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Pauline Morris Apr 2016
To judge another is really not your place
You never know how it feels unless you live inside their space
But maybe your just stupid, ignorant, or dumb
Please enlighten me tell me which one
Julia Mae Apr 2016
i learned to be humble
when all of my privileges
were taken away
i learned to listen
when the girl down the street
ended her life one night
i practiced humility
when my past became so dark
and i learned not everyone is to be judged
i learned to forgive
no matter how badly you wronged me
i realized
you were the sad one, the unforgiving
you put me at fault
and i was
but i learned so much
and what you are
and what i am
and from the bad became good
i just want to be good
Thomas Davies Mar 2016
We all feel a bit insecure at times
With society watching our every move
It's up to us to make things better
Oh so difficult to do right

The world always try to knock us down
But don't give up, even if you're down
Just stand up stronger than before
We can show them we're not weak

Society judges us, so we hide
Put our masks on and hide
When all we want is to be free
But people deprive us of the priviledge

We must all stand together
We are as strong united, but we are weak apart
No matter the circumstances
We will rise to victory!
Created by Thomas Davies and Kobus Landsberg. I will not take credit alone ;)
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Fried green beens
Whirl of the machines
Flashing lights
Squeals of delight
Games to win prizes
Drinks in all sizes
Pig and cow judging
Old friends hugging
Bands in the grandstand
Fried pickles at foodstand
Gator bites and gyros
Rides tossing to and fro
Cotton candy
Salt water taffy
Beer tents
Free events
Pies, canning and art
Contest to take part
Many concessionaire
Great old fashion state fair
Libby DeLand Mar 2016
Smoke gathers in the air,
Mixing with the fog of this dreery night.
Inhaling the chemicals I know will **** me,
but who cares, not me.

Alone with a bottle in my hand,
Taking another swig.
My tastebuds have gone numb.
But who's judging, not me.

Taking them inside to lay me down,
Never to see him again.
Emotions are no where to be seen.
But who's **** shaming, not me.

Vices are who we are.
Embracing them are a risk.
Monitoring my actions is obsene.
But who's changing, not me.
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
To judge another is really not your place
You never know how it feels unless you live inside their space
But maybe your just stupid, ignorant, or dumb
Please enlighten me tell me which one
m i a Jan 2016
she was a brown-skinned girl,
who was trapped in this world
struggiling with idenity,
she couldn't find any serenity,
she no longer had dignity,
she was too white to be black,
as people told her and laughed,
she was too black to be white,
this was now turning into a
between her and idenity,
she needed to find serenity
so finally in may, she woke
up one day and decided to be
g r e y.

G r e y [gray]
of a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or an overcast sky.

but little did she know
that her skin colour
didn't define her
for it was the art in
her heart that did.
this is about a girl struggling with race and idenity, not realising that the colour of your skin doesnt define you. Youre perfect just the way you are. <3
Nabs Jan 2016
Your judgement
is your mirror.
how often do
people forget that.

Throwing sentence,
after sentence
deciding guilty
with out hearing
their pleas

Your judgment
is your constriction

You thought you're
the jailor?
when you're really
the prisoner

Stuck in a prison
with cells full of distiction
Right or wrong
ignoring shades of grey

you're sentencing your self

We often forget,
there is a price
to be paid,
in judging another
That is putting
your self up
for others judgement.
About judging and the price,
After all judge do get paid.
Erin Jan 2016
Within some of us are the story's
Of anxiety, depression, ocd or eating disorders
Judging voices, let me tell you, we do not need your pressure, or the question of 'can't you just make yourself better?'
Or the phrase it's a phase, we don't seek your attention, we are fighting our battles and do not need condescension
There are days, the act of trying creates an inexplicable ache
And our strenth and perseverence seems to crumble and break
We are mental warriors, not perfect, but fighting for the right to feel okay
So though you are trying, keep your comments at bay
Mikey Pooler Jan 2016
The mind’s a garden
my goal with art
to water the seeds
of understanding
and watch them grow

because to
someone is
to be their hero

You’re saving them
crippled nights

You’re saving yourself
from judgment
for judgment’s evil
but it’s no
Art is the most powerful entity on earth.

Vastly greater than media. For art only creates understanding and strays away from the evil of judgment enduced by the media.

Judgment is evil that much is true. But for an artistic hero, kryptonite doesn't exist.
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