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E Jul 2020
New pair of shoes
New way of thinking
New type of coffee
New summer camp

So why can’t we adjust
To this new way of life
Physical distancing
And wearing masks

Sure, Plexiglass might be a pain
Back in the office, but
It’s better than working from home
With your kids hyped up on sugar

If you’re stuck in a rut
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Sure, it might be embarrassing
But rent won’t pay itself

I hope you have learned
Check the CDC website
If you have any questions
During this time
The starlight like a wind races to cover the sky
Spilling the sands of time into the oceanic blue tides
When the moon comes to bring the inside of a bellied whale to shore
The ocean, crystalline, dazzles in the greatness of such lore
Almost as if a dream of nerves less and muscles more
Part 2
Atta Apr 2020
everything that will happen tomorrow
is a blueprint of yesterday's ignorance
help the one in needs by stay at home and do physical distancing
blackbox Apr 2020
Curfew lifted,
Free as a bird she flew.
Caged in her own thoughts.
Will we ever be free? Wrote this piece with this question on my mind.
DJ Mar 2020
Always walks to school without the lunch she packed,
this little girl is holding back,
bruises and scars her parents brought.
Teachers wonder why,
but never even ask.
At the end of the day,
she heads back home.
Broken and alone,
afraid of what's gonna happen
after she walks through those doors.
Tears streaming down,
all she wants is to be loved.
About a little girl trying too hide everything from the world, even when she's being abused at home...
Who Feb 2020
It looks like a ****** scene
when you look inside my mind
The blood stains are so obscene
The floor is hard to find

Wood splinters and stubbed toes
Cold winters from broken windows
Slammed doors, the noise is constant
Mystery tours of the messy conscious

Another day, always stressed
It sounds cliche but I'm depressed
My emotions are constantly bottled up
One of these days they will erupt
Not suicidal but not not suicidal.
Kelly Jan 2020
I think I can take it
I've been training
So I'm prepared
And here I am like I don't care

First position

I'm in the wrong
I'm in the right
I'm in the middle, I put up a fight
I start to panic
The mind of my kind serves as a magnet
Fixated on a symptom vs habit
They can all have at it
I'll be back at it, soon enough
I act all big like no big deal
But then I remember this is really real

First position

I start to forget who I am
I start to forget who I've been
I've become obsessed
When I can't let go
When I can't put matters to rest
Then there comes a time when you don't want to be saved
Setting yourself up to dig your own grave

First position

I think I can take it
I think I could fake it
to prove how strong I really am
But I'm backed right back into the corner
Manifesting into disorder
It's catching up with me

First position

I think I can take it
If i can manage to face it
But I try to stop it
I try to block it out

First position

I looked outside in the wintertime
When I noticed the trees
They look so frail
without their leaves
Kind of like me
When I just want to feel better
Like when randomly warm weather
airs out a cold day in December

They keep me sheltered
They weigh me down so thin
As if I've only got months, weeks to live
As if I'm that fragile
Like it's that much of a battle
Maybe that's why I'm miserable; panic-stricken
So while I wait for myself to thicken
First position
(C) 2018 Kelly Mcaulley
Kelly Jan 2020
The longer I lay here
I can feel it
It makes my skin crawl
And I feel sick
With background noises
Back and forth, stuck, “tick, tock, tick ..”

I’m beginning to lose it
The life I'm choosing
A battle I’ve grown comfortable losing

The longer I lay here
I can feel it

My heart starts sinking, and sinking
Never a thought to what I was thinking
The noises ring closer and closer, faster and faster
I grew into such a disaster
Without sense of control
Or what I seem to be going after


I’m like a cat
So spare me nine lives
Vexation kills me, though I’ve never died

The longer I lay here
I can feel it
And I just can’t stand the noise
It’s a ringing, buzzing, right in my ear
The longer I lay here
Those sounds of my pulse racing, my heart beating
Have their own method of teaching

Looks like I’ll be here a while
Brings the bearer of bad news
In addition to the disorderly blues
Haven’t looked in the mirror
But there’s no need
Their expressions towards my honesty
Is quite enough for me

There’s a pulse beneath my skin
As I feel it growing thicker
I’m coming to, quicker and quicker
Voices carry outside, and I can feel their eyes
With their shadows passing by


Once too dark, now too bright
It’s quite clear
The longer I lay here
Give me something I deserve
The longer I lay here
Lesson learned
(C) 2011/2014 Kelly Mcaulley
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