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Sarah Richardson Sep 2017
Time blesses and curses
Creates and destroys
Carries, slows down
Tortures and rushes and drags

Always looking forward,
The future and it’s alluring suggestions.
Walk the linear belt of time
Towards that light at the end of this tunnel,
A place to rest.

It's moving farther away
Dimmer now
I can't remember why I move
Turn backwards, lost
Time snickers

Given up.

In boredom I look down.
For the first time I simply observe where I am,
the ground is shining.
Light rays pierce the soil,
casting arrangements on the tunnel's ceiling like stars.
There must be something below.
Dig until my fingers are raw
soil rises up, takes the place of progress.

A light show above me.
The mesmerizing patterns create movies in my mind.
World beneath me begins to move,
The soil is swallowing me.
I don't resist and I don't want to, I feel...good.  

When I come to my eyes adjust to the most luminous imagery I have ever seen.
Glimmering suns, flowers of colors unimaginable, grasses of greens and dew reflecting rainbows. Birds of paradise cascade overhead, my ears can taste their music like honey.
Time can’t find me here because it doesn’t exist.
This is the present. This is the moment. I laugh, and I laugh and I laugh. I’m happy and I was always here. I was always here.
A Thought
Moment in Time
If not Captured
Mane Omsy Sep 2017
Now these pictures seem fading
My head lifted away from gravity
Stay as long to enjoy every second
Slipping away from reality, imagine
Wondering why rappers talk dirt
It's old and they say it's gold
Two words combine together
For this ******* theory, close it
To another subject I fly
Holding a roll and laying down
Leaning on, staring at the sky
The moments passing, birds too
I deny, peace doesn't exist
So doesn't, humanity
It's the pressure, that tempts
To pretend to prove one to be
Some one he's not
Light headed I headed toward
The paths they told not to
I saw varieties of adventures
Yet to feel, but I'm limited
when you're in it
you don't think about it
how it plays out
how it would or wouldn't have been
you're literally just in the moment
good bad ugly great ok fine and it's all of it
every emotion in the spectrum
of colors and none
Poetic T Sep 2017
We are all caterpillars
       waiting for that moment.

That transforms  us to a
                 butterfly of reasoning.

We will in that moment,
              fly higher than ever before.
¿Qué es viento?
Arrastra el silencio.

¿Qué es viento?
Me pregunto
Y me respondo:
Es gas sonoro
Lleno de paz,
Es la tormenta
que me a traído
hasta acá.

El viento
Me ah tocado,
Tiene voz
Y canta.

Me arrulla como
La vida misma
Y lleva mensajes
Que recorren bosques
Y mares .

¿Que es viento?
Es el sonido del silencio,
Es el silbido de un insecto.

Viento que lleva el frio
O arrastra el calor,
Es viento que alimenta
Las llamas
y las encierra en amor.
Wrote in Guatemala.
Poetic T Aug 2017
Though the waters
                           may fall,
evaporating like shadows
of what momentarily descended.

There is still a silhouette
left like a
not seen but knowing
       it had been there.  

*"Tears always falling elegantly,
The Writer Aug 2017
You are the memory I'll never forget
before the bittersweet taste of guilt and regret

of grassy knees and childhood ease
sunshine skies and innocent lies

Oh, where did it all go?
How could we have ever known

that this was our future, this was our goodbye
I know it's my fault we became this, but I-

I wish I could take it all back to then
do everything over and start again

Maybe if I had been more than just a naive, immature kid
maybe we could have lasted longer than we did

I'm sorry it was the me before you that you met
but I hope it's the me after you that you'll never forget
Richard Grahn Aug 2017
In a laden sky, clouds are passing me by.
Wrapped up in passion, daylight decides.
There in the blue, a resilient hue.
Here on the ground, thoughts spin me around.

Green rises up to the heavens above.
Buds pucker out with nary a sound.
Laughter dissolves in the winds over time.
Memories are tossed in the space of my mind.

The leaves on the trees are waving at me.
The cost of this story is plain to see.
In the space of a moment, the earth turns me round.
Leaves me to wonder what else can be found.

Drifting through space with a smile on my face.
Dreaming of things I can still believe.
Walking the walk through the tales that we weave.
I'm treading the water in this silent pool.

I’m nobody’s fool but a fool I am.
The raging tempest blows me away.
The expanse of space is a welcome place.
The rhythm of days is that which remains.
This is pretty much a stream of contentiousness.
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