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Mosaic Jul 2015
I am lonely in thoughts
And practice
Like sport without training
And I will die knowing less than I have learned
Transparent in form & nature
Giving birth to myself in ways my mother couldn't
On stumbling ground
With no grace to be lost or found
I tremble in my humble footsteps.
Don't forget to go find yourself outside Newspaper ads & trendy fads. But forget who you are along the way in search of the many things that could mean
Sourodeep Jul 2015
We all wait
for that one moment
to take the bait
jump to a conclusion
from this sweetness around
and suddenly all
seems to fall in place,
among all this chaos
from tangled knots of your shoe-lace
to your mind and it's bias.
You feel now you can think straight
though not sure of the path ahead.
All pragmatism goes down the drain
and my dear, we fall in love again.
To love at first sight ! :)
Brent Kincaid Jul 2015
I want to sit and eat ice cream
Until I can’t eat any more.
I want wake up late each day
Until I can’t sleep any more.
I want to take people out to eat
At the most expensive places
And watch the joy spread out
All over each of their faces.

I don’t want to seem greedy
So don’t go off in a huff.
I don’t want an excess of things.
Really, I want just enough.
Just enough to buy presents
For the people I really like.
The rest of the salesmen
Can take a royal hike.

I want to go swimming in
A peaceful hidden lake.
I want to ride the bumper cars
And never hit the brake.
I’ll gladly clean up backstage
At a hit Broadway show.
I want to drive a fast car
As quickly as it will go.

I want to be in a big movie;
Have some speaking lines.
Be invited to the Academy awards;
The name on the card mine.
I want to perform at Carnegie Hall
So they hear me in the back row,
When I sing songs that I wrote
And receive a standing ‘O’.

I want some of my own poetry
To be printed in the NY Times
With plaudits and huzzahs
And a 12 point printed byline.
I want to have to sign autographs
When I got out to eat somewhere.
And, have lots of money in the bank.
And still have plenty to share.

As long as I am wishing here
I may as well tell the truth.
After all it would do no good
To wish for good looks and youth.
It’s not all that much different than
Making a list for Santa Claus.
So saying exactly what I want
Won’t give me a moment’s pause.

But if I get my fondest wishes
Everything I’d like the most
I want something huge and fun
And I am not trying to boast.
I wish everybody could get
At least a few of their list.
So, write your own list out today
And make sure nothing is missed.
The Flipped Word Jun 2015
I desire to be loved
I desire to be held
I desire to find someone
That makes my heart melt

I desire to travel the world
I desire to wide-eyed see
Every inch of our universe
Every nook and cranny

I desire to be fire
I desire to be ice
I want to be my own yin and yang
ah I want to suffice

I desire to achieve
I desire to bring pride
For myself and my family
Only confidence in my stride

I desire to touch lives
I desire to make a difference
I desire to leave a bigger effect
To leave my own print

I desire so much
It's the magic of youth you see
Right now everything's possible
If i just allow myself to dream

So when I grow wrinkly and old
And have quenched all these fires
I hope I still have the courage
And the freedom to let myself desire
Manu M Jun 2015
They say I am crazy
They say I am foolish
They say I am not worth it
A misfit burdening the world

I say I am crazy
I say I am foolish
I never say I am not worth it
I maybe a misfit but I have a dream
To share with the world my symphony

~Manu M.
Asha Jun 2015
For a moment, let’s just…
Stand still
And look around
Watch the birds fly
Or hear the rustle of autumn leaves
Or let the deafening silence reign

For a moment, let’s just…
Stand by the sea
And enjoy the waves
Crash against the rocks
And let us do nothing
But watch the bubbles disperse
Never to be found again.

For a moment, let’s just…
Blink our eyes
Ever so quick
And what forms?
In front of our eyes
The image we see
Is a broken one
Or perhaps just dark is all we see
What can we make of it?

For a moment, let’s just…
Let  a moment pass
In solitude
Where you get
To know nothing, no one,
And yet you know
You are everything there is,
And will be.
Victoria Garcia Jun 2015
That's the thing about dreams;
You wake up
Rachel Jun 2015
I'm panting
But still wanting
You're suffocating
Yet it's intoxicating
Whenever your near
I tend to break down
A sudden burst of adrenaline
Can't keep me on the ground
I want to scream
I want to fly
I want to do everything to try
But you found me
You looked at me directly in the eye
Like I'm the only good thing left on earth
There's no talking
Yet our hearts seemed to comprehend
What we wanted to say
Our hands start touching
You held me like a fragile material
So excited yet so afraid I might break
And then you smile
And you say those words I really wanted to hear
And I can't say a thing
Cause you leave me breathless
Lorraine Cinco Jun 2015
I wonder how many people were broken when we met.
Because a friend told me about parallel universe.
There is an exact opposite of the world we live.
If I was the happiest girl, it adds another lonely girl in that universe,
It kinda bothers me because I dont wanna see lonely people.
Just as I see myself right now. Its never a best place to be.

Those days were filled with moments I could never forget.
Moments Ive shared with you was firsts of my so many.
Still, there are words I wanna hear from you.
Hoping that one day it will be clear as crystal blue.
I love you, the words I kept and wish to say but never gotten the chance to say it.
I miss you, I missed you and I will miss you.
but how could I if you're not even mine.

Start and end are two different words always followed by the word fast
same as the sunrise and suset though they never met.
A french film told me that fantaises we created are doomed to fail.
I proved it right.
The hardest part was knowing that you hurt me but still doesnt change the way I feel.

How can a human heart beats this way?
It must be magic, no its a miracle.
See, love took your breathe away yet you're alive.
Pain, love and hopes intersecting with each other like a wire in a timebomb.
cut the wrong wire then boom! it'll explodes!

One thing for sure, I never regret of knowing you.
I never regret the time we shared, I never regret those sleepless night.
Though I knew it was all played, I never regret I felt this way.
If incase you're looking for a happy girl, remember the day we met because you were talking to her.

Don't ask me if Im lonely because loneliness is when I see my life without you.
Dont get me wrong because I knew from the start it was a one way entry road.
And I was stubborn to enter though the sign says "do not enter"
What can I do? no one teach me how to drive.
But if anyone  has the courage to teach my stubborn heart to drive.

I vowed to love again, this time like a fruit ripened from its season.
Ready and worthy  to be picked.
Thank you for passing by.
Goodbye my Love,
Till we meet again.
abs Jun 2015
I tried to pursue it.
I kept on waiting.
But I guess it’s all not worth it
because it was not meant to happen anyway.

I cried every morning and every night.
I sat on a couch to witness the transition of time.
But I guess even my aches had forsaken and denied
the thoughts of both of us.
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