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Malia Jul 2019
A million stars in the sky
A million hopes of mine.

A million people passing by
A million people who are kind.

A million hearts beating for one person
A million brains battling emotions.

A million people
Yet only one
Can be you.

A million hearts
But only one
Is yours.

A million loved ones
But only one
You love.

A million lives
But you can only
Control yours.

A million stars in the sky
More than one
Lighting your path.
Walking around… in this big; big; world

Facing challenges… in this big; big; world

Meeting faces… in this big; big; world

Climbing steps… in this big; big; world

Writing words…

on this small; small; note

Pouring the letters out…
with this big; big; hopes

Kneeling, praying, gave in… to the big; big; God

Wishing you and me will end up together…

until they dig; dig; graves.

// a peaceful evening• 29-06-19.

—-mentioned your name, everyday;

in every of my; quiet;quiet; prayers.
Nina Jun 2019
I told myself to let go
Because i know you're happier with her

I told myself to forget you
But i can't seem to bring myself to put you in the past

I told myself to stop loving you
But despite us no longer talking,
It is you that still fills up my heart.

I told myself that I'd be happier without you,
But that was a lie.
I was happier with you around.
André Morrison Jun 2019
Sweet release to satisfy his sweet tooth
Find & categorise the symptoms to find few
Hymn comes, but no prayers answered, sin come due
Bin them hopes, sink them, drink away the blues
Think you can choose, but its fate that chooses for you
They ask, why care so much?
Simple, my ancestors blood and bones
are the foundation of this nation.

But that isn't your blood or mine?
We have come a long way!
True but broken chains
don't free us from shackles,
and half measures
can’t get us across the finish line.

If you hate it so much leave!
In case you missed point one
I'd much rather fix what's broken.
I want to make sure that the stacked deck
is reshuffled. That kids don't have to grow up
in war zones, where the only way out is debt
or a casket. Where people don’t get to profit
from the very thing that took others freedom.
I want a playing field that all can use,
where the rules make sense and the enforcers
are kind. Where I'm not the oddity
for never having been behind bars.
That people realize that there's more
to our culture than our bars.
I'm over the 40 acres
I want 24 Oscar's. Maybe then I'll see
myself on more than just ESPN and MTV.

Others have it far worse than you!
Well then let's elevate them too.
A rising tide raises all ships.
So let's create a flood that washes
out the hate. When will people realize
that we aren't enemies. That the system
crushing you is already destroying me.
If they can put people in cages for where
they were born then Eastside or south
of the border are just bad hands we are dealt.
I don’t know how to fix it
but I care too much to be quiet.
So thanks for reading my thoughts,
but will you stay silent?
My raw feelings this Juneteenth 2019
samra fatima Jul 2019
i sat on a seashore ,
thinking about my infinite dreams
in search of my dreamland,
made of diamond ,golden sand
where no bad things around,
love happiness & respect found.
so by god hands wrote my fate
i happily entered towards
the land of my sight,
where all the stars twinkling
in the sky at night.
i ran towards my dreamland
cried happily with join hands
soulpledgee Jun 2019
It's shine and bright outside
hold this glass for a while
make rainbow of white light

let's go out for a while
let's go where asphalt meets the sky

Oh Cynthia,
It turns hot as the sun rise
don't burn your hands with fire inside

Oh Cynthia,
that's it for the times
oh Cynthia,
you already had 3 bottles of wine

Oh Cynthia,
Hold my shoulder,
don't trip while standing
don't fall with your face down

I know glass gets heavy with time
drop it or hold it is your choice

Oh Cynthia,
you dropped it to stay on your own 2 feets
that's for the best I believe

Oh Cynthia,
let the shards stay where they fell
you'll get blood hands
if you try to.pick

Oh Cynthia
Brace yourself
we haven't reached where we meant

we will take different route next day

Oh Cynthia,
don't pick those shards now
you'll get blood in your hands

Oh Cynthia,
I will find different pieces of broken
I will make mosaic,
as beautiful as the old

Oh Cynthia
don't cry
we have a long ahead
Though you'll take right
I'll take left

Oh Cynthia,
that's enough of crying
you already had 3 bottles of wine
let's get you to bed

Dear Cynthia ,
have a good night
Everything is a glass in its own way
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