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Endless Horizon Sep 2014
Wait for me,
by the corner on an empty street,
an umbrella in your hands,
and a suitcase in the other.

Wait for me,
when the skies turn tangerine,
when the clouds become colored with pink.

Wait for me,
even as the raindrops start to pour,
when streaks of light rip the air.
Hold on,
even as the clouds start to roll in.

Wait for me,
when the skies turn jet black,
when the clouds become colored in gray.

Wait for me,
by the corner of an empty street,
an umbrella in your hands,
and a suitcase in the other.

Please, wait for me,
and I'd do the same
for you.
Tried my hand at mirror poems at the suggestion of a friend and because I have nothing to do.
Jenny Oct 2011
With ships sailing from dusk to dawn,
this is when God finds His prodigal sons.
Who swim in circles
searching the shore.

With sails filling from rise to fall,
this is how God hears His son's mournful calls.
Which flutter and fail
through winds wailing more.

With sands shifting from near to far,
this is why God knows His sons live for stars.
That burn and die
leaving them an empty core.

With souls trailing from up to down,
this is where God sees His sons stroke toward ground.
Where He watches ready
to open His heart's beating door.
August 2008. A poem and prayer for my 2 brothers, Nick my husband, my Dad, grandfathers and uncles who all love the sea in some way. Now our first born son too, we have yet to see who he will become. :)
Ady Sep 2014
Once in a while you'd call me regret,
wonder out the door and lose your way outside.
But I'd wait by the window,
all morning and each unbearable night of limbo.
And when dawn broke through the window and
the light illuminated the trail on your skin;
you would appear on the doorstep ashamed and keen
on me.
I think it's now routine but I don't mind the times because
I've mapped love marks on the atlas of your skin knowing
you'll want to come back once you've seen the x marks the spot.
This one makes me laugh so much
Chantinelle Sep 2014
To anyone who may ever attempt to be in a relationship with me:
Be patient.
I am like a wild animal, I need to be tamed.
I'll laugh to ease the tension I feel, don't take it personally.
I'll duck away when you try to wrap your arm around me.
I'll flinch or freeze in fear if you try to kiss me.
Take things slow, like easing a wolf into the position of a house pet.
Because that's what I am.
I am wild and I am free.
I am used to running on my own, used to not being tied down.
I have to feel comfortable with you for anything to work.
And that comes with patience.
Hold my hand when we go to a movie, don't try to kiss me or talk to me, chances are I am actually watching the movie.
If you want to kiss me start off with little things; start off with a kiss on the back of the hand, my forehead, my cheek, my nose.
Hug me when were alone, just the two of us when we're comfortable with one another, don't make it into a show of claiming me.
I am not yours to claim.
I am me, a person not a possession.
And I don't take transition very well.
So, be patient, don't make me jump into something head first when I'm incredibly frightened of it.
I'm going to be a nervous wreck after I've been asked out; just treat me like you always would and when I'm comfortable we can work on who we are together.
Because I am me and you are you; we are different people yet we can come together with our feelings and make something completely new.
If we're patient.
BarelyABard Sep 2014
I wear my heart on my sleeve,
but that shirt is hanging in my closet gathering dust with
all the other things I have left behind.
The love notes,
kisses for autographs and picturesque photographs
are packed in a box. forgotten, but always in reach.

I am looking through one way glass at the world,
screaming at the top of my lungs,
but no one can hear me
and I try so hard to get their attention...
The attention of those who are never worth it.

One foot stands in the cool breeze of loneliness like the maudlin moonlight of a midnight freedom
while the other stands in hopeful cecity to feel the warmth of lips on my cheek
or a hand lightly clutching mine...

I am stuck between universes,
like the space between dreams and the waking world.
Here I live and here I watch.

...perhaps I'll run into someone, someday...
They say patience is a virtue
but patience is more than a virtue
it's a state of mind
it's a way of life
it kills the soul
and causes the heart stress and excessive beats
most times patience takes a lot of practice
and lasts for what seems like
but the longer it lasts
the harder it becomes
to be patient
you want answers
to your questions
you want the grade
for that paper
you want the date
of happiness to come
you want the girl
or the guy
you want something and the patience to wait for it
kills you!
But when your patience is running thin
and you feel like giving in
just remember that I'm here
being patient too
and even though it's
I will continue to live in
because some things
are worth being patient for....
liz Sep 2014
A million times to say
goodbye in this life,
over and over again.

Empty rooms,
windowless pains
oh, I'm going insane.

I've lost the patience
to believe
when everything
crumbles at my feet.

Even in the night,
there's no end to the fight.
From a song I wrote.
As time, like deep waters, flows past me,
I sit on the banks, legs in knee deep
splashing the water a bit, waiting to see
your love's canoe, slide gingerly up to me

Your absence is like a candle flame
sure to wear itself out some day
but my love for you is a warm spring
eternal, its source deep within

I find myself thirsty, for a sip of the elixir
that must surely flow, from your lips
like a patch of parched soil, in the desert
waiting to be touched, by rain, for years

It is not in my nature, to be patient
when what I desire, is out of my reach
But the cactus must wait, amid others gay
for when it flowers, all will be okay
Hearts have no patience at all, do they?
Nena Twedell Sep 2014
Close my eyes tonight
In hopes of happiness and peace
Using  my determination as a light
To scare away the darkness and the monsters that comes with
Its hard to manage when you don't mind the dark some days
Don't mind walking in the dark
Prefer it most days
But that’s in this world
Not the world of my head
In the world of my head I have to shine this light around
And push it all away
So I can keep pushing forward
So that I can explore the new part of my mind
That is attempting to take over my world as we speak
I've already decided it can't have it
I won't let it squelch the things I've worked so hard for
Determination it shall fear
And I shall not fear it
No matter how hard it pushes
I may have to step back
But I refuse to stand at the bottom of this mountain
And pretend everything is ok.
I've already attempted that
I've already looked for the answer at the bottom of a bottle
The answer isn't there
The answer is in Determination and patience
Forgiveness of myself.
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