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Cup Noodles Jun 2015
I have difficulties sleeping

But I am certainly no insomniac

I'm awake but I'm always dreaming

Of what we could have become

If I was awake
Shyne AM May 2015
Sometimes I feel stranded
Sometimes I feel cheated
Sometimes I feel despair
Sometimes I feel like I am in a room with no air

Sometimes I feel hopeful
Sometimes I feel pain
Sometimes I feel doubtful
Sometimes I feel like all my love for you is going in vain

Sometimes I feel satisfied
Sometimes I feel worthless
Sometimes I feel terrified
Sometimes I feel being around you makes me feel breathless

No matter what I feel
I am just happy to be alive
For I know that is important
That should never be forgotten

Does that make me passive aggressive?
While I’m just being thankful about being alive
Please let the judgment go
For a man who judges just makes the other one low.
Damian Murphy May 2015
Dreams, hopes, wishes and aspirations
Will never amount to very much,
Without hard work and dedication
They will forever remain as such.
Ignatius Hosiana May 2015
Someone to come home to
Someone to look upto
Someone to share my plight
A second wing for good flight
Someone to steal my fright
One to control my heights

All I dreamed of was
Harmony and a peaceful fam
I wanted silence and a farm
I meant nobody's daughter harm
I truly treasured her charm

All I wanted was
Someone to make me a home
One I hadn't since I was born
I wanted not the silly fights
The cold lonely twilights
Catcalls, tangled up hair,
Red cheeks, tears and ayes,
Rumpled dress, jokes so wry,
A neckless of polished shells,
Restless night, anxiety, tickles,
Fright, moonlit promises, garlands
Of wildflower, stolen kisses, a palm
Full of down from the thistle, laughs,
Larks, dried roses in a basket, a frog,
A crow feather, my uncaught breaths,
Being chased on the shores, tight hugs
In rain, held hands by the quays, hopes,
Rushes, joys and warmth of tomorrows
To come, some worries, awfully happys,
Winsome things sure fair, without strings,
Powerfully gifted, now, all things naught,
Of this I am sure, my dear unfaithful boy,
Your ginger lassie, she wanted more.
Andrew Switzer May 2015
Greetings HelloPoetry community! Since arriving here, I've found a home I could have never imagined, and a support for my work that fills my heart with more joy than I can begin to express to you. I would like to offer a sincere thank you to all of my supporters, and anyone who has taken the time to peruse my work. Now, I must ask you all for one more favor. As a result of my exposure on this site, I was discovered by a publishing company, and have been included in a compilation of nine previously unpublished authors titled Cry Love (;=1432052822&sr;=8-1&keywords;=andrew+Switzer). The book costs a mere ten dollars, and all of the proceeds go towards ensuring that we continue to find a venue for our linguistic gymnastics. Now, I'm not unreasonable. Anyone who purchases a copy, and spreads the word to their friends, family, and colleagues, will not go unrewarded. For what it is worth, I will help to spread the word of your works, and ensure that you gain exposure with my circle of friends and family, at the very least, in the hopes that you may one day be able to be published as well. This is a dream come true for me, and it would make it all the better if you would be able to purchase one copy, in support of the arts and the continued love for the manipulation of the English language. Thank you in advance to all who may purchase one, and best wishes to all!
KM Ramsey May 2015
i sometimes find myself
thinking about time
and its ability to shrink me
to a singularity in space
and remind me of my unimportance
my insignificance in the face of
a marching army intent
on mowing me down
and splashing their leather boots
in the puddles of my blood
that runs through the fields
and waters the crops
takes a part of me to nourish
from east coast to west coast
to the heartland
and beyond the sea

sometimes i think about
how time takes history
into its sanguinely stained mouth
silver spoon held gingerly
in a vice grip in the
hand of a grandfather that
knows all my secrets
and my shame
he swallows them
masticated to a grey mass
whose form has been lost
an amorphous ball of
unspeakable words and
dreams that had until recently
lived in the pit of my stomach
burrowing into my bowels
trying desperately to escape
to break free from the misty world
of 'if's and 'maybes'
of 'hope'
of reckless abandon

if the words escaped
the infinite gravity of
time's death grip
could the blind masses comprehend them?
gathered around the
burning wreckage of that
shooting star that fell
from the wide open
obsidian sky
they speak
but they do not understand
they hear
but they do not listen
and my dream
my desperate words that
condensed until they both
imploded into a vitreous glass
of transparent delusion
and exploded to burn
and consume the world that
they have neglected
as they gather around
my message
and their own Tower of Babel
where they've lost their words.
Nagilia Melendez May 2015
Two hearts of one kind.
Two brains of the same mind.
Two people with the same feeling.
Two emotions still debating.

I'm not ready, but you're willing to stand around.
I don't want you to walk with your heart dragging on the ground
Because I kept you waiting.
Two emotions still debating.

You're sweet and gentle,
But my heart is still healing from a terrible crumble.
Time will still be going.
Two emotions still debating.

I do want our hands to lock,
One day, as we walk down the block,
But my heart is still hurting.
Two emotions still debating.

I do hope when that day does come,
It will be the same day your waiting is done.
I want you to be happy that we can start growing.
Two emotions still debating.
Maddy Van Buren May 2015
Fridays nights always start the same
and they go like this:
I've got a hopeless wonder
you've all got bad intentions
hit me once, I can't hit back
it's a ragged jumbled way
to start a weekend
start anything really
and I'm more of a loser now than I've ever been
sitting in the blackout
maybe starved, maybe just tired
knowing someone
it can't cure Friday nights
because I never really knew anyone
had the world at my feet
and no one by my side
but you who sits there
you need to listen
because one day I'll be gone
I will have the world on fire
and the nights I needed
and maybe then you'll understand why
I spent so many Friday nights
at the top of that hill
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