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Sasha Paulona Sep 2020
Chill of the night
Dim light all around
I cried with a smile
and combined to our souls
Every word.......

When I was lying on this bench
When I hold every breath
I believed you love me
Every pause............

When you far away
When the hearts were aching
I believed you love me
every moment.........

The sweet smell of your skin
It's the grievous part of my sin
You make me drunk with iced gin
and leave me with your win
every night...........
when I listen to Jazz music and think about romantic night club song.
Bhill Sep 2020
enlighten my lips without touching my soul
seize the moment and commit
take me by storm and submit yourself to the sensation
leave me wanting for what has been forgotten
what has been forgotten
enlighten me.....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 248
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2020
Just once
When your eyes met mine
Will you turn your head, side?
Or will you drown inside?
Just once
When your eyes met mine
Will you be shy?
Or will you adjust to explore?
Just once
When your eyes met mine
Will there left words to say?
Or will you read everything?
If I had created love
It would be
Dream this
Genre: Romantic
Theme: Eyes speak
White Shadow Sep 2020
There's this person now
But after a moment something happens,
And he's gone
I mean gone for always, he's dead.
It sounds and feels so strange,
It takes more than nine months to get a life, to be born
But it just takes moments to be gone forever.
We're here together now
Talking to each other, doing our own stuffs
But who knows for how long we're here
May be I'll be gone after a few moments,
Or you'll be gone
It sounds so simple yet it's so complicated

We humans for this unpredictable life,
Try to make things better every moment,
Try to please people around us,
Try to make our loved ones happy,
Try to be happy in our loved ones happiness
And in all this we're lost
We lose ourselves, our self-respect, our self-esteem
More importantly we forget to love ourselves

But why all these?
Why all these things if we all have to be gone,
It's just a matter of time when one person,
That is present now will be gone once and for all.

So let's just not complicate this life more.
Let's just live and enjoy the present to it's fullest.
Neither let your past drag you down nor your future
Just be in the present moment and try to live in it
Love yourself more than anything else
Take care of yourself
That's needed most because at the end of the day
The bitter truth is you were born alone and will die alone
It'll just be the moments and memories of your life that you'll take with you.
My own life experience
Mixing light with darkness, and seeing the corruption of the world. Inspiring to be one of the greats? What are we all living for? Manifesting, our dreams into reality, as we see our thoughts. Come alive right before our very eyes! This is what we believe to see. This is our reality.
My first poem came to me, when i was standing on the beach, watching light and dark mix in the sky.
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