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jess Feb 2018
But your touch on my skin was the thing I probably missed most because after self medicating I rubbed away a tear and my finger felt like how you’d trace circles on my back and the feeling lingered on my cheek.
Remembering the warm, soft and everlasting feeling that your fingers dragged into my skin and into my hear.
Because the next time I smoked a cigarette I remembered how that afternoon your lips tasted like ash and after I asked you blew it off and then later you were traced with the smell all over your clothes because you had a few more.
Because I can’t listen to certain songs without remembering that afternoon we giggled and screamed as we jumped around my room dancing with fake guitars to ****** music videos.
Because I couldn’t lay in my own bed the same for a year the same because I remembered which side you claimed as yours the day you came into my house and I always couldn’t touch that side because I thought you’d be there and I’d only feel your presence if I were to lay there.
My bed now lays in a new location because I couldn’t shake the idea, even now I can’t.
Because I can’t go to certain places with friends because we shared our love there because I can remember the parties and dates to the park to avoid our parents and even that awkward movie we saw together because I was anxious and you thought I was pathetic so I told you I’d go and after to reach for your hand to only have you pull it away.
Because I remember when she met you with me and I couldn’t understand after all this time why she was so excited to be with me.
Because I remember how my heart sank when I heard that you’d gone to see her alone and when she became your friend and then I became a fool and you used her name after you finished spitting on mine.
Because I remember waking up and panicking because I thought you’d killed yourself the night before, you didn’t listen to me, you wouldn’t answer my calls and you broke up with me and then the next afternoon I broke down crying in class because I saw your name finally appear on my screen.
Because I remember the first time you took me to your friends party and your best-friend questioned why I wasn’t sitting on his lap and I hesitated not because I wasn’t comfortable with him i wasn’t comfortable with me, I tried my best to not sit properly.
Because every-time I step into my room I remember how you always acted in this mess of a room, laying on the floor acting the *** and the time you hid my phone and helped me look for it so you could just be with me for a bit longer.
Because I can’t forget the time you went away and once you got back we’d broke up 3 times and I couldn’t ******* see you because the night you got back I got **** drunk cause I didn’t want to lose you but you were only away for 2 weeks but couldn’t see you till the 3rd because I was grounded. I remember how we hugged meeting in the middle of the street to my house and then us racing to the field by my house and taking pictures and running around.
Because I remember how you held me while you watched my favorite movie and I thought you weren’t paying attention until the end you turned to me and said: “you know, I agree with Jim Carry because he said to Clementine when they were on the ice ‘I’m right where I want to be’ and I am”.
Now I can’t watch that movie because I cry only twice rather than at the sappy parts. I cry when I hear him say that quote and when the credits appear because that’s when you held me tightest.
— started keeping a log of things i think of you when i’m high.
*I don't condone doing drugs this is just my thoughts and experiences*
this is really old a lot of the stuff I've written before was about one person in particular. sorry this is rlly long but congrats if you actually kept reading till the end. - i haven't proof read or edited this one and i think i'm gonna keep it that way.
J Jun 2017
I see you again,
As beautiful as ever;
Filter, not needed
My beloved sunset. And to the lady who doesn't need to wear make up to look great.
Jennifer Weiss Jan 2016
We spend so much time editing ourselves,
correcting every little thing that displeases.
Even my poetry is revisited,
trying to pretty up all my diseases.
But I no longer want to appear "neat" or "tidy".
I want to show the world all the things I am hiding...

It is difficult to do the right things,
some times I would rather sin,
but then I remember
Who gave me new life again.

I lay in my bed too long when I wake,
trying to read my bible,
but like the disciples
I fall asleep...

I am too ******* myself, thinking I need to be perfect.
Other times I don't try hard enough,
out of fear that it isn't worth it.

I struggle to forgive, others and myself.
I struggle to realize only I can choose to not live
in hell

I want to restore relationships, but sometimes I fear it
hurts too much.
I am working on remembering
Who is my source of love.

My biggest admission, is that I try to control.
I want to tell God how to write the story,
thinking my words are some how better or more bold.
When in reality He is author of every single thing.
I am reminding myself I am lucky to even be written
into a single page.
the truth.
Isaac Huston Nov 2015
In all that lies, all that will.
For truth to tell and false shrill
Tent of being in the grass,
Yet many go and so pass
The wonderous life inside
When all barriers are set aside.
I used to filter my words and actions to meet other's demands. Thankfully, I've gained confidence in who I am.
Because, I would rather be myself, frankly.
I'd rather have my flaws than yours and boast about my imperfections than pretend to be this socially acceptable girl.
Trust me, I'm far from perfect. This I know.
And I'd rather be that than put up a show.

I used to crave for acceptance, but instead I felt pushed away by cliques and clichés, realizing that pretense came with no gains.
Now the filter is gone, and I'm sticking with those who've been with me all along. I choose to be myself today. My life is better like that anyway.
Not quite sure why I began writing this poem, but towards the end I express some feelings I had in high school when I always seemed to be trying to impress people. College has taught me the value of being myself and I am moving towards being more comfortable in my own skin.
She's a mythical creature in skin tight jeans
The one and only reason denim exists
Her beauty is all games and never
That serious
More than deadly
A total loss of cabin pressure
And I'm not even reaching for the oxygen
We all gotta die some time
I just want the way her perfect skin plays
Hide and seek with every beam of light
To be the last thing my nerve endings experience
Before my dying brain says
I'm outta here
Good job!
And never wakes again.
Why does the experience of epic beauty cause an equal amount of stupidity in men?

Created without filters.
Sam Jul 2015
sons die as the sun drowns on the horizon in its daily execution
love's leaves leave lovers
each unique snowflake turns the same ***** brown
spring breaks the spring step
just playing with words :)
Some Person Nov 2014
Don't put your heart through a filter
On its way to the page
Don't pump it up with violence
Unless violence lives inside
I don't need a disconnected intellectual discourse
I won't read your descriptions
If I can barely understand them
Use your voice
Your own voice
So I can see who you are
So I can love you as you are
Without guessing
Who's behind your words
Is that so scary?

— The End —