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what disgust
and horror
that i should call you queer

and as if this
was an imperfection
yes a delusion
that plagues till this day
the youth of men

men who call you ***
men who call you *****
men who call you up for ***

and yet they cannot
face their tears
that side of fear
that keeps them strong

who keeps you there
why are you thinking of me?
your attraction for me
keeps you reeling
keeps you falling
keeps you trapped
in this place you call safe

i called you queer
but you called me ***

as if one is better than the other

it still remains

you are the one
burning in fear
karma ch Jan 24
am i worth your while?
can i be your one and only focus
will you be the daddy i've needed since i was a child
why should i ask you to be what you should want to be?

am i too old for attention?
am i too big for affection?
is maturity affliction?
is my reality twisted by my retention?

when you see me i become a different person
am i not silent or feeble enough?
is my exterior too rough, or my interior too tough?
what makes me separate from who i was before
i don't recall changing in those seconds.

you said i was sweet before
more cute and interesting than any other
i'm smart, just as long as i don't stop being normal
and if i look the part, you'll love me evermore?

i can't shrink myself down to quaint size
i can't make my voice an octave higher
if that can't changed to a might
or if it did, you may offer a maybe
i'd drop everything in a second
for a chance to be your baby.
strangers - ethel cain
You wanted to escape it; to free yourself,
A dove in the pantry; it wasn’t fit for you,

Maybe if things had been different,
Maybe you would have lived easier,

And you were oh so toxic,
My bones would melt from radiation,
From the hate spewed from your mouth,

But weren’t you taught that?

If your parents were not religious,
Would you still feel that anger? That hatred?
Would you still have shamed me for my own?

We could have ended things nicer,
I do not regret leaving at all,
But I do wish you had better support,
For those feelings to go somewhere,
Rather than back at me,
Cyndi Allens Dec 2024
Have you seen Mariah?
who, the new girl?
Yeah, her.
she's in my biology class
No way, really? What's she like?
well, she's quiet--
I heard from Alexis that she's a ****., uhm
I wouldn't doubt it with the way she dresses.
...i think she looks pretty
Jamie Henderson Nov 2024
So they say:
I am diseased
because I’m different.
I am disgusting,
for I am distinct.

I am a widow on the wall,
a cockroach in the kitchen.
I am stubbed within the sand,
gouged into the grass.
You hold me in your index,
and huff me out your mouth,
for I, the English cigarette;
am a sickness in your lungs,
and the cancer beneath your feet.

I am black,
I am bubonic,
I am a plague.

They seem to fear my spread,
yet, I am pushed, I am prodded,
I am pummeled down to bone,
for I, the English cigarette;
am extinguished by your touch,
a light, and lifeless ****,
an easy target
caught between your malice
and the cruelty of your words.
We are not what they say we are, but their lies cut deep, no matter how strong your skin.
Licette Gofferi Sep 2024
I can't think straight because I'm not.
I love one girl who is so hot!
And in this poem I want to show
How hetero people are ruining it all...

To think straight means... To hate!
To think you'll burn in the hell if you were born gay;
But beating their child is completely okay.
To think that clothes really matters;
If you're a girl then must wear dresses.
To think that colors have gender;
But boys used to wear pink, remember?
To think when a woman has body hair then she's so ugly!
But when a man has the same then he's very lovely!
To think they're normal and others are not;
In fact only they are stupid a lot!
Arguments against same s3x marriages they try to introduce;
But forget that straight couples are full of abuse.

Our world would be so much better
If you shut up your mouth, dear hetero...
What does it mean to think straight?
I S A A C Jul 2023
Upon the announcement of my arrival
my ancestors weaved brillant threads to make a quilt for my bed
with steadfast hands, they weaved themselves a plan
who i was to become, what kind of man
upon the days of my arrival
my ancestors fantastically wrapped me up in the quilt of blue and red
this quilt housed me for many seasons
itched me, pinched me, left me cold at night
bit me, tripped me, straggling my rights
the brillant quilt made to protect became my golden cage instead
their plan created my strife
their plan corseted my life
after years spent suffocating in the threads
i decided to break away from the plan
emerging like a little chick out of an egg
i chose to live my life today
still the foundation laid was unscathed
every trigger sent my heart into disarray
independence fortified, return to the egg
the quilt might be itchy, it might be tight
but it is easier than learning how to fly
chasing rain Dec 2022
if i exposed myself,
every feeling,
every thought,
every miniscule detail
that forms my body,
my brain,
my identity—

i would be dead to you.

(thankfully, though,
i’ve gotten the memo early.)

it’s obvious now,
you never wanted a child.

you wanted a robot, ready to reprogram.
a servant, to do your bidding.
a doll, to dress up the way you want.

you wanted perfection,
not a child.

you wanted perfection,
not me.

you are not my god,
and i will never be made in your image.
—and i know you will never accept me
Matthew Nov 2021
Whenever relatives come
I know it's time that I put it on
So they can accept me
Restrict my speech and movement
so that I'm palatable for their one track mind
"Do you got a (insert partner of opposite gender)?"
Haven't been that lucky.

I'm so hot and sweaty
I feel like I can't breathe.
Maybe I should take it off.
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