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Raghu Menon Aug 2016
It is just blank
just noise
just nothing, but
idiotic and
the promises
the poor get
the News channels...
and the news readers
the life
of the ordinary
the politicians
and their doings
the schools
and the "education" they provide
the food
the tastes of the poor
the health
and health factories (hospitals)
the relations
and the value systems

It is just blank
just noise
just nothing, but
idiotic and
Julia Mae Jul 2016
do you feel
hollow loneliness
screaming at you
from across
the world?
I've been too sad/unmotivated to update lately.
Spike Harper Jul 2016
I have lost.
Or stopped.
On others.
I exhale.
To dispell.
As i drag.
The darkness.
I fall.
Tier after.
To tare.
Division wins.
Ovid Jun 2016
I can't grow when every outcome is the same

I've been no one's priority
So why should anyone be for me?
Wasting time has wasted mine
How going with the flow has only gone smooth in my mind

Jagged rocks and clustered thoughts
Cold outcomes have always been my fault
Expecting torment is how I get ready for disappointment
My boys are all I need for companionship and enjoyment
Fairy tales are lies and I won't die searching for it
Ovid Jun 2016
In the prologue of relapse
I realized my last time was my last

Back when more things weren't right
I'd escape in the night
And put myself somewhere in the clouds
Emptiness embraced me
Nothing has changed lately
Dead leaves were covered in white and brought greener trees

Back? Oh God I'm not going back
Now... I know where I want to be but just don't know how
Alone. Just accept I'll die forever being on my own
Jack Thompson Jun 2016
What do you write about when you don't quite feel broken.
**** ****, lost my only inspiration.
I can't write for **** when it's not painful and emptying.
Without the feelings of love and sorrow.
These words aren't **** just hollow.

I know I feel lonely these days.
I start to write about it but look.
I get to the end of 3 verses and feel like a crook.

It was meant to be something but it twisted into nothing.
Kinda like this garbage.
Guess that's why they call it art right.
Its ugly and pointless but someone will find inspiration in my emptiness.

I know that's a long shot.
But if its justification I need.
It's all I've got.
© All Rights Reserved Jack Thompson 2016
Ovid Jun 2016
Again I'm back here
I thought I could ignore my fears
A constant reminder that I'm not quite cut out for this
I deserve to be loved the way so many others have
Is what's so out of reach for me a goal or illusion?

Falling into the pool that is my thoughts
Drifting effortlessly as my youth rots
The fear that one day I'll be old with nothing or anyone to show
There is so much love in me to give that seems it will forever be cradled in morrow

I think that if I wasn't eternally flashed with fantasy I wouldn't long to share the best of me
I'm imprisoned by what is in my mind
Am I meant to observe and be taunted by the sound of companionship as if I am blind?
I'm not one to be weak but I silently scream in joy at the thought of being saved
Because when time comes that I finally save myself it will have already been too late
Esther May 2016
her breath colors the winter air gray
not the ugly kind of gray that winter snow ages into
and not the kind that's pretty either.
it's the kind of gray that's too fragile for time to sustain
it's the kind of fragile too light for scales to hold
it's the kind of light that wants to be lighter, that wants to be weightless
it's the kind of weightless that only knows bony arms and hollow cheeks
and it's the kind of bony, the kind of hollow, that turns ribs into cages
and cages into prisons for hearts that want to be—
not ugly, not pretty, not fragile, not light, not lighter, not weightless,
and not even bony or hollow—
but just
she wants to be. to just be.
shåi May 2016
i screamed into the empty void
all alone
paranoid of everything

the emptiness
moaned back at me
its nature
making me its slave

my dreams
shredded me apart
piece by piece
made me weak

my thoughts haunt me
they are my inner demon
screaming into
worlds unknown
sotop: dreams-pearl
Pauline Morris May 2016
A broken soul
Never knowing which way to go
Constantly being cut to the bone
With edges honed
Cutting up a life force
That went so horribly off course

No one can love the shattered
Their broken pieces are to tattered
Get to close they **** and splatter
No place to step they are to scattered

One that lives a life in shards
Will never, ever put down thier guard
So they live a life alone
Love ever fleeting, or never known

Sadly only love can heal, it's what their needing
As they sit there hollowed eyed and bleeding
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