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Ibk Santos Mar 2018
Your there and im here
Could we just pretend?
Or just do so nothing?

How long ill be waiting?
Waiting that someday
Could be a something

Lets just play a game
A game that we both know
I'll be the elder and youll be the leader

Come lets play it.
I dont know what to say
Lets just wait to the so called forever
And think together like it was never
Distance and Spaces between you and me.
Related just for you MI
Phoenix Nov 2015
A letter to the stranger with the cold, gray eyes

I know I look stupid.
I look like a seventeen year old,
with bleach blonde hair in pigtails.
I know I look immature.
I look like a six year old,
with a bright pink shirt and black skirt.
I know I look manic.
I look like a five year old,
with my bouncy and childish manner.
I know I look weak.
I look like a fifteen year old,
with a smile that can’t hide my pain.
You don’t know,
why I laugh at the little things,
or hang on to every word people say.
You don’t hear me,
at home crying into my pillow,
playing with that cold piece of metal.
You don’t see,
when I struggle to put my mask on every morning,
hiding my arms under long sleeves and gloves.
You don’t feel,
the pain when someone you love hits you and leaves a bruise,
the fear that someone will find out.
why do you think,
that it is okay to judge me?
Do you think I care about the way you look?
Do I glare at you when you talk loudly on the phone,
about your **** cheating wife?
Can’t we just agree that it is okay?
And never speak of it again?

The hopeful girl who wants to look strong, but isn’t doing a good job
This was a class assignment, but I love the way it turned out!
Jacob Cuadro Sep 2015
People are like books you can’t judge them by their covers,
Everyone has their own unique beauty than others.

You don’t know their story till you open the first page and start reading what it’s about,
As their words fill your eyes like 3D popping out.

So before you start judging open their books first,
Getting to know someone can always be pleasant or it can be for the worst.

**By Jacob Cuadro
Never judge by the book covers were all like books
Taya Aug 2015
Judging eyes
look upon me
they know nothing
of my story
yet they judge what they see

Judging eyes
stare at me
criticizing my looks
my choices
my passion
my right to being free

Judging eyes
are a curse to me
they think they know me
I disagree
Astral Aug 2015
Is your hate for fat individuals truly so? Or are you merely expelling what hate you have for yourself

Why does their happiness upset you so? Is this because you envy what they have? Or are trying to get?

For I know they are fully aware of themselves, is it really about their health? Or is it just… Sorrow of the self
Paramount Pawn Aug 2015
I may be rich
But I'm not a *****
Stop pushing me in
To those like trash bins
Don't want to be judged
Or hold any grudge
Please hear me out
Before I pout
brandon nagley Aug 2015
Mankind seemeth to forget
The judgement that he shalt mete
In this life;
Shalt be allocated ten fold
The next.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Mete means dispense or allot justice, a punishment, or harsh treatment.
Becky Littmann Aug 2015
Just because I'm nice
Doesn't mean you can walk on me
Just because my happiness is too good to be true
Doesn't mean you should try to bring me down
Just because you are unhappy
Doesn't mean I have to be
Just because you are lost & confused
Doesn't mean it is ok to confuse me
Just because you are a mess
Doesn't mean make my life a mess
Just because things are hard
Doesn't mean make it ******* me
Just because you are pretending
Doesn't mean I can't be real
Just because you seem ok with things
Doesn't mean that I am
Just because you had me at my best
Doesn't mean that you won't see my worst
Just because I smile
Doesn't mean I don't hurt
Just because I don't talk to you
Doesn't mean I've forgotten you
Just because I yell at you
Doesn't mean I don't care about you
Just because you're my best friend
Doesn't mean I'll agree with you
Just because we aren't together
Doesn't mean I don't still love you
Just because you left me
Doesn't mean it will never be again
Just because I'm focused on me
Doesn't mean that I forgot about you
Just because I wrote this
Doesn't mean I hate  you
Just because you heard something someone said
Doesn't mean it is TRUE
Just because I'm single
Doesn't mean I'm going to be a *****
Just because I don't go out
Doesn't mean I'm boring
Just because I do go out
Doesn't mean I'm looking for ****
Just because I say something
Doesn't mean it is ok to twist my words while repeating it
Just because I am no perfect
Doesn't mean I am not perfect for you
Just because I get upset
Doesn't meant I'm crazy
Just because I care so much
Doesn't mean I can't let go
Just because we are friends
Doesn't mean my life is easier

BUT.....Just remember my heart can only hold onto so much before it explodes!! The decision is clear,  once you realize that it will  be too late!
It was too late..
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