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Poetic T Sep 2017
When the bereavement  of a seasons passing
leaves fall like haemorrhaging droplets.

Tree's like skeletons of past life,
        waving in the wind.
Shadow now claw longer than before.

As life decays, beneath..
      frigid breath crawls along the landscape,
those left above entombed in decay.
mortality of surroundings..
Aric Aug 2017
It's been about two years since I saw my aunts face, it's crazy how I heard I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, everyday I have an image in my mind, it's got me confused on top of my own crimes, at night I can feel a cold breeze, I ask myself is she there to comfort me asleep, I get scared so I cover up my eyes n my whole feet.... I can feel your energy when your right beside me, sometimes I pray to god, then it blows my mind when I get answers on my own iPod.... One time I had a dream, I was floatin up above my body n I could see papa in the scene, there was a bright light, then there was a tunnel, you came out with Jesus n told me to stay out of trouble, **** I got to get in line, I definitely remember you screaming its not your time! Go back you got a passion to find, put the fakes aside leave the ******* behind, but all this stress catches up every time I try, then it was kisses goodbye, sleep tight as I sing your childhoods lullaby
K Eaglechild Aug 2017
"Mom?" I whisper, your bedroom door slowly creaks open
Pill bottles still clutter around your nightstand along with
Your blue journal with a family photo of us glued to the front page.
My mind manipulates me, toys with my vision; hallucinations
Your bedroom is now bleak, bitter, a cloud of sadness above it
You're favorite blanket is still sprawled out on your perfect bed,
untouched and cold.
I'm afraid to touch it 'cause it was your favorite thing in this world.. I creep over to your bed, "Mom?" I wait for answer.
My fingers touch the softness of your blanket, memories appear like an adrenaline rush and the sadness accelerates.
I fling it over myself. It still smells like you.
I lay in your bed, wrapped in your fleece blanket, shuddering.
"Mom?" I whimper.
I remimince the sounds of your soft and loving voice, calming me
"My baby girl", "I love you", "I'm sorry".
I peek my head out from my bundle of comfort.
Reaching for the framed picture on your nightstand
Healthy, happy, full of life.
Last time I saw you, your eyes were puffy, your face was pale, your voice barely passed as a whisper.

Now, I lay here helplessly,
A empty bottle of pills inside my bitter cold hands.
Mom, please take me home.

"Mom?" I call out in the midst of your room. Everything around me fading to black..

"Hey baby girl." She finally answers back.
Written for my acquaintance.
Elliott Storer Aug 2017
Tell the thought echoing of my every demise, it passes because it's past. Tell this glimmer of hope, sparkling like the ocean reflecting the sun, my future is bright.
Marin Aug 2017
Walking home alone
dusky lights surrounding me
I can feel you
following me, Rainy Cloud

But you're not the one
I want to feel

Turning the lights off
Raindrops knock at my window
Passing through the time
As my mind fades away

However, I''l leave my window open
that you
came in with the rain
Marin Jul 2017
It was a flower
Not one of those
Colirful flowers whose
Smell would expell your mind
Into the state of ectasy

Nor was it one
Of those flowers
That attracted
a lot of bees nor gazes

However, it was
A flower that could
Withstand any drout
Or any flood
That came it's way

It was a flower
That could grow
Anywhere, out of
What seemed like nothing

When a young man
Was passing through
The flower fields

He stopped
To pick up a flower
Perhaps for his love or mother

But he took another
For as, like flowers like people
Are chosen by their beauty
And not their root
Piotr Sordyl Jul 2017
River's flow
Steadily passing,
Like human beauty.
Marin Jul 2017
A night before a journey

Too late to do anything
Yet early enough to do something
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