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derblue Jul 2021
I almost lost the will to write
You gave me inspiration
Even if it was madness
I don't want to lose this
If I do, I will lose you too.
I started writing here because of him; I read his poems of how sad it is to be him or even to be with him. I love the vibe he gave.  Through all the madness I love him, until now. I already lost him but I don't want to lose the one thing that he inspired me to do.
Something scarce is eating at my melancholy.
As I deliberate, a vigor burns beneath my blood.
I get so warm thinking about his hands griping my hips.
My cheeks flush at the thought of his skin pressed heavily against mine.
Unalloyed ecstasy
His subsistence is the key that reveals my coffer.
I beg to feel his breathing
For him to cognize how much I want to gratify his every desire.
Slow motion when I fantasize.
A room bursting of fine riches I could erupt with gratification.
A gentleman who can pleasure me both with innocence and sensuality.
Rarity that comes as one.
He demonstrates loves configuration, he bestows complexity and certainty.
One could ****** with the thought of his supportive charisma.
I weaken at the awareness of his reciprocated needs.
The definition of love is embraced through his actions.
Bleeding perfection, he is untouchable.
He makes me feel amity.
He is the dream I want to feel as I shut my eyes at dusk.

I can sense him so close,
yet when I open my eyes
I’m alone.

He is what every women searches for.
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, heart makes you feel like a fool---not by me:>

I lie so bad
of how your presence excludes the sad
this hand includes
this blue stage we stand in interlude
words on red cheeks faint
the place empty I paint
the neck puts a distance from me and you
and the dark finds the light it never knew

the pretentious actor
writing a character on the other end of the protractor
my pen flows on veins in a way
after tongue pauses the say
now my heart wins
thoughts muffled like an invisible bottle of gin
but fair is not fair for a reason
and cheers to my self mind treason

                                                       ­                                  -----ravenfeels
Jaicob Jul 2021
I've been taken advantage of.
I've been lied to a thousand times.
My mind is awfully broken now,
Adn my body is riddled with lines.

I can't believe you did this to me
After you said you loved me.
In the end, it was just a trap,
And the ransom was my sanity.

I made myself pretty for you,
Dolled up with bows and paint.
It was never good enough though.
You stole more of me every day.

I tore myself apart because
I couldn't be enough.
Even then you yelled at me
"Get over it.. Life is tough"

You never believed me when I said
A thing you didn't like.
I told you I hated you in my life
Always feeding me molten lies.

Even then, you pushed me away
And tore me limb from limb.
Everything I did to myself
Was caused by you, mum, not him.
Unknown Jun 2021
He shouts, cause there was a time when he wasn't loud enough.

He pushes people away, cause there was a time when someone hurt him.

He doesn't trust anyone, cause there was a time when someone broke that trust.

He's quiet, cause he's sick of being unheard.

He wants to be praised cause someone didn't value him enough.

He loves more, cause he was loved less once.
Påłpëbŕå Jun 2021
if "what makes you happy?
could be answered in a
s e n t e n c e
to it would I say
everyone & everything
doesn't have to
m a k e  s e n s e

once we get this
r e f e r e n c e
we'll go on a joyous journey
embracing the
c o n s e q u e n c e
with so much
r e v e r e n c e

-We'll Be Happy
happiness is relative-
even if you are sad right now, remember you are happier in someone's eyes

happiness is a choice
Raven Feels Jun 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, this is my revival:p

this time I fluctuate

I breathe annihilation

what got rid of me I got rid of liberation

the hurt carried on the pearl as seen before

makes me moon the past a perfect doom not ignore

more I find reckless but in good tenders

bile arisen comes to a chocolate cake remembers

something for me for once and all

the apart rejoined from the great unregretted fall

said suffer time on the twentieth last of year

a June not ought for my happiness not dear

not a remnant

since then but not worth the resentment

other than a rapid eye above buried graves

let be dreaded for my save

mentioned a one to hurt one to dream

a revival knows the uniqueness that beams

now one to petty one to go

one to memory one to soon

my compass is to be found in dune

Raven Feels May 2021
DEAR PENPAL PEOPLE, somethings are not what they seem to be:|

another me another you

now I don't know what to do

I wanna shred my lungs and splinter my blood

tear my eyes and spill the hidden tears that can't seem to flood

I imagine you in characters that I read

so pathetic and shameful of the things I plead

once upon a poisoned naïve time

I breathed a breath and said it'll be once---what a crime??!!

turned out to be a humiliation to that humble soul pride

blame myself for that ****** day I bled my soft side

lately in the dead she solely glides

                                                        ­                          ------ravenfeels
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