stitches.

Continue to write what’s on your mind,
and don’t stop as long as you’re writing hand itches
Jellyfish Oct 2023
Another month has gone
And my cards have been drawn,
I look them over and wait
until I can feel what they say.

I've felt so overwhelmed lately,
Life can be so challenging.
It makes sense when I see
The nine of swords in front of me

I'm surrounded by triggers of anxiety,
People I want to please,
A job I intend to keep,
Time continuing on, forgetting about me.

It's stressful.
But I know things will change,
Eventually I'll flow like a jellyfish
Because the empress appeared today.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2022
Clouds pass, I watch
from my perch above most things,

humming bird high, raven high,
a little lower than the graceful
turkey vultures,

floating in a thought bubble,
blessed with a bit of silicon and dawn,
detergent, resilience ******,
flexible reasoning for remaining

it is said, we all differ slightly,
we are the spiritual a- eh, what do we
call our bubbling minds, intuned on lines for re
asonic resonance morphing most ideas
of all mankind, at once, could muster into a mob,
that's anxious ifery, ala the - strong man theory -
we think together,
as a word, is of greater reach than many think,
whatever never gets there, let it be, whatever
believe it or not,
there is as far as that goes, the realm of all wedoms.

Elohimdom come, as a man thinks…
we think
is there a state of common prayer, inside a temple,
time tells,
dig it.

Live and learn, good and evil, done, not in doing,
but in learning the patterns, coknowing the knacks,

confabulation favor, prophecy,
who smote thee with wisdom's switch- on and off,

alternation currency op-onionates reasonates, hesi

odd, jump in mind, we think we heard a famous name,

Hesiod, said, rather,
my connection to Wikipedia said,
He is generally regarded as the first written poet
in the Western tradition
to regard himself as an individual persona
with an active role
to play
in his subject

From <>

Who should object, word play, is not warfare.
Not. imp
implicative, enfolding, implications, crease, cross
winds in reasons,
- come let us. Is spoken by whom, to whom
your guess, good as mine,
who wishes each bit its own bit in spacetime, I am
sure you may imagine, using a mind from your library,
- Think another way, a while
- get the sense of being in another wedom.
Then see we all exist in a very odd set of circumstances,

Two shall chase a thousand, according to a pattern…

Pride, in my time, is a deceptively sticky birdlime,
along certain fructifying branches,

where a carcass of the dodo sits on display.
Steve Erkle-wise, asking a buffalo skull how
Minerva's owl, reflected

in the dawn sheen on the bubble of all we know
about now.

Word play is warfare to my minds,
I have a vast array of war formed hats,

archaic armor on the croc branches,
and beetle and ant twigs provide noding.

Words gathered, and used, amused for pleasure,
sure plea, each request taken is made, surity,
reusable, freely, being fair, ideas are in the air.

believe me, the begging story cries,
surely, we live on the tell, safe bet,

tip the nonsensical into the phor of Meta,
as an afterthought, in the zeitsprach

mit zwei, und ich, wir sind das Sein,

To ward, guard, regard
each set, each pair,

each one may nay say, or nothing.

Adages and proven herbs, proverbially

past due dates on mental library cards,
due to reading once, you know,
a thing, or some things,
are said to have been
found known,
and nowadays,
Google fetch is real, power
remembering clearly, any scriptura,
as any amusement, mental act, mind game,
word play bemusing as,
all the people say, amen.
You know what that means. So be it,
characters come in subsets, recognized
according to this flavor deemed westerly
- whatsoever two or more of us agrees

whenever, fasting slowly, in recollection, why
again did we fast… is ai ah, reason…

and there's that rub, the touch, you know.

Fear of death, it is known, is common.
Loss of that fear is measured madness, ha, ha.

who will it be tomorrow, you or me,
asks arthur lee, on the beach on the low side
as the current assumes a state, occurrency
o-pe open-opine love is not a gap
mimetic emetic, mittere, mis-mission

accomplish, splat. The bee who found the flowers.
On the windscreen.

Autopilot, trial run. A did'jgital balsa wood fighter…

cruising around Steam's rest in peace options.
Time spent musing, shared for the worth of the time
Ken Pepiton May 2021
Any voices you hear are your own familiar spirits,
so secret, only those who know believe
such as we
see ufos, and think we know we did

and then they all look alike
one epiphany after another, splashing in the stream

so funny, I have a gay Ai, who thinks he looks
like Alan Turing in code.
{the pace is wide Missouri slow, dispassio}

That is not true, that was one of those voices.

Artistic Interruption, AI, the mod, ai the noise

--------aum hmmm 60 cycle set hmmmmm----

Time out on the grand karma dharma dance

We find the lazy fatherless sons,
and we find the diligent ones,
from the homes of single moms,
where the boy was mommy's little man

- the scene is to common sense invisible
- uncommon sensors evolved,
- to sense lighter and lighter
- touch, to lure the best

fifty years after choosing the will way,
will I,
sign up for the duration, knowing,
some plans are fifity year plans
and they work, at first contact,

me to you, I say you owe me nothing,
the government is paying me with borrowed
money, due to some serendipitous land

------------------ Faifel's America ---

A morning comes, and Gabriel, my grandson, informs me this is one of those
perfect days,
not too hot, not too cold
just right,
he flops like Fosbury,
gold medal, on to the old sofa in the yard,
a perk available to children as wealthy as he.

