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Ruhani 58s
It has been so long
Since I put my cloak on
To hide behind the closet
to look within and forget.
For the times when you want to shut down the world
J Bjork 2h
The tightness in my chest
conveys that I need to disconnect
sit alone, on a remote landscape
hoping the sound of rustling leaves
will sync with these shakes
and ease my deathless torment

As some quiet finally sets in,
introspection begins to surface
and it gets me wondering if
these thoughts of mine
intertwine with the pain that I keep
to manifest a life of anger and delusion
draping me in shades of guilt,
forever climbing up this hill

Closing my eyes paved the way
for understanding unrivaled:
an ineffable cause
to sit with nothingness,
I spilled into a void and suddenly
stopped drowning in sadness,
finding humor in the unknown
when a feminine hand reached out
with love, telling me to let go
and she shared with me
everything I wanted to know;

“There is no path to save yourself,
only transcendence:
answers can be begged for
but until you let go of precedence
and learn to listen for each breath
the tightness will never settle
within your chest”
kevin 6h
Boring wars
Nothing to lose
Heading out without lumber
Heavy nails
Wooden glues
Spackled shoes
Building halos
Over do

And i have to welcome
Where we come to
For those you wouldn’t lose
Loving myself angry greys
Since a boy’s missing toys
Meltings mountains
You’ve destroyed

And freeways fly me nights
Following cant’s bitter spites
Kingdoms come and kings wont blues
Remember we got the news
She’s gone, she’s never, never
Going to pry

Leaving you a bridge we loaned
Walking homes just the dad’s
And now i'm coming in
Without holding up a frame
Irish lines new and bold
Get to know what
I’m the boy

Stopping life’s not a choice
It’s how a built a voice
Expressions, excepting it
Deadly, ways playing games
Now i hate to love
Completely changing, changing ways
my military built my constitution, and i build the world one
I, I Know Peace
I Live Peace
I Am Peace

I, I Know Love
I Live Love
I am Love

Peace, Peace and Love
Peace and Love
Peace and Love

by Debra Lea Ryan
(Mandolin / D Chord - Open Strings)
☼ ♡ ƸӜƷ ❀ ♬
Singalong @ You Tube >
All of the tears I poured,
Everyday lost in obsession,
Now look like just illusions,
That pulled me further,
From my wake up call.

I gave my all,
And it took so long
For me to finally realize,
What they did,
Can't get to me at all.
When you realize you're no longer defined by something that happened to you is the moment you're free.
Look at the pond
You & I
Paddling together
Beneath the sky.
Within the ripples
With a watery sigh
Let go of the burden
Let it lie.
Dom 3d
Still, unburdened by the silence
Mindful of my equanimity
Beneath the umbrageous canopies -
Where Sylvan shapes form from splitting rays -
Swayed in nature’s praxinoscope.
Melting snow,
Cool breeze,
Crowded crows diving in a row,
Return of the unfriendly bees,
Colorful rainbow in the sky,
And the strange songs of the talkative parrot;
These are signs that Spring is around the corner.
Again, she has defeated Queen Winter,
With that incredible show in the parking lot.
She is now wearing the crown and three ostentatious rubies;
Oh my golly! She can also poise better than all of the beauties
Gathered during the Ms. Universe beauty pageant.

Sigh of Lent,
Palm Sunday,
Cheerful children at play,
Green gardens decorated with confetti,
Happy humming birds flying high,
And the young grand-mothers in bikini;
These are hints that the celebration
Will commence early this spring.
One duck is already being trailed by an offspring,
Meanwhile, the zebras are being chased by one peckish lion,
Which can no longer run like a supersonic train.
Amidst all of that, somebody is going to have fun.

Copyright© March 2009, Hebert Logerie, All Rights Reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of many poetry books:
“Sparkles of Love and Etincelles de l’Amour”
“Mounts And Valleys of Love”
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