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Nicole Dawn Jun 2015
It would make sense
If joy
Were toenails

Joy is small
You don't really notice it
Until it's gone
The same is true of toenails

If you are hiking
Too long
And too hard
Your toenails
Will actually fall off

The same is true of joy

This is why,
It would make sense if
Joy were toenails
This is really weird, but sort of makes sense....
M K Whitmore May 2015
hand in hand and two bright lights
moving through the calm night
leaves lit by the moon
hoping to find water soon
an eerie calm
loosely clasped palms
a sudden hesitation
and running imaginations
whispering with you
over a noise or two
a light disappeared
slight unacknowledged fear
****** rising
emotions heightening
a disturbance in the leaves
a tighter hold, a startled scream
you called my name
two large ears hopped away
laughter ensued
steps continued
the destination seen piece by piece
place to rest and regain peace
a rushing water found
feet slowly moving with arms around
to an unheard beat
water and rock beneath our feet
under the flecks of stars through trees
perfect night with you next to me
Janizzle Apr 2015
“Life is good,” we say
As we contentedly stroll along the high road
The sun shining, friends around
Everything seems perfect
For this little while
And life is

The path ahead looks straight
We trek forward, between the greenery
trees, flowers
Talking, always talking
guys, girls, sports, school
Words filling the air
Mixing with kicked up

The tallest sign of life around
Lining the path, enjoying the view
Strong, mighty, trustworthy
it might do us well to join them
Grab hold of a branch as we lean
Over the edge to see the landscape
Such a long way down

Oh branch, so trusted, why must you fail?
Strong tree, tall tree, deceiving his visitors
falling, tumbling
ten feet
twenty feet

Now you cling to that life you were content to just wander through
Those flowers and the sun seem now too much like a dream

You wake up.
You feel pain.
And life
Lilliana Lucinda Mar 2015
The dry desert calls
We all fall in line
Lost among the footfalls
The mountains are my shrine
As the rocks hold the beat
While nature sings her song
And the sun brings his heat
As the wind pushes me along
Amanda Patrina Dec 2014
As i run through the mountians
I have nothing on my mind
I close my eyes and breathe in
Feelings the fresh air enter my lungs
The pain and hurt slowly fades away

For nature calms the anxiety
As the sunlight reaches my face
The glow warms my whole body
I have found my nirvana

On a mountain near a waterfall
I watch the water crash against the rocks
It reminds me of all my anguish  
It come slowly but falls fast and hits hard

I close my eyes and feel the wind
It blows against my face
Sending chills down my spine
For I have found my nirvana
And I do not wish to leave
M Eastman Dec 2014
So light
I brushed the drops away
With a wave.    
But long enough
To soak the earth
And fallen timber.                
I balanced on precariously
Traversing effervescent deluge
Losing purchase
And contemplating a sanguine palm.
Empathy swells the waves
That wash from each other.
B Dec 2014
Determination as a river flows
Bending to gravity and the like
There's no knowing how far it goes
That is, unless you take the hike
Janek Kentigern Oct 2014
Today is the day. As in customary, we shall start with the weather: The morning is clear and cool, the sunshine weak but well-meaning, the wind sweet but sharp and the trees green and chatty.

This day has been a long time coming. This day has. For too long it has skulking amongst the future pages of some misplaced internal diary. It's long shadow has been edged with fear, dreaded like an exam. Said fear melts away like yesterday's clouds, replaced by sunny optimism, for this date is now set in stone, frozen hard over night it now stares me down with oblique neutrality.

I'm not going anywhere, it whispers softly. You're fears are misplaced. Your fear of me is a your fear of death. Useful up to a point - but essentially irrational. Whatever will be will be and it will today.

The morning gather pace and after momentary brief salutations and briefer negotiations the train is boarded. The destination: no one knows. We know the names but they seem oddly sterile now, the sound cold hard lumps in our mouths, currency worn smooth: Edale, the pennines, the peaks, Absorbic. Citric. Folic, Formic Carbonic. Sulphuric. Deoxyribonucleic, Lysergic. Acid.

The absurd signposts of anonymous hamlets lazily swing by with increasing rapidity, blurring into one like the blades of a helicopter.

Post-industrial scabs and sores instantly give way to merry bucolic splendor as itchy, thick balaclava of the city in torn away. Laugh about nothing as we are hurled headlong into some postcard image of an England long lost between 'then' and 'now' where trees sing, walls are dry-stone and happy cows and sheep await noble, happy deaths; all wrapped in honey-coloured sunshine.

Rolling mounds of soft green matter undulate gently to a halt, and we emerge intrepid coloniser of a galaxy far far away. Locals eye us warily, the hot sun looks down angrily now. The baking mud coughs dust in our eyes and yellow spears of dead grass stab our tender shins. The warm fuzzy nostalgia that we are draped in gives way to...something else. Illogical patterns snake across verdant valleys, breathing and twitching. Harsh blue sky melts into hazy horizon, like oil on water. Panic sets in.

Pleading looks are exchanged and whilst reassurance is sought, none is found. Each gaunt face is scoured for hints of strength. Leaderless we wade through a sea of shimmering heat, collecting beads of sweat, losing hope of succour. We seek solace in plastic pound-shop distractions, only to find we are rendered too numbskulled to operate children's toys. Terror turns to horror. The yawning maw of madness, death is now so close we are caressed by it's putrid breath...

Release! Baking savannah morphs to cool,  mottled-green grotto and everything has already changed. All is bathed in verdant peace and ears can feel the cool lapping of a friendly stream.
Not finished.
Nathan Vienneau Sep 2014
Sculpted by nature they tower over all,
Casting great shadows across valleys and emerald lakes,
Fresh air fills my lungs,
Chutes carved into stone walls,
Scars across evergreens,
White flowers scattered along the tree line,
Sun rays penetrate ***** clouds,

Tree covered train, trails along winding tracks,
touring though tremendous terrain,
traveling to the West,

Rock surfing down the face of Cascade
Bathed and drank from her *****
Rainbow bridges from mountain to mountain
Thunder booms in the distance
Heavenly clouds to my right, sun beaming on my cliff
Butterfly lake darkening it's greens
Rocks slip, I'm done...
Balance restored I resume breathing
Violet mountain flowers lead me to safety
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