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Victoria Garcia Jun 2016
I hope these words stain you
like the bruises you painted across my skin
Victoria Garcia May 2016
I write my poems with the blood in my veins
The same ones that once flowed for you
I write my poems with the tears in my eyes
The same ones that once flowed from you
Victoria Garcia May 2016
Maybe I should come with a trigger warning
Or I should I warn everyone I'm going to pull the trigger
  Feb 2016 Victoria Garcia
and one day you won't hurt as much
one day you will no longer find yourself on your bathroom floor
at two a.m.
contemplating life
debating on swallowing the colored pills in your shaking hands
one day you will be happy
one day the silver scars will no longer line the inside of your wrists
one day you will no longer need that to cope
you will be a better person because of what you are experiencing
and although this sounds like the ******* that is said by everybody
it is true
this sadness that engulfs you is temporary
and one day you will make peace with your soul
- l.w.
Victoria Garcia Feb 2016
Midnight drives
Sharing secrets and stealing kisses
In between red lights
The street lights looked dim
Compared to the light in your eyes
And I play back this memory in my mind
But it isn’t until I realize I’m smiling to myself
That I realize that life is all about
The person who makes you feel less alone
Even when they aren’t around

It took one look
That Monday night
You looked over at me and said
“I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me”
You held me like I was glass
And pressed up against me until our souls were touching
Heavy breaths and light heads
We were meant to last

Singing in your passenger seat
With your hands intertwined with mine
I have finally found my Someplace Better
And this was just our gentle beginning
In the dead of the night, we became alive
Victoria Garcia Jan 2016
I can kick and scream
at the top of my lungs
but nothing will make you ever hear me
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