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Drake Brayer Jun 2015
Oh iOS, dreary titan of technology!
An SOS, hidden in secret typology!
Oh woe is me, tragic symphonic melancholy

If heaven had eyes, and hell had ears
Heaven would see, and hell would hear
The discordant storm, the miasma of tears

The screen is blank, my heart is dead
Error! Error! The bleak message read
Death marches slow, overlord of dread

Bright red head and monolith of Mac
iSurrender, iGiveup, Iambeggining to crack
Silent foot falls across the carpeted track

The darkest song of the darkest day in the mindless gray
Hark! Hark! Once more into the fray!

March my brothers, to full lines and all!
Some may die today but the victors stand tall!
Monoliths of glory, providers of tech support call!

iPod, iTunes, iCloud, iPhone, iPad iknowitall!
Prices beyond reason, reset, restore and reinstall!
Kings of iLog, rulers of this bleak blue ball

Apple support for one! Apple support for all!
Unless your outside your support eligibility!
Sorry! Not my call!
Zhen Jun 2015
We meet in the virtual world.
We could say it as accident,
But we can call it as fated too.

Hours and hours goes by
We talk on skype
We message on phone
But we never get tired

I don't need to walk down the road,
To make myself happy
I don't need to listen music,
To cheer me up,
I don't need to draw,
To forget my worries.
All I need is you to make me smile

I know those sweet embrace of yours
Show how much you love me.
When I'm lost when I'm hurt
You stay up late make sure I'm okay.
I won't forget those days
That you took my breath away
Your sweet affection I know it won't change.

I just want to be with you~
To tell u there is no one able to replace your place in my heart.
Baby I'm crazy for u.
katie Jun 2015
They won't teach you cursive anymore, kids.
We're in the digital age.
You've got an electronic page.
What are things that don't fade?

Please know there isn't a substitute for writing things down.
As I type this on my phone.
Ryan Unger Jun 2015
Put down your **** phone when I’m talking and look me in the eye,
I know you think it’s hard, but you had better try.

All day long you sit with your face buried in that screen,
You do know there’s a whole world around you to be seen?
That world has actual people, and real things happening,
You’re missing out on all the joy that this world can bring.

Your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all of it can wait;
Social Media cast you a real long line and you took all their bait.
It’s exactly what they want from you, your complete reliance;
So throw them all a curve ball and show them some defiance!

Without them your life’s amazing! Just take a look around!
You’re on this beautiful planet standing here right on the ground!
There’s mountains, parks, and monuments to see, just look at a map;
And to see these you don’t need to download any app!

Instead of living in a chatroom behind your bedroom door,
Take a walk with a close friend; the satisfaction will be more.
You’ve been inundated with all of this technology for too long,
We’re losing connection with nature and it’s starting to feel wrong.

We should use the world’s beauty to give ourselves a rush,
Not spend 500 hours trying to conquer Candy Crush.
And is it so important to video record everything you see?
Just live in and enjoy the moment and trust me, you’ll feel free.

So look up I say! Look all the way up! And throw away the phone,
Learn to reconnect with humanity and don’t become a drone!
Ranger Jun 2015
I accidentally clicked fallow on my ex profile and I don't really want to fight. I don't hate her mind you I just don't want to upset her or her family. My cell ******* up and I can't seem to unfallow. This is driving me nuts.
I changed your name in my phone
It's sadistic in its own way
To think the boy I truly love
Can be known as ****-head or bae
Ariana Robinson Jun 2015
I waited...and I waited

But I never got that phone call
The one that I have been waiting for all day
Just to hear your voice
To hear the reason why

Why you chose to end us
Why you chose to stop loving me
Why you chose to throw away something of significance

But instead...I get a text
Ashley Nicole Jun 2015
We remain disconnected,
Like I'm calling on the phone
But always just getting a busy signal.
I've tried getting close to you,
but it's like there's a wall there.
Don't lock me out.
Let me in.
Tori Hayes Jun 2015
In a world full of more complex emojis
The simple smiley face stands alone
The one that adorned shirts and other paraphernalia long before the iPhone
It conveys a simple message too
Something we all want, and need
But in the digital age, it's hard to tell by this colon and apostrophe
When someone is truly happy
After all
It's not our chosen punctuation that conveys how we feel inside
It's our actions
And you can't understand those through the phone
Nikita May 2015
Thinking your friend is in danger is like getting a phone call saying "I'm beneath your bed"
Freaky af
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