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Anais Vionet Feb 14
They’d fallen in love
as some young people do—
so that lust might rationally increase.

Their bright, valentine-red-blood fairly beat for love.

It’s good that we can name a thing—
describe it and classify it, so it’s out there,
fact-like, in the flimsy, indefinite poetry-verse

It was a day for it, as the sun, that most followed star,
was a carnotite paintball-splotch against a sky stitched of turquoise
and the quality of the light was sentimentally beyond reproach.

Their gallant love seemed to cast a radiance too, a bright, collateral light, which was of greater reassurance than any by-rote, muttered words.

No one denied the ambition of their love, it was both a mess and a revelation. And no one could pretend the moment was ordinary, that the atoms that spun and gripped our world together weren’t woven yet more inseparable by their union.

The greatest, alas, may choose to bless or deny that such a miracle as love, lasts.
Songs for this:
Under Your Spell by Snow Strippers
You Can Have It All by Yo La Tengo
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 02/13/25:
Gallant = very courageous and brave
Anais Vionet Dec 2024
Love is non-mechanical
it doesn’t crank, pinion
or always work dependably.

In cavalier moments, I thought I knew
something of how it all works—
it’s apertures and shafts—
its grinds and reciprocations.

I’d judge it’s motions
work its levers, judge its spins,
and address its slippery angles.

You could call me obsessive
but obsessive people don’t
obsess this much.

You could call me compulsive
but the compulsive aren't
this compulsive.

All I can do is poise, balance
or swipe a little black credit card.
It’s the only magic I have.

I can’t turn bread into wine
or fish into water.

I can’t make the blind walk,
the deaf to see or the lame to
taste again.

God reserves some miracles,
keeps them as close to the vest
as cards.

Jugglers work the circus,
mimes thrash to communicate,
and tightrope walkers fall.
Songs for this:
Viva la vida by Cold Play
When There Is Love by Karen Sokolof Javitch
The Rainbow Connection by Sarah McLachlan
How about a Christmas playlist! Because Christmas is in 10 days!
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 12/15/24:
Cavalier = shows no concern for important or serious matters.
David Hilburn Nov 2024
Sorry won't do...
Open to arguably the same
Of what is, a person of who
The truth, when I quietly name...

Children a universal charity...
Elect a seer, or offer a proven
Wait, is ours for a faring vanity
The has your might, as chastity's problem...

Fly by, and heed?
A question of moments, more adores
Ask the question of mete and need
The luck of angel's, is anger was...

A place for cynical wealth, lost
A pace of worthier demonstration, caught
A pax of elucidated reasons, saw us
A person with uniqueness depends, saw it

Given the gift of giving
That youth has come of age
For a sincerity, sated with living
In the shadow of kindness, not angers fate
Another purpose behind, another purpose forward, another purpose excited
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2024
Relax, relief, Steve, a short one, I do believe,
is coming down the turnpike, a simple
thought kernel that occurs me to each
morning, and then gets swept out to
the sea, via the sound’s currents them,
a reality check on, an internet
a daily compilation of mispredictions,
guesses and disconnectedness to our
reality… that we yet must read first,
always & nonetheless…

so, here it is, a golden buttered kernel,
that flys past my poem seeking radar
so fast that, it has escaped for now
nearly sixteen years…

this spring chicken, lies besides his woman,
who wakes traditionally secondarily, and
she sleep best then, shedding the dreams that
come unwonted, the review and recap of life’s
tumult…and finally gets the deep sleep that
recharges our cells with restorative justice…

as she sleeps, her face sheds, a morning miracle,
deep at ease, she breathes soft, clean and clear,
silently and a m a z i n g l y, every line on her
and her skin, smooth, tight,
and I’m face flushed, by guilt for never telling
her, and that guilt that has not been yet here
recorded, and yet…

a reminder that a first poem of the day (a FPOTD),
like morning ***, starts a human off right, clears
forehead, like smooth writing, fresh oven baked,
blue lines on paper, begging, asking for fufillment
and satisfaction, that has no competition, for it is,
unique, that the first deep breath of a day, when
you take in all that surrounds, and observe close
the minor miracles, all an addition, that gives our
body, the reasons to wake up, with wet eyes, and
a thin, curly, half grin, hall (half+all✅) whimsy smile…

Sat Jul 20

(and this one flies out the window, past the oak trees,
to the water and the wind grabs by its lettered bones
and is sending it out to Iowa, Travese City Michigan,
Missouri, Oregon and the great  Northwest Pacific
over the Pacific, to the Philippines, India,  New Zealand, Israel, Europe, the UK as in You Know) and back past Lady Liberty in the New York Harbor, along the Long Island shoreline, to a little house on a little island, where it recenters my body, asking why oh why, no way, natty, have you not offered me
my first coffee of the day, (MFCOTD)
yet, all this traveling, loving and thinking is

so very tiring… java, por favor señor!)
Traditionally, Jews recite three blessings when they wake up:

Modeh Ani: A short prayer that expresses gratitude and thanks God for returning the soul to the body after sleep
Elohai Neshama: A blessing that thanks God for one's soul
Netilat Yadayim: A blessing that relates to washing hands, which is a symbolic way to remove spiritual impurity
David Hilburn May 2024
Right about glue?
Salvation is a nod's miracle...
Flow to owe, is rightness you?
With the season of silence, will...

A quiet person
Save you from two?
Chaste, and expecting worsens
Apprehension, is for those who...?

Kind amid dreck
Superiority has found your hunger...
Safety of sanity, is always elect
If was was to be, wall's speak danger?

Actual accord to finish
Simple lucre, to deliberate thus
The question's and answer's, of essences wish

Glad to meet me?
Sincerity is ours, for another
Integrity of poise and anarchy
With only ourselves to bother...?
A question only an angel could answer...?
Phia Oct 2023
I’ve resorted to making wishes on dandelions
For miracles
I know
Will never come
Zywa Feb 2023
Isn't it beautiful

today? It's a miracle --

but who is impressed?
"Makura no Sōshi" - 84 ("The Pillow Book" - 84, I Remember a Clear Morning, 1002, Sei Shonagon)

Collection "No wonder"
Pat Villaceran Aug 2022
Life's so big and beautiful

and bold

For you to get stuck
in this cave that holds


Caged in
unable to move

Because the curtains were closed
and the windows barricaded
from light

But here's your
A message from
Your past lives

To open the door
The key's just there
Lying on the floor


Just like you did
When you were a child
Waiting to open
Christmas presents

Seeking the thrill,
the excitement of the new

Because yes, my dear,
Tomorrow's been waiting
for YOU.
May she mark her moments of miracles. For it won't be but momentarily she'll soon forget such wonderous moments and she'll be buried in her daily duties, dilly dallying dutifully till the deathbed does she dwell on such matters again to sit in such shame sorrowfully understanding the passing of her muliebrity.
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