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Look at the pond
You & I
Paddling together
Beneath the sky.
Within the ripples
With a watery sigh
Let go of the burden
Let it lie.
Dom 1d
Still, unburdened by the silence
Mindful of my equanimity
Beneath the umbrageous canopies -
Where Sylvan shapes form from splitting rays -
Swayed in nature’s praxinoscope.
Melting snow,
Cool breeze,
Crowded crows diving in a row,
Return of the unfriendly bees,
Colorful rainbow in the sky,
And the strange songs of the talkative parrot;
These are signs that Spring is around the corner.
Again, she has defeated Queen Winter,
With that incredible show in the parking lot.
She is now wearing the crown and three ostentatious rubies;
Oh my golly! She can also poise better than all of the beauties
Gathered during the Ms. Universe beauty pageant.

Sigh of Lent,
Palm Sunday,
Cheerful children at play,
Green gardens decorated with confetti,
Happy humming birds flying high,
And the young grand-mothers in bikini;
These are hints that the celebration
Will commence early this spring.
One duck is already being trailed by an offspring,
Meanwhile, the zebras are being chased by one peckish lion,
Which can no longer run like a supersonic train.
Amidst all of that, somebody is going to have fun.

Copyright© March 2009, Hebert Logerie, All Rights Reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of many poetry books:
“Sparkles of Love and Etincelles de l’Amour”
“Mounts And Valleys of Love”
Mujer, mujer, oh dulce mujer
Mi amor, mi cuna, mi comienzo
En mi cuaderno diario
Cada día es tu día
Tú eres mi alma, mi pilar
Te aprecio todos los días
Y te amo mucho, mucho mi amor.

Mujer, mi amor, mi belleza
Tú me sorprendes todo el día
Tú ocupas el centro de mi vida
Tú eres mi princesa, mi amiga
Tú eres mi reina, mi envidia
Mujer, mujer, oh dulce mujer
Mi oxígeno, mi bella dama.

Mujer, corazón de mi alma
La estrella de mi cielo y de mi vida
Tú eres la muñeca original, la mujer hermosa
Tú eres ella que se mueve, que empuja y que rema
¡Guau! Tú eres una mujer bien realizada
Mujer, dulce mujer, oh tierna mujer
Tú eres el sol que ilumina mi palma.

Mujer para mi, tú eres fundamental
Mi angelita, mi santa, tú eres muy especial
La vida no tiene sentido sin ti, sin tu sonrisa
Tú eres mi faro, mi amor, mi esperanza
Tú eres mi corazón, mi sueño, mi alma
¡Mujer, mujer, oh mujer misteriosa!

PD.Traducción del poema de ‘Joyous Women's Day'
Por Hébert Logerie

Copyright © marzo 2019, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados
Hébert Logerie es autor de varios libros de poesía.
Ankush 2d
I stare at stars waiting patiently,
For it to come to me as it blinks,
Through My eyes which is humid,
I wait in the dry wind.
I stood up tired , as I wait the
Clouds to be  cleared , and the stars
It Hid,
I want the stars again to shine
And the moon to dwell the sky as it
Caress it , all I do now is longing for
Peace that bestowed once upon me !
I'm so sick of writing about pain, and how it's taking me over.
I wanna scream for everything to stop.
the pain and hurt and sickness.
curl myself up in a ball and forget what it was like to feel.... I just wanna stop feeling everything so deeply for just a second so I can start thinking clearly.
I'm somewhat convinced the darkness hates me, refusing to give me any sort of rest.
I've forgotten what the word sleep means.
nobody knows what happens behind that door after 11. the room slowly starts closing in on itself, leaving me such little room to breathe.
It reminds me of everything I've done wrong, everything I've lost.... you.
I've tried to tune it out.... refusing to let it get to me, but always.... it always found a way to rip me apart so silently, so meaninglessly.
no one would believe me even if I told them.
"how can the darkness be so cruel? go to sleep."
I can feel their voices clogging my lungs, everything they say is another stab to my already bleeding heart.
I will scream.... but nobody will hear my pleas for peace.
Apparently, I've been told I'm fine....
The pain was brutal, unable to bear
She was gone forever,
Why wasn't I there for her?
While she prayed for me to stay with her?
Was I even a good lover?
But she was gone forever,
Never to say, "Only you and I, hereafter"

Closed my eyes to drown the regret,
But all the good memories with her
Were now nightmares, too much to bear,
But she was gone forever,
Never to make new ones, ever

The pain was brutal, why was she gone?
I looked at the mirror, saw a broken one
What made me lose her, my only one?
I will remove them, one by one!
And once I was done
I looked at the mirror, saw they were gone
The one left standing, the one she loved,
I smiled at myself, I sat down
It was quiet all around
Also, inside
I was free
Forever in peace
Keegan 4d
I’ve carried chaos
like a keychain
noisy as my home;
but lately,
I’ve found doors
into spaces
I call mine.

Each step
is a quiet arrival
into freedom,
unlocking peace
like rooms
filled gently
with silence,
a stillness
I’ve dreamed of.

In the park,
nature unfolds
tiny worlds
beneath my fingertips
grass whispering green,
trees stretching slowly,
animals stitching
quiet stories
into earth’s tapestry.

I paint
the poetry
of sunlight on leaves,
tracing colors
only nature knows;
each brushstroke
a soft conversation
between my heart
and the quiet
of the world.

I feel earth turning.
a gentle rotation
underneath my feet
grounding me,
steadying my soul,
reminding me
I belong
where peace
meets freedom.

This is my sanctuary,
the place
where chaos
melts quietly
into creativity
where poems bloom
like wildflowers,
and my thoughts
finally feel
like home.
Piyush 4d
A Burden Of Birth,
A Fight Of Worth,
A Star Of Curse,
A Boy Of Thirst.

A Burden Of War,
An Encouraging Roar,
A Seaside Shore,
A Defeated Score.

A Burden Of Love,
A Sight Of Dove,
Yet Never Enough,
A Heart That Loves

A Burden Of Peace,
A Birth In Greece,
A War To Cease,
A Love In Release.
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