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Lost Apr 2016
Contrary to popular belief,
depression is the best pain killer there is.
It forces itself down your throat,
and canon-***** into your stomach.
Ripples chills throughout your body,
that's when you know it's starting to work.
It pulses through your veins,
numbness radiating through you.
there is no pain.
It will consume you until there is nothing left,
just the hollow shell
of a once
I had this revelation today.
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
What does it sound like when all hope is lost
It's a silent scream in the empty dark
No one knows what to you it cost
No one can see it's left it's mark
It happens when you're all alone
When you've tried everything but it doesn't matter
You just try to find a safty zone
But the voices in your head still chatter
Telling you, you can't make it through the day
And at night you plot your death
You are slowly starting to decay
You know on the inside there's nothing left
I know what the sound is when your last hope dies
It's but a mournful whimper
It's only seen in your eyes
It leaves you cold, it's a soul killer
Annie McLaughlin Mar 2016
Little lost girl
Wanders far down
Away from negativity
And wretched howls of town

Little lost girl
Stumbles on stones
Not resisting failure
Or the find of old bones

Little lost girl
Shielded from the lights
Hears the engine approaching
And discards her known rights

Little lost girl
Is nowhere to be seen
She's surely not stamped to the ground
By a superior of all means
Windows glassy before me,
As the beat behind them slowly comes to a resolve,
This shell before me shall dissolve.
Go onward to place I shall not reach,
Not now at least

The darkness flees the flashing badges,
Something I will not be granted

You are in a better place, or so I assume
By my own hand, I am doomed

These hands I know so well,
That is yours

Wrenched behind me as you are stared at in terror
They think my work is over

But I have just began, I really am new to this
I don’t mean to offend but you were simply practice
Lisa Lesetedi Feb 2016
She thought it was funny
Thought it was a joke
So she put some poison in his Coke
Joke went wrong and he began to choke

That's how it started,how she took a life
Soon she was slitting throats with knives
Homes where recked as lives were lost
But she had to shed some blood at any cost.
Wrote this a verrry long time ago...
Xan Abyss Feb 2016
there's a killer on the loose
stalking my city streets
and my biggest fear
is that it might be me

every single night
i have another dream
i see their twisted faces frozen in their final screams
and every single day carries the horrid revelation
that my mind has seen through killer's eyes in my imagination

theres a killer on the loose and i dont know what to do
so many brand new corpses that i'm afraid for you

when i close my eyes and let the black invade my sight
drift away into the vast oblivion of night
i can see their faces tense and twisted up in fright
as someone dressed up in my clothes rapes them of their life

there's a killer on the loose
and now i know it's me
this face will be the last thing
your eyes will ever see
strange phantoms lyrics.
destructivebeing Jan 2016
Somewhere around here,
There's a heartless *****.

Watch out for her

She's fine as ****.
ringnir Jan 2016
Has it arrived?
Why, why hasn't it?
The hands that run this place
***** and test my spirit.

Oh but I am patient,
but stand not to suffer.
These bullies,
they will hear from darling Mother.

Mother will not be charmed
by this, this
hair on my chin.
How will she hope to recognize
her little Monkey kin?

Where is the razor promised?
She will be here quite soon.
I scraped and clawed barbarously, but
my nails aren't meant to prune.

Little Monkey, breathe.
Allay the palpitations
and the grinding of your teeth.

Count. 1, 2, 9, 4.
Or was it 1, 2, 4, 9?
Oh, Mother says it's not vital.
I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Wipe your chin off of blood.
And bite your nails off too.
You are, no, I - am patient -
until the debt is due.


Like that kid, what was he called?
John? Jim? An arrant name I'm sure.
He hissed and said he'd tell on me,
for eating green manure.

He ran -
that poor little Penguin.
What Mother bestowed to Monkey,
his did not bequeath to him.

A splintered piece of fence in hand
- why is the razor not here yet -
A fall, a squeal, he could not defend.
Cowgirl, concede, plead, then stab.

Prying open a chicken's beak
was cleaner than plucking out his tongue.
This Jack? Joe? This brown-eyed snitch,
thought he'd won because he's young.

I ejected into his open mouth - no loss,
to assure my secret stayed unleashed -
and I never quite liked brown manure,
unlike Mother's eyes - a jade-green finish.

The Penguin family - an unexpected crowd.
All of them - mother, father, and two other browns.
They all screamed and the father lunged, but -
penguins can never beat Monkey on ground.

Each one felled by fence's tip.
1, 2... well the father was elephant-big.
And the others combined would make one more.
So two Elephants by Monkey's score.


My fingers with nails freshly removed,
evoke an image of that wooden stake.
Dripping and wafting - suspicious acerbity...
...I think she's here! 1, 2, 9, 8...

Blood-grimed hands no longer throbbing,
for it's all right now, dear Mother's coming.
She will kiss you and speak with her peridot eyes,
sing lullabies and... Where is my Mother!?

You bullies promised me Mother was coming.
Liars! Are you hiding her from me? Mommy!!
Monkey was good and waited meekly for you.
You thieves and brown-eyes, what did you do?!
And where are you taking me, if not to see her?
No I don't want to sleep, I want a moment with her!
Count your debts
- all of you -
for I have a patient nature.
You will all pay - when I get my promised razor.
CE Jan 2016
She dressed in floral sundresses as if every day was summer
She enjoyed ripping the wings off of butterflies
and burned daisies for fun

and the girl in the sundresses set fire to anthills to see them scramble out like criminals on the run

The girl in the sundresses drowned her pet mouse,
dried out her gold fish,
cut the wings off her parrot
and choked her snake with them

and I don't believe in evil

The girl is not evil, despite all people say
Why did she do it? I don't know
Did the victims deserve it? I don't know

The girl died a long time ago
Mauled by a dog  
Maybe that is irony
Maybe it is karma

She stayed up every night helping her little brother with homework
she said hello to the postman every morning
she baked cookies and offered them to classmates for no reason other than to give

She- despite all of the hurt -is not evil
She- despite all that they say -is not evil

and the girl in the sundresses doesn't deserve to be known
as a destroyer
as a killer
as a maniac

she deserves to be known
as more than just one word

I don't believe in evil. I never have and I never will. Based on an old friend of mine.
rachel martin Jan 2016
When I was younger I wrote of cops and robbers
Killers, chases, drugs and thrillers
One specific story that was my favorite chiller-
Hitting big money houses in a quiet town,
What a young burglar grabbed was something he'd better off not found
A suitcase full of treasures not
What he thought was heavy with cash, commodities
Was weighted with remains of bodies.
Can't risk jail, no, he can't pay his bail
So when the killer came looking
The only thing to do was to cover up his trail.

I never finished the story, writing it was kind of boring.
I was busy drinking and exploring when
One night I met a man, and he was telling me this story
How he was almost caught robbing this old man's home
And of the couple things he gathered, a suitcase was one.
No- it wasn't full of literal bodies
Maybe this time, some actual commodities.
But he sold them soon after, to get money for his drugs and whatever else he revered.
That he introduced to his friends that he turned to cold bodies with his endeavors.
So my story plays out in metaphors and its true that rich old men can be killers too
Like the one in my town with the corpses in the walls
I wondered, if plundered, would the killer turn the burglar into another number
And finish my story for me.
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