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Big Virge Nov 2020
Like Most People I Try...
To Show GOOD Judgement... !!!

But It's Easier Said...
Than Done For Sure... !!!

Like Patience... ESCAPING...........................  
POOR Judgement Is Stationed...
Right Next To IMPATIENCE...
And NOT Being... WISE...
When It Comes To The Vibes...
You CHOOSE To Live By...

POOR Judgements Breed FIGHTS... !!!!!
That BLOW UP Weak Minds... !!!

Whose Judgement's UNWISE... !!!

These Days I Now Find...
That Judgements Can BLIND...
Your Mind From The TRUTH... !!!

Most Now Use Their Eyes...
As If They're SHUT TIGHT... !?!

So Are Therefore INCLINED...
To... Mentally BIND...
Themselves Into Lives...
Where NONSENSE and LIES...
Are What They LIVE BY... ?!?

The Question Is... " WHY "... ?

It Seems Cos' Most Judgements...
Are Now Fuelled By... PRIDE... !!!!!!

And... Modern Day Platters...
Like Whose Lives Should MATTER... !?!
... Black Peoples' or Whites... ???

As If There Aren't Colours...
of... DIFFERENT Types...
In Our HUMAN Kind... ?!?

Which PROVES That Some Smother...
THEMSELVES From Their Brothers...

Yeah HUMANS That's Right... !!!!!!

Now ROAM Human Kind...
Because of Their CRIMES... !?!...

From Police To Our Leaders...
To... SICK Paedophiles... !!!!!!!!!!!

Who KEEP Running A RIOT...
With Young Peoples' Lives... !!!

For... ABUSES and CRIMES...
Are NOT Made To SUFFER...
Whose Voices DON'T Rumble...
Like Boxings' Mike Buffer... !!?!!

They QUICKLY GO Silent...... ?
When People Face VIOLENCE... !!!
Because of THOSE SIRENS...
That Now Harbour TYRANTS... !!!!!!

Who Wear UNIFORMS...
Whenever Their Judgements...
Are Brought To THE FORE... !!!!!

The Judgements They're Bringing...
May Breed... " Civil War "... ?!?
That Has NO Web Slinging...
Or... HEROES Who SOAR... !!!!!!!!!!!

But VILLAINS Whose Law...
Is Making Blood POUR... !!!

So Here Is The SCORE...

MY Judgement Is THIS...
What Are They GOOD For... !?!

If You DON'T KNOW The Song... ?
I Think Something's WRONG... !!!

Wars Are POOR Judgments...
As I Said... BEFORE... !!!!!

PRIDE Is The Key...
That LOCKS Peoples' Chi... !!!

From Those NOW Gum RUNNING... !!!
Role Models Like... " Upton "...

When She Should Say NOTHING... !!!

Cos' When Police FUNCTION...
I'm Pretty **** SURE...
That She DON'T Feel TRUNCHEON...
When She's There At Luncheons...
Where Anthems Be RUNNING... !!!

That PLAY For DUMB ******...
Whose Actions AREN'T PURE...
When They Reach FOREIGN Shores... !!!!!

How Their Anthems Then STOLE...
MORE Than... Pots of Gold... !!!!!

They STOLE Rights From People...
Who CLEARLY Were Feeble...

So Made Some POOR CHOICES...
INSTEAD of USE Voices...
To WARD OFF Their EVIL... !!!!!!!!

Which They SHOULD of Done... !!!

Instead of... BECOME...
A People Who Kneeled...
When WHIPS Were The SHIELD...
That THESE Anthems Stemmed From... !!!

So LISTEN Ms. Upton...
Just STICK To Your Function...

To... PUT ON Your Thong...
And SHOW OFF Your ***'...

If Kneeling's A PROBLEM...
Then You Should STAND UP... !!!

Cos' Judgment Will Come...
For You And Your GODS... !!!

Whose Songs Play At GRAVES...
of People They've SLAYED... !!!

While IGNORANCE Claims...
That YOUR Forefathers Made... !!!

Aren't THEY A DISGRACE... ?!?

I Guess NOT To THEM...
When They Chose VIOLENCE....
To FUEL Their Anthems... !!!!!!

So That's Where I'll END...

NOBODY's Above...
Facing... Being JUDGED... !!!

But DON'T Let Your PRIDE...
DEFINE What is Right...
Or Be What Supplies...
Your... INNER MIND's Eye... !!!

Because You May Find...
That... WAY Down The Line............................... ...................

That You're LACKING Substance...
That Leads To... POOR...

..... " Judgement ".....
Kaepernick's actions, certainly stoked the fire in quite a few people, however, judgements made by certain individuals, just did not make the grade !

So, these words were written just for them, because some people really shouldn't be so quick to do it !
Sabika Nov 2020
Ignoring the thoughts of warning,
I listen to praise and ridicule,
I listen to who I seem and
Not who I am or
Who I want to be.

Ignoring the thoughts of warning,
I listen to desire and shame,
I listen to the self-evident lies
That attempt to free me from blame.

Ignoring the thoughts of warning,
Ignoring the ticking of the clock.
I delude that I have time,
And that whenever I want it will stop.
And if I ask it will extend to me its hand,
And that if I only plead,
Time shall make sure that I succeed...

