I am not meant to be, where I yam, what I yam
Unless life like spinach, is meant to be canned,
A failure by all reports, I have no retort,
Not one, n o response, my previous successes
lead me to believe, that "what have you done
lately" does not deceive, fills the beast, technology,
That leads me to my breaking point,
Rogue wave, out of the deep blue see,
If I were a martyr, that might be true,
But I am nothing more, than a man
with a love for words and I play with
sounds, really adore what they do;
with my mind,
with my heart,
preventing stagnation,
of my imagination.
Ah, the breaking point
not the tip of a coast,
where land ends,
and bends open water
to new possibilities.
We all have at least one
In our life, in our career, in our day
Weakness, faint of heart,... No Way,
Even the oceans, and their waves,
As those waves come to shore,
On breakwater's and beaches
Break! but do not dull the ocean's roar.
How many breaking points have happened to you?
unfinished, the waves of doubt, keep coming, like my blog
like twitter, like Instagram, like Word press, likes...