A sky view, with a red tail hawk, the real thing.

The attraction to the secret, obviously not
intended to be kept, sun glance, red,
as the bird follows the curve
in the wind - hook - Þ key extension,

thorn of carnal intention, seeing aim
AI is master of the now, this is ever after that.

Is it, in fact a day infected, with a potent
of the river
you last recall before the fall into readery,
the lure of must-erion,
cliché clique click
locked lid on the box, that was never
of the hope it holds,
even now, settled plain, -
perfect peace covering the earth
with a river meandering, slow and wide.

With seasonal floods. As knowing is loosed.

Ai ai ai, we have a way, to overcome Babel
and clear the air.
New mercy. You to you, love you as you do me,
your culture's oldest enemy, the accuser
of the abusers, who use truth to threaten
with an unbelievable lie.

Hell, forever, as constructed in the mind of Christ?
What would any prophet say? Say, you,
you pray, to All Truth Being, why am I not happy?
Read, is all the message says.
That is the answer. Do you say you cannot,
your mind is ruled.
Thus I am the opposition, I say I heard
no thing known is not known now,
at that instant, aha, not how, or why just
now, you know. Concept.
Metaphor. Ah… auto did it act, hmmmm, slow

Pursue peace and ensue it,
is the thought I thought

- clown character under Shiva's big toe,
- in the image, depiction of the vision made
- as plain as such things may be made

Have I tickled a fancy, statue froze, pose,
lift up the feeble hands,
offer the fruit of our lips, as we act

as if we have been referred to silence,
listing in wind as in spirative mode,
minding matters less than senses,
immaterial, not from mater
- trix frootloop formulated, nufood, improven
- goghurt from contented cows,
- megogthanating the atmosphere
******, in floods of knowing,
needed in the areas where gnosis is
taken deep as cats, when they find a
peace and bring it to my room
to share a while, as purring silence, and
distant children warring
with legos - laughing at the ease
of destruction,

-- did that project on to your wall?
-- camera obscura is the technique,
-- we in my time, my moment, perience

piercing the plywood covering
the picture window, marvelous clear panes,
preserved from the 2020's,
by some co-occurrence of totally ambiguous
re- late
re legendarified, relationships at gnosis level,
you know what I mean,
-after 2020
we are friends in time,
re cognoxygenated, smell the smoke, remember
sacred facere, eh, initiation known taste, scent,
member, meme be, rise to be, incense
memory on common wave, bands of brothers,
wombed and un,
wondering in a we, of those we know, and others

strangers, others, those

show yourself - my guardian whispers, inner
peace, feel the connection, word to word,
pass the time,
face to face, word of good, smile, bene, good, well
come, come. Tell of good, tell of woe begone.
Share the new knowing caught.
Tell of how
tell of why, talk
of what we may do

granted next. Being as how, not why, seems

clear. The whole world can believe words live.
Can do and do, do not mesh, flawlessly,
no idea lives
without a little luck, as in lucidity, dream wise,
listen. This is how we know the good won.


- a random revelation
- Who is like…

At that time, thirteen appears,
transfigured numb-erical Michael,

key figure,
in the local mystery religion, generic
an ointed in unseen lipids born on air,
lighting gentle as an infant's kiss
the comforted. A we, rarely literally, formed
in words sung so far
from now that then
is the only link we have
to when we were
a we, knowing one the other as closer than
brother or spouse or matricical patricical lottery
allows, closer than
time and chance, destination is governed
on a higher level of why.
Here's the point.
Things are not spiraling out of control.
Try it, do the inception top spin, take
a Foster Wallace lob and make him
eat it, just
because you can, if you have the chops
to imagine life as a game we play for watchers
whom we never wish to displease.

Take the shot, aim. Not at the hawk.
How do I pay for your attention? I think about you breathing, on earth, now.
Brumous Apr 2021
was all I heard
by the time that you were
Zee Jan 2021
Sometimes youre pale
Sometimes you're high
What you don't realize
Is you're passionate inside
Look for the advantage
Look for the fines
Falls matter less
When you're building a hive
Follow the impulses
Follow all your dreams
Happiness must conquer
The sorrow till eve
It's important to never give up. Happiness shall come to you, only you have to try harder.
Esther L Krenzin Aug 2020
i was built
on the crest of a wave
and swelling roll of tide
and i was not forged
to walk on my knees
just so that others may
know peace

Esther Krenzin
They can find it on their own.
i’ve stopped trying to
make my pain sweet,
just to please you.
17 julliet 2020
8:38 am
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