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Kristine Jul 2017
I used to think that there are no such things as parallel universe.
That we only live in this current situation and that everything is planned ahead of us.

But the you came along, unexpectedly and unbelievably.

You're a believer of parallel universe and that our fate depends on what choices we and the people around us decided to make.
You said that life is a constant choices you need to choose from.

And suddenly, i believed you.

I believed that our unexpected meeting is not our choice, but our past choices are.

I chose someone who didn't choose me, and same goes for you, and their choices leads to our story.

I couldn't thank them less for not choosing both of us.
We may feel a bit sad before, but look at us now, we're both more than what we deserve.

And i want you to know, that if i had to choose again, over my change of fate and you, i will always choose you, and i'm going to make my own fate with you in it.
Blah blah Jun 2017
Each step forward, I found his ego winning over my love.
Maybe we'll meet somewhere in oblivion. Parallel lines never intersect in real world.
Mysidian Bard Mar 2017
I'll give you my pen
if you draw the parallels
here between our lives.
Daniella Torino Feb 2017
What happens
when my version
in real dimension

met your version
in parallel universe,
staring at each other like
it’s a usual scenario,
seeing those cold eyes
flaming my heart on fire,
feeling the blazing sensation
memories outnumbering stars,
yet still overwhelmed by the suffocation
of the aroma
called love

What happens
when your version
in real dimension

met my version
in parallel universe,
sitting on the same bench,
looking at the same sky,
watching  how the sun and moon keep distance,
spectrum illuminating our souls,
exquisitely walking  away,
monsters screaming in shadows,
vanishing footprints
but still,
synchronous to my heartbeat?
Sam Jan 2017
Playing my guitar
the music entangles
in the room around me

Music I try
to spread to you
but it never seems
to reach

This musical bubble
has not been popped
though sometimes I feel
it should be

To stop and think
thinking is usually
bad, yet here
it gives me hope

I think of the saying
I said long ago
to someone who has
a special place
in my heart

I believe in this treasure
because its what
keeps my bubble
from popping

Seven beats
Seven measures
Seven notes
Seven words

Believe in yourself
Believe in who you are
You are you, for a reason

Know you can overcome,
surpass this time
of hardship and darkness

You have the strength
You have the support
to continue forward.

I believe in all of you,
though that may not mean much,
It's the best I can do
for now

I will continue to play my guitar
For you, my friends.
All I can do,
is surround you with
my music.

What I need you to do?
*Don't let the Music within you Fade.
Based upon a poem from a few months ago
Though, this poem reaches to three, rather than one, it still clings to the special meaning it held so long ago.
The structure isn't the best,
but the message is pointed across well i hope.

I'm sorry.
aa Jan 2017
However improbable
I like to think that the multiverse theory is true
That for every choice we made
there are versions of us who made different ones,
and that for every lost opportunity
there is a whole another universe where we took a chance
The paradox will never end
the parallels will never cross
But I like to think that
somewhere out there
no matter how unreachable
there is a version of me
that still has you.
Kelly Bitangcol Nov 2016
I was taking a bath at 3 in the afternoon. Just finished brushed my teeth, now staring at the water below me, about to rinse off my shampoo while thinking of you. And then a certain thought came to my mind, this moment already happened. I don’t know how many times, probably twice or thrice but I remember looking at the pouring water and thinking of your love that has kept cleansing me. Not only the setting is same or the thought is similar but also the feeling that I have was the feeling I exactly felt when this thing happened. I remember dreaming that I was already running late for school and so I got ready so quickly as if I only have 5 minutes of my life left and when I already reached our classroom, all my classmates were staring at me like I murdered someone and the feeling was horrible. As I was dying from embarrassment, I suddenly woke up. Everything changed but it felt like nothing happened, then all of a sudden I was in a zoo, all dressed up with a camera, and a snake was about to **** me, and as I was dying from fear I woke up sweating. I checked my phone and it said it was midnight. I couldn’t remember what I was thinking back then but in that moment, the only words that came out of my mouth were “It was a dream within a dream.” When I was answering my math exam, I couldn’t think of anything to answer, I couldn’t even think of what to do in trigonometry, so I did the famous eenie meenie because I have already accepted that I was beyond bad when it comes to numbers, but I remember wishing that the Kelly Bitangcol in the parallel universe is a mathematician.

Déjà vu, dreams, parallel universe, what really are those? How does the uncanny sensation that you’ve experienced something before, that an event is repeating itself possible? Why do we dream and what even are dreams? Are we alone in this world? Is there another world? Or are there other worlds? Thousands of questions and all you get for an answer are 3 words, the great unknown. And that is what keeps everyone wondering right? Things we don’t know.  We keep on searching for answers even if takes decades to get them and until now the mysteries aren’t solved. So what we do is create our own ideas, our own theories. I think that our dreams are events that are happening to our other selves in another universe, and maybe your other selves are also dreaming of what is happening to you here. I think déjà vu is an event that already happened to us in another world so when we experience that moment for the first time, we feel that it already happened before. I always think of other versions of me, maybe one Kelly likes sports, maybe one Kelly is quiet and mysterious, maybe one Kelly loves math or maybe one Kelly is the very opposite of me.

But in the alternate dimensions, I wonder, would we meet? Would you ever come across to the sporty version of me? Would you never give up to unravel my mysteries? Would you like the mathematician Kelly? Would you fall in love with my opposite? I also made theories about your other selves, perhaps you’re a rockstar in one, perhaps the other version of you likes to paint, or perhaps one version of you abhors me. We could be staring at the stars in another universe, unable to tell our feelings for each other. We could be teammates in a math club. I could be sitting on a park bench while reading a book, and you are jogging, and as you decided to take a rest and sit on a bench I already left for class. We could be two people that would come across on the street, unable to look at each other, because we’re holding someone else’s hand. We could be anything in other worlds, we could be enemies, we could be just friends, or we could be strangers. And so I realised, that this version of me is beyond glad to meet that version of you in this one world out of no one knows how many. I do not like sports, I am not quiet and mysterious, I am horrible when it comes to math. You are not a rockstar, you cannot paint, but the thing is, I met you and you met me. We met one another and have known each other, we saw our imperfections and flaws and the things we couldn’t do that we wished we could. Maybe in another universe we could do all those things but we don’t have one thing there that we have here, each other. But hear me when I say this, if ever all of these are true, if I have lots of versions and you have many, whether there are things you can do or can’t, whether you’re worse or you’re better, one thing is certain. I will no longer spend decades to find an answer, I wouldn’t need to wonder anymore because it is not unknown. Baby, if there are millions of different you and millions of worlds, I know a thing for sure.  I would still choose this, I would still choose you.

Angel Bongat Jun 2016
She was a sunrise
and I was a sunset.
She brightens up the sky, energizing the people around,
while I bring out the darkness in the night.

She was like a fire,
burning all my doubts in life.
I was a snow,
for making her feel unloved.

She was never mine,
and I was never hers.
Like day and night,
our paths never crossed.

Someday, I want to be a scientist.
I want to know more about Physics,
so I'll be able to make a parallel universe,
for those people who never got the chance to be with the person they love.

- Please be mine at least in another dimension where there's only one you and one me.
mhelows May 2016
Maybe in another universe,
On that parallel universe
There's still us,
We are still together.
We are made for each other.

I wish i didn't broke up with you
I wish you didn't just let me go
I wish we never had that fight
That fight that broke us apart
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