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My Laura
how tomorrow
was your
time lace
with bona
fide séance
in these
highlands of
Arabica here
in America
always vernacular
with a
sound heard
round world  
to triumph
love with
our beliefs.
About Laura
Shay Jun 2016
When you find yourself trapped in a desperate, despondent hole
and you feel that one person has torn apart every piece of your soul,
but you find yourself able to live, laugh and love again even after the pain of heartache,
that is the day you realise that you're stronger than (and love conquers) all hate and heartbreak.
Rustle McBride May 2016
I am Guatemala
I am its mountains and its shore
I am its black sand beaches. I am its artists and its poor

I am the mist from its volcanoes
I am its limestone richly carved
I am the Mayan, and the Latin. I am the hungry and the starved

I am its folklore and its future
I am its markets and its clothes
I am the abandoned and forgotten. I am its children no one knows

I am its colorful conventions
I am its jungles and its fare
I am its colonial traditions. I am the pilas in the square

I am Guatemala
I am its living and its dead
One is always Guatemala, no matter how far we are spread
my heritage
17th May 2016
seré obediente
intentaré levantarme temprano
haré que mis tobillos no suenen en la madrugada
dejaré de fumar y dejaré el café
sólo para poder redimirme de esos ojos otra vez

apagaré las luces antes de salir de la casa
limpiaré la cocina después de cocinar
no me haré daño
sólo para poder sumergirme en esa sonrisa una y otra vez

dormiré temprano
no malgastaré mi tiempo ni mi dinero
seguiré haciendo yoga
sólo para poder continuar viéndote cada noche al dormir

*so please, don't leave
Al Apr 2016
syllables tracing periphery,
lips cascading, chasing
the lyrics of one’s soundless
voice gone hoarse with
the melody of a name;
might i perchance remember
the flight of your lashes’
flutter against skin and
flush, hearing my echoes
reverberate along your frame?
and it's over
Kayotic Tragedy Feb 2016
Utinam hic quidem me solum relinquatis et caerulei oculi penetrare cogitabant mala mihi. Crudelibus modis agit , et intuitus est angeli.
English translation: If only did he produce me ye may leave alone , and blue eyes penetrate : they devised evils to me. Ways, cruel , and he beheld the angel.
William Le Feb 2016
Within the gentle heart abideth Love,
As doth a bird within green forest glade,
Neither before the gentle heart was Love,
Nor Love ere gentle heart by Nature made.
Created was the sun,
And lo, his radiance everywhere held sway,
Nor was before the sun;
Love doth unto all gentleness aspire,
And in the self-same way
Doth clarity unto clear flame of fire.
     Love’s fire is kindled in the gentle heart,
As virtue is within the precious stone;
From out the star no glory doth depart
Until made gentle by the sun alone.
When the sun hath drawn forth
By his own strength all that which is not meet,
The star doth prove its worth.
Thus to the heart, by Nature fashioned so
Gentle and pure and sweet,
The love of woman like a star doth go.
     The reason Love in gentle heart doth stay
Is why the fire unto the torch-head flies,
Burning as he doth fancy, bright and gay,
And were too proud to do so otherwise.
But Nature’s cruel scheme
Contrasteth Love as water, flame; as heat,
Quelled by the cooling stream.
In gentle heart doth Love his bower divine,
Since like with like must meet,
Thus diamonds in the iron of the mine.
     Upon the mire the sun sheds his bright rays,
That is still vile, nor doth the sun turn cold:
“Gentle am I by birth,” the proud man says.
33 He, mire, and the sun, gentleness, I hold.
Let no man think that he
May be possessed of gentleness, although
He boast a king’s degree,
Unless a gentle heart be found in him:
The water is aglow
With stars, and yet the heavens have not grown dim.
     God the Creator in heaven’s mind of grace
Shines brighter than before our eyes the sun;
There it is given to see Him face to face,
Whence in their beauty the skies, serving one
Just God, to Him do turn
And the blest end of primal love fulfil.
Thus the truth which doth burn
In my sweet Lady’s eyes she should make clear,
Of her own gentle will,
To him who in her service tarries near.
     My Lady, God will say: “Didst thou not fear,”
(When my soul standeth yonder in His sight:)
“To pass the heavens and seek Me even here,
Vain love pursuing with My image dight?
To Me doth praise belong
And to the Queen of Heaven, who from her sphere
Of glory endeth wrong.”
Then I could plead: “Thy angels up above,
O Lord, like her appear;
I did not sin in giving her my love.”
Amor , amoris love
Servet me in aciem
Est vita aeterna,
Beautiful Beautiful  smiling smoke
My love is very sick
The tears keep me ballistic
"Don't worry," She spoke
Her proud figure curls up
I remain by her side
Even though plague's arm opened wide
I offered her my cup
I'm crying again
I don't want her to leave
Nor spend an eternity in grief
I hold her close to her parents disdain
Extinctus est Mihi
Ne derelinquas me
Perniciosasque tristitia
Manete in aeternum
Please get better
There are demons in  my mind
Our dreams they blind
Stay awake, read my love letter
Sadistic narcissistic fools
You idly gossip
Her fate you toss-up
Poisoned are thy souls
Ego solet abire
Te amo
In aeterno praeteriti temporis
They want me to flee
They want me to turn my back
But deathly dreams surely are black
I ignore their plea
I watch my love fade away
Take me instead
You can rest easy if I'm dead
Your soul shall stay
Et immarcescibilem
Vos postulo ut vivat in
Memento digni sunt
Vale, mea
Perspicuus caliginoso loco hoc
Fidem tibi habeo
Ne fleveris
Et nihilominus esset melior aptus.............
Industrial music + love of my life sick= a sad ballot
He lied so casually;
Such little meaning in such big statements.
When he said “I love you”, did he ever truly mean it?
Has he ever meant anything? Was his whole being merely a facade?

Chasing the answers;
Does he ever truly wish to find them?
He finds depressive thoughts comforting;
So lost in self-pity, he loves to feel sadness.

Something to hold deep within.

He bleeds words onto paper, too afraid to bleed in the open;
An ever-spiraling cycle.

He knows his demons are many;
He knows his demons are self-made.
Depression grips him, as depression is relief.

Is the world even real when his thoughts are so inward and selfish?

Lost. Lost. Lost.

Do I want to be found?
Do I want to find myself?

I think not; I fear I am not the person I would like to be.

When did he turn into me?

How did this happen?
The lines between fantasy and reality are so blurred. Paenitentia.
Burning blazes,
Warm hearts
Stars embrace,
Their counterparts
The forest fell away, and they now lay in the stars embrace.
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