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Ciske Dec 2014
He sat there
on the edge of my bed,
playing with the strings
on his guitar,
stringing me along.

Pulling me closer
with his voice,
beautifully bruised,
carrying me in.

The moonlight complementing
his every note,
every inch of him.

Buried diep.
Lost within a fantasy.
Lost in this room
with a melody,
and a voice
so addictive.

He sat there,
smoke and moonlight,
playing his guitar.
He caught my attention with his scruffy, beautiful voice and his fingers, making magic with a guitar.
Evan Hayes Dec 2014
Leave me hoping
Let's go eloping
You and I need to render
Can't talk to me
Unless I've got my fender

Leave your track marks
On the table
And you said I wasn't stable

Leave for your love of lust
I thought I could trust
You were just another pawn
I stayed up till dawn

Leave the house at daybreak
Daydreams are awake
Try to keep me by the lake
I will surely make
You understand
It's propped against the wall,
anxiously awaiting to be played
sometimes it takes week
but often just a day

When she takes it in her hands
and begins to tune it up
it wakes up from its sleep
feeling the comfort of her touch

As she starts to strum along
the flowing melody is found
her voice begins to rise
my heart smiles at the sound

Eavesdropping just to hear her
because she doesn't understand
how I'm overwhelmed with joy
and that I'm her biggest fan

It's not the way she plays
or how beautiful she sings
it's the humbleness she shows
and the serenity it brings

To have that kind of passion
without needing to be praised
my daughter's gift sent from above
gratefully received in many ways
Randi G Dec 2014
I miss the slip and slide
Along the strings
Across the neck
Amid the noise
Among the silence.
You loved me, and I should have too
But there isn’t much
More that I’ve got
Left to give.
So take your guitar
And your broken heart
And leave mine here
To mend

Sabbathius Dec 2014
He fingers the strings,
Enjoys the discord
Without any chords,
He dances and sings

The way he should dress,
He couldn't care less
Some hate him for that,
Some show him respect

As blind as a mole
But she, does enjoy
His tunes bring her joy
And peace to the soul

Old chums think he’s mad,
They just wish him dead
Young lads go “Hooray”,
When they hear him play

So happy he lives
Without real care
His talent so rare
Is all he believes

*A Charming Discord by João Massada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Little smile
Written on a sheet of notebook paper
Guitar strings
Plucked by a boy who's midnight hair masks his true personality

Shy kid of 17
No visible emotions just strings
Guitar strings

You look at him with broken promises from past lovers tattooed to your pupils
While the only thing made permanent in his are music notes
And though those are there for you too
The cons outweigh the pros

An open mic night
Who could've guessed that what I was planning on as
"just another open mic"
might have turned into this

But things don't always go as planned
For me they almost never do
And while I usually try to view the glass as as full
More times than not things turn out the opposite way
Leaving me...
Half empty

So think of this poem as your warning
I know more than anyone that sometimes it may seem like my baggage is deemed too heavy to carry
And if it appears to be too much for you
Just do me a favor and let me know before I unpack into your space

Guitar strings caught my attention
Loose threads on the sweater of my unraveling attention span

Take a chance
Take the plunge
Let yourself fall into a new romance
Don't think
Just.. Do.
Chii Dec 2014
Our love is like learning how to play the guitar
We'll make mistakes along the way
Get ourselves hurt strumming the strings
Learn how to be patient
Go beyond the limits sometimes and get carried away with the idea of curiousity

Learn new chords, new songs, new things that eventually will lead us to the right track
Take a quick break from everything and just cool it off when we get tired from playing
But then get back on the beauty of never giving up in order to finish the song you're learnig
Or in our case.. What we've started

With each passing strum
With each callus peeled on our skin, our hands or finger will be stronger, rougher and harder.. just like us
And then after all these, we'll perfectly play the most beautiful song and melody there is
A song and melody called "Us" or "Love" or "Forever"
or "Together", whatever

Sam Knaus Dec 2014
A rainy day,
an acoustic guitar,
a notebook,
a studio apartment overlooking the city.
"I want to measure my mornings
in spoonfuls of coffee
and my nights in empty cigarette boxes."
I don't remember the name of the poet who wrote that
but it couldn't describe my life
any more accurately.
I want to measure my mornings
in spoonfuls of coffee
and my nights in empty cigarette boxes.
I want to measure my happiness
in rainy days and soft kisses,
I want to measure my recovery
in full meals and trash bags full of razors,
in tears shed by my eyes
instead of my skin.
I want to measure my free time
in independent movies
and 4 different kinds of music-
hard rock,
classic rock,
and pop-punk.
I want to measure my infinities
in starry night skies,
galaxies, constellations,
physics books I got in middle school
and his eyes,
his smile.
I want to measure my victories
in minutes without smoking
and my losses
in blaring headphones
and labyrinths of white smoke.
I want to measure my work ethic
in sick days
and missed bills.
I want to measure my heart
in belly dancing
and ***** converse,
in beanies
and minutes spend holding him.
I want to measure my life
in written chapters
and highlighted smiles
in blue Christmas lights
and TV show references,
in my favourite movies and novels and songs
and my dependence on myself,
in cans of Peace