Ignoring the thoughts of warning,
I forget my inevitable destination:
A place and time where my actions can no longer be redeemed,
A place and time
Where everything is exactly how it seemed,
And my mistakes upon mistakes
Will look out to me in shame
Behind the shoulder of my thoughts of warning
Who emphasize
That I am only to blame.
Man Nov 2020
the judgeful puritan
is contradiction
and yet to be a puritan
is to judge

their glass house falls
when their mirrors turn translucent
Sarah Flynn Oct 2020
we use mascara to
mask our madness,
and concealer to
cover our faults.

we refuse to leave
the house until we’ve
done our makeup.

we forget our wallets
on the kitchen counter.
sometimes, we have to
drive all the way back home
just to pick them up.

we forget to say goodbye
to our families as we
rush out the door to
get to work on time.

we forget car keys,
glasses, cell phones,

we forget everything
that we know we
need to remember.

but we never forget
to put on our makeup.

we never forget the idea that
our values are almost always
determined by some man’s
perception of beauty,

and that our brains
mean nothing if we
can’t share our thoughts,

and that we can’t share
our thoughts if we
don’t look pretty enough
to draw attention.

we never forget that we are
ignored by our bosses and
criticized by our coworkers,
until our beauty is noticed.

we never forget that our
bodies receive more attention
than our voices ever have.

we forget to prepare
our presentations,

but we never forget
to prepare our bodies
for an entire day
of being judged.
Yamini Oct 2020
When uh aren't feeling
what you ought to
and stuff that you are taught to
there stands a mess
swirling, twirling, in your head
an  outbreak as stress
that made you bled

When I tried self love
all I got was centeredness
when I tried respect
all I got was harassment
all I got was
all it brought was
the felling that I don't wanna feel
the healing that I never gonna deal

We pretend to show better
we lie to hide bitter
we smile to hide pain
we cry to drain
what that soul needs
what that heart beg for
is not human breed
to untangle

I wanna gift myself
a face with smiles
I want a bookshelf
which gives me my time
but this world
is full of intruder
earth is curled
and so the people are

So the stress is
who jump into intellect
and ****** his
gifts and memoir
and blew it far

When uh aren't feeling
what you ought to  
and stuff uhh ae dealing
isn't the part that you are taught to '
don't let the mess stand
against you
just drop the things planned
by you
and flow with the memoirs
that had been blown far

When uhh aren't feeling
stop dealing with the ought and the taught
else you will be caught....
Stalwart Dull Oct 2020
She always wanted to cry
She was with her teary eye
Hoping it will get dry
And flashes a sweet smile

She was with her cold expression
That every people has it's bad impression
And being judged by their own reason
And being fooled by their own illusion.
Big Virge Oct 2020
So When It Comes To Poetry...
What Really Can Be Deemed...
To Be A... " MASTERPIECE "... ?!?

A Really COOL HAIKU...
Where Words Number A FEW... !?!

Or A Poetic... Stanza...
That HITS Like A Gun Clapper... !!!

Or Verses That SHATTER...
A Readers BRAIN MATTER... !!!

Because Of Wordplay...
On Subjects That Make...
Most Writers AFRAID... !?!

Or Masterpieces Releasing.....
The PLAINEST of Speaking...

Or... Poetry Seeking... ?
To BREAK Through Glass Ceilings... !!!

Where Judgements Are Made...
About... What Is Claimed...
To Be A... " Masterpiece "...

Are Judges Like THESE...
Those... TRULY WORTHY...
About... ALL Words Written... ?!?

Are They REALLY Objective...
About Words That They Credit....
As Being … IMPRESSIVE... ?!?

Is A Masterpiece Short...
Or... Can It Be LONG... ???

Can A Poem Be Thought...
To Have Masterpiece Form... ?!?

Like That of A Painting...
Because of Its CADENCE...
And POETIC Statements... ???


Whose Mind Can Decide... ?!?
What It Is That DEFINES..
A... MASTERFUL Piece...
of Verse And Poetry... ???

And What About WRITERS... ?
To Have Our Written Works...
Be Seen As GREAT VERSE... ?!?

of A... Poetic Breed... ?!?

Sounds Like EGO To Me... !!!
I’d Rather Inspire Young People To READ...
And Write REALITY Within Their Poetry... !!!

of Words With... Qualities...
That Breed MORE UNITY...
That Have POSITIVE Impacts...
On... HUMANITY... !!!

Would Be The Kind of FEAT...
That I TRULY Would See...

As Something That Could Be...
A POETIC Piece of GREAT Artistry... !!!

That Indeed Could Be Deemed...

As A REAL...

..... “ MASTERPIECE “..... !!!
Inspired by the idea that artists/writers strive to create masterpieces.....
However, do they, and what and who, gets to decide what is, or, isn't one ?
ConnectHook Sep 2020
Ruthie Ginsburg is gone, and that's sad.
Trump will find a replacement to add.
Let us look on and cheer
As appointment draws near;
The progressives now drive themselves mad.

From the ACLU to the Court,
she promoted the right to abort.
You may claim she was God's
but she seemed, by all odds
more a midwife of murderous tort.

Say goodbye. All her honor is spent.
A new judge now begins their ascent.
Ruthie's star has gone dead.
A black hole . . . or a red?
(Only Jesus can say where she went.)
A new pick for SCOTUS !
How exciting!
Go, Trumpy, GO !
Poor Broken Guy Sep 2020
I don’t know you and you don’t know me,
but still you know me in the way,
none who know me but still don’t know me.

So I appeal to the ones who don’t know me but still know me that keep me in your heart and not in your thoughts because the thoughts often do the judgements, and the day
you judge me, I’ve to push you with them
who know me but still don’t know me.
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