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Yanamari Apr 2018
I feel the icy walls
Rising up around me
In my reach
And under my touch
I don't look up
I don't look out
I don't try to reach
Past the walls about.

And if I see
A sliver of the light
Tears blur my sight
And I collapse
As the walls come crashing down...

And if you catch
My soul by chance
I would crack
Into a million shards of ice;
My final barrier
And the end all...
CA Smith Mar 2018
The woodcarver
Chips away at his creation
The old, steady hands
Crafting something of perfection
Each wood shaving falling away,
piece by piece,
gives way to a more and more beautiful masterpiece.
But halfway through,
he sits, and he rests.
The creation still stands on the workbench, incomplete.
Time goes on,
and on, and on…. yet the unhatched egg of a figurine still remains.
And one day, the carver again takes it into his hands.
“Finally, your time has come”
He sits back, and he widdles, and widdles….and widdles.
The wooden sculpture at last takes its final form.
And although it was finished last,
and he had made hundreds of items in the past,
the piece that took the longest,
was much more precious than any other piece he had ever made before.
Alima Tekeyeva Apr 2018
Three years later,
My love for you still inspires every fiber of my body with the same intensity of our first explosive kiss.

Three years later,
Any second of you in mind I feel like my body starts floating high like smoke coasting through the atmosphere.

Three years later,
With patience and understanding still standing by your aside upon command like a silly pup tugging at the bottom of your jeans.

Three years later,
Your absence still suffocates me, squeezing my lungs as I lose my breath and my consciousness...perhaps even sanity.  

Three years later I continue to wait....
Özcan Sh Apr 2018
The boy has a lot of scars
At his heart and body
He has a lot of patience
But he does not stop fighting
Because every attack makes him stronger
sunflower Mar 2018
I am walking down this beautiful path,
Made up of strong desires.

In between all these tall trees,
Representing my confidence.

Breathing in the calmest air of forgiveness,
And breathing out the greatest regrets.

I am growing into a big tree,
Watered with self-love and patience.

I am walking into the woods,
Where I found the realest me.
For how I am finally changing.

Kalliope Mar 2018
I'm sorry I didn't understand how to love slowly,
It's a shame you didn't have the patience to show me.
Kim Essary Mar 2018
Be patient with her son, as she's only known you for a little while.      
  Give her time and your baby girl will feel Comfort when you smile.
  Be patient with her son, if she pulls away from your first hug.
  It won't be long  And she will be the one giving your shirt tale a tug.
  Be patient with her son, as she needs reassured all along.
  For the stranger standing in front of her is  her Daddy  that loves her so much and will always be there to teach her right from wrong.
  Be patient my son

My son has a little girl he's never seen she will be 2 in September h3 is daddy she just doesn't know him yet.
(A Psalm of Trust: patiently trusting despite adversity.)

My deliverance is in
The Lord's hands.
I wait for him in prayer
With meditation and praise.
The Lord will strengthen me
In trials.
He will not allow the enemy
To defeat me.
My God has placed a hedge
Of protection on every side.
Morning, noon and night,
He watches and no evil
Shall befall.
Collins Mar 2018
I'll sit....

...and I'll wait.

Beat me, brand me, berate me.

I'll sit...

...and I'll wait.

Tell me I'm nothing, tell me we were nothing, tell me you don't love me.


I'll sit...

...and I'll wait.

Starve me of your attention, disappear from my sight, remove all memories of us.

And still...

I'll sit...

...and I'll wait.

"Poor idiot."

They'll say.

"She'll wait forever if she doesn't learn to leave for herself."
Sometimes patience is not a virtue, learning to let go of someone is hard. Letting go of an idea of someone or something is difficult, particularly when that idea is so whole and complete for you, the notion of it not existing has never occurred; facing that reality can be testing. Learning to let go for ones own well being is crucial to moving on.
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