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Cup Noodles Jan 2016
Hopefully one day
When both of us are ready
We may start to love
All over again
Cup Noodles Jan 2016
Where did you go,
Barefoot and mysterious.
The storm of fate
Has brought me to the heat of your arms.
Why don't you say
What you cannot admit.
Will you let the air just do away with it?
Do not be afraid;
These whispers of feelings.
I'm listening to you.
Earl Jane Jan 2016

Satan's trying hard,
To break us apart my love,
But just remember,
God is mighty, He'll help us,
Let's do our part, DON'T GIVE UP.

And no matter what,
Let our hopes be burning bright,
That Satan will flee,
Let our knees be kneeling long,
He trembles when we're praying.

Remember my king,
I understand it's so hard,
Yes, I am aware,
But my hopes are in great shape,
And it will lift you up.

I am fully yours,
My love will be your carriage,
To heavenly realms,
I'll be your mighty refuge,
I'll keep you safe all the time.

Let's hang up our love,
Like the little stars at night,
That though in darkness,
We still are scintillating,
Bright ornament in the sky.

Trials and torment,
Are great and many my love,
Satan multi-task,
To successfully break us,
But that won't happen, too bad.

Lean our hopes to God,
And He will make it bigger,
Big enough to last,
Lay our patience to the Lord,
And He will make it wider.

I am sure my king,
That God is blessing this love,
And with all of that,
I knew He is finding ways,
For us to be together.

Soon my dearest,
We will be rewarded great,
'Cause we wait on God,
For His perfect time for us,
We will be beyond happy.

My dear, I love you,
And I will never give up,
I'll be by your side,
And will hold on tight to you,
I'll always do all for you.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

i love you soo much my king.... soo sooo much!!!! I won't give up and we will overcome this,, we will... i have full hope on us,,, God is blessing our love ans He is finding way for us, i am sure of that,,.. I will always stay positive,, i love you most !!!!
Sonkei Ichimaru Jan 2016
My life is filled with pain, and light hides away from me.
I awake to anguish and only angst of my soul greets me.
Hope has proved herself an invention of imagination - - I look for her, but she never reveals even a hair.
Like the wind, she echoes around but never penetrates my being.
I am like a mongrel dog seeking food even from the refuse bags - - always seeking but never finding.
I lament a sorrowful song for myself for no one comes to comfort my aching soul. My soul is like the ever-thirsty desert soil that is ever ready for rain.
It hungers and thirsts but is put to shame with each passing moment.
My life is filled with sorrow, and unlike a caged bird, I cannot sing.
Like a seedling at the mercy of the heavens; the scorching sun and watering clouds, so is my soul at the mercy of my deliverer.
I await an arrival that if made manifest, offers eternal hope.
HIding Jan 2016
You waited through my victories.
You waited through my miseries.
You waited while I cried
You waited for when I smiled.
You waited when I turned away from you.
You waited while I was with him.
You waited when I was insecure.
You waited
     And waited For me.

And now I am the one,
     Who is Waiting for you.
It feels like this should only happen in the movies.
Mishael Ward Jan 2016
Stop rushing into situations
Start to contemplate before it starts brewing.
Start looking at their intentions.
Stop only looking at what they're doing.
Start giving love, too big to measure.
Stop seeing a lustful fixation.

Start. No wait Stop!... THINK...
Is it really genuine?
Or is it because of the makeup and foundation?
Start praying for someone to love you in the good or bad, no matter the weather...
Stop seeking for someone to fill your greedy tank that runs on flirtation.
Start putting the pieces back together...
Stop breaking hearts by failing expectations...
By: Mishael Ward ©
Ryan Jan 2016
wonder down the street
eyes stay fixed
whislt I observe each detail
everyone somewhere to be
can't everything slow down
for just one moment
but I get it I do
were in an unadaptable society
told to go along with the norm
told to conform
it doesnt feel right
we drift through life
with hidden ambition
with hidden dreams
stuck in routines
hoping that life will be differen't
to see a improved world
we have to be patient
it will come in time
change is inevitable
This was more out of frustation than anything, understand that I know certain things are easier said than done and that there are many people will less than we have, but even then we are still not satisfyed.
Makenzie Marie Jan 2016
I was:
a little broken,
a little lost on time,
too much,
and not enough
(But I'd swear "I'm doing fine").

And on every cold night
You held me so tight
my pieces fit together
and you filled the holes
left by storms and bad weather.

Too much is nonexistant
and you love that I'm persistant.
not enough is impossible.
And that's what it means
when you tell me you love me
I'm on top of the world.

I want to say time changes things,
because it's the truth about reality.
But honestly, you're the thing
and you've changed me.
but in a better way than time herself could ever dream.
And now, I'll get to watch change with you for eternity.

Today we're together,
and I'm a little lost on time.
'Cuz I'm in love,
and that's enough.
(I'm doing so much more than fine.)
Arihant Verma Jan 2016
        a letter
    reaches too late
  does the writer die
of hunger or of wait
to be written back
       by a love
       that is
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