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an0nym0us Feb 2018
So high, so bright
Someone who tames everyone's sight
Everything about you looks right
Looks that no one can fight.

Cold sweat
Heavy breath
Face turns red
Hidding it is a test.

This feeling
I can't stop smilling
Cheecks keeps blushing
And knees won't stop shaking.

Oh its been a while
Since the last time
I saw someone so fine
To my eyes, he brightly shines.

Indeed, Im afraid
But not too great
I tried to make it fade
But it always stayed.

I like you,
I really do
I just don't know what to do
If you turn me down too.

I think you are the finest
Best among the rest
The girl you like must be the luckiest
Why? I just said, because she won the finest.

I don't expect to be lucky
I dont need to be one, really
I know my limitations completely
Simply seeing you makes me happy.
Seth Honda Apr 2018
Hey you, yes you, the one reading this page
I would like to make a vow
At this moment, offstage
I will love you for now.

You are probably disappointed, I figure as much
But before you stop reading, please, hear me out
Forever is a long time, though I am sure you’d be touched
But please, take my hand because I love you right now beyond any doubt.

Today is the only given, leave tomorrow to chance
So in the mystery, lay your lips on mine
There is no need to leave, not at least without a second glance.
We may have not been made for each other but right now is all I need, for right now you are mine.
April 29, 2018 || 6:48
Seth Honda Apr 2018
When two cars crash it is a cataclysmic event,
Glass shatters,
Airbags burst.
Things break.
People break.  
There is tragedy.
When two cars crash there is a crack and shards fly.

Look up at the sky during a car crash,
The glass in the sky twinkles like stars
And how beauty can found in something so broken is beyond me.

But look up at the sky.
See the stars twinkle like the shine in your eye,
It is beautiful.

When two atoms crash,
Energy is released,
Heat is given off,
Light is blinding.
Bonds break.

But look up at the sky after an atom collision.
The light you see is from that horrible thing.
The beauty is blinding.
How something so catastrophic could be so beautiful is beyond me.

But the stars shine bright with chemical reactions
And atoms colliding.

Someone somewhere crosses a ‘t’.
Someone somewhere dots their ‘i’.
How something so mundane could become beautiful is beyond me.

Look up at the sky.
The crashing of two things is never good,
It ends in pain,
Or sorrow, Or brokenness.
Every time.

But when two souls crash?
When two hearts collide?

Lay down and look up at the sky,
Rest your head on my chest
And someone once told me love is always reckless.

So look up at the sky,
Tell me, what do you see?

Those reactions that created our universe were reckless
They were random
And how beauty can be found in something so reckless is beyond me.

Look up at the sky I tell you,
What do you see I ask.
“A moon,” you say,
“A moon as skinny as a sliver.”

You rest your head on my chest.
I tell you to look at that moon,
“Remember it,” I tell you,
“As long as it floats in the sky, our love, this everlasting perpetual love, will never die.”

Because how can something so mundane,
A rock in space,
Be beautiful.
I understand.

Just a set of eyes that crinkle when you smile,
Teeth that turn up at the corners when you grin,
Ears that perk up at your name,
Lips that curl to the touch of mine.
All placed atop a face.

How could something so mundane be beautiful?
Because it is not mundane.
It is not cataclysmic.
It is not reckless.

What it is,
is love.
Beauty is cataclysmically beautiful.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

My new life has begun…
My history is manuscript pages thrown away never to return.
A romance has begun…
I am once more in love with love;
Watch my heart glow as it once more gets burnt.
This fire inside, will not go out once lit;
There is no off switch.
There will be times when I hold my doubt,
Like it is a tattoo that I cannot itch.

Upon my soul it has been written,
True love or nothing else.
Until the day I release a dove,
I will be eternally in-waiting and forever, so in love,
With a wife I haven’t met yet;
Who I know, loves me as-well.
It is already written; so it will be said.

We have not yet had the pleasure,
So I will just slow my pace for now;
I will be crawling, begging, searching for a love of my own!
But this journey has only just begun
And one day she will find me,
I have no doubt.

The ruins of a love story or two have crumbled into dust,
But I have only just begun to love.
The love I love is just love.
If I am righteous and trust my heart,
All my feelings will not fade away one day.
I will be with my Queen.  I will find my bride.
The two of us shall find a way,
To find each other under the stars,
As asteroid’s collide.
A thousand sparks will be my guide
And she will be my life-wife.

All other thoughts will testify,
That all I want is a single wife.
A wife that I can call my own;
Neither borrowed, stolen, nor temporarily on loan.
I want a permanent smile emblazoned on my heart,
A heart upon my sleeve, a name across my chest,
A bold statement of my intent to act upon my commitment,
To never need another lover.

I want ‘somebody’ to love me;
Surely there must be somebody.
If your love for me is true, then find my heart beacon;
I hold it high for all to see.
I cannot reason a future without a reason;
I believe in our destiny.

If we are bound to be together, then there can be no falsehood.
If you are planning a motherhood with me,
Then you have to remain good
And kind and heartfelt and faithful always…
If you cannot, then please allow me to leave,
To go in search of love.
If you cannot be happy with me during the night
And throughout the day,
Then you should leave, so I can too;
I will find my better half and she will be sent from the Heaven’s above.

I have no car, so watch the stars and if they twinkle just for you,
Then I am waiting, searching, thinking about a love that is true.
It is so sad, to be without your soulmate;
In the sky you will see ‘I love you’,
Written by sky-soaring planes.

I am not your Superman,
My pants are on the inside,
But if you hold onto me really tightly,
If you truly, truly love me…

We could fly together forever;
We could be a light in the sky.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
A collection of ‘Love is…’ Poetry

Love is in a kiss.
Love is a thing that I miss.
In love with me is all I want you to be,
But that is just a dream.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
A collection of ‘Love is…’ Poetry

Love is me.
I am in love.
Woe is me.
I am in love.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
A collection of ‘Love is…’ Poetry

Love is pure light.
Love is without darkness.
Love is in love,
So I am left with only loneliness.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Amoy Apr 2018
It’s like walking on air
Floating on sunshine

Sniffing rainbows
Dancing with unicorns

Twirling under sunsets
Always and forever my love
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