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Lazarus Bertsch Sep 2022
Love you left be broken on the floor
Left me dead heart was ripped out
How many times have a said
I'm done please let me out
Had me chained from the neck
On the floor to the waist down
Your love held me down

I can't tell if your love was supposed to send me to heaven
Or if it was supposed to put me thru hell
But in the end it doesn't matter
Because even though I'm in heaven my hearts in hell
My hearts been broken but you can't tell

You can never tell that I'm going thru hell
You can never tell that I'm well
You can never tell a no one that there some one
Cuz look at me
I thought I was a someone even though I was a no one
Then they took my heart then I turned so far beyond numb
Now I feel less than no one even though I'm someone
But it doesn't matter even though we all matter
Yea were all made of matter
But it doesn't mean we feel that we all matter.
Shofi Ahmed Sep 2022
Crack some fire
on the way heaven.
Light the shadow
light a candle
down the moon.

The sun in fact
does it every day.
Scurries towards
the last dark room
down the moon.

With the colour plate
intact and full
passes by shining on
every corner and nook
every untouched end in the day
the rainbows peep on the way.

Sneaks its way through
the deep forests of orbs
up and down the passages
in the mountains of stars
even after nightingales
and robins go deep silent
the sun tiptoes on the go
lights a candle on the moon.

Moments after the sunset
facing its true north in the West
only to find in heaven
the way The Queen of Heaven
puts her footprint less step
it's the sun's true West
shows up the new crescent.
Khoisan Aug 2022
Home heaven halo
a squirrel peeks through the hole
the Acorn stairway
Mark Wanless Aug 2022
i aint afraid of nothing
   but myself
myself is all there is

i can see me sometimes clearly
   but mostly
cloud of doubt

called the ghosts of heaven
   to fill me
with all blessings

sometimes see the the devil
   in a fog
of make believe

myself is all there is
Steve Page Aug 2022
I am not as you see me now:
booted, colour coded, weighted down by disinfectant and toilet rolls,
sweeping, mopping, bringing cleansing, facilitating,
helping others meet God ...

- oh, so I guess I am

- I am how you see me:
serving, pushing my way right to the back, preferring others
and finding Jesus there, with his blue gloves and apron,
ready to pick up and sweep up, refill and mop up
whatever is left behind

and ever-ready to pick up and refill
whoever finds themselves left behind

We're heavenly hosts for Jesus
and you'll find us where you need us.  
At the back.
Serving with true servants here at New Day Generation
Odd Odyssey Poet Jul 2022
Cold as the winter's tooth sinking into
my skin. A creep sneaking into my sleep, to
disturb every last dream. I've been choked
up by regrets—the exhausting feeling of Black
coughs; out of an exhaust of a neck. I can't breathe.

panting, panting, panting, panting,

Overexaggerating, and it's so saddening to
tell them you're dying, (inside) but non believe.
In the slow drum beating—it's a slow beating heart,
symphony of a night crying angels; amongst the stars.
Looking to heavens, wondering who we are, imperfect
creatures under a perfect Son. Those waiting patiently
in anxious worry, for Jesus to come.

And into a river filled with tears, is where I'll
wash His feet. Gleaming waters; reflecting not
my image. But the stream reflects my sins. My black eye,—
fighting myself and those shivers of my ***** skins.

May he kiss my forehead for my clemency,
for that value worthy of peace. A golden cup in
my eyes—but so empty. Walking on the staircase
to heaven; a thousand steps away from paradise.

If I'm dying a night, let me die in paradise.
As with my resting eyes; I'll close them one last time,
and walk into that Light. Let me die in paradise.
TCross Jul 2022
As I sit and searched my feelings, my thoughts are filled with you.

I think of all the memories created sending a flood of emotions through.

You would always say when someone would leave it was their time, they had to go.

And with those words you had to go but in years I needed more.

You said to remember the things you taught, as you would not be here to ask.

So I put on a face of certitude, a facade in the mode of a mask.

As now, I must face the world without you, much more than one could ask.

We assured you that your job on earth as a mother,  protector,  plus more was felt.

That your guidance through our lives, was much bigger than just help.

The love I feel when I say your name will always be the same

As my grandchildren continue to grow, they will all know your name.

I will share my fondest memories and tell them how this life I live you saved

and how with little and such a big heart the bountifulness of love you gave.

I will teach them as you taught me,  how Fords were designed and made tough

and I will always keep your loving memories as solace while times are rough.
My blog is at
Zywa Jul 2022
High in the mountains

there is plenty of heaven --

to make you happy.
"Tutto il cielo che serve" ("All the heaven you need", 2022, Franco Faggiani)

Collection "Thinkles Lusionless"
Danielle Jun 2022
On my exploration, there are still secrets
that kept under my  sleeves; it would be a
twisted knife in my defenseless night.

Between the heaven and sea,
there are traces of him, keeping me
haunted and wandering at it.

Between the orbs and galaxies,
we're building towers,

we're praying and pleading for a myriad miracles,
I nestled gently on his lips,
it was all downhill.
dycarus Jun 2022
you're a little spark of heaven
that i've never seen
i've never touched
but i've always dreamed of
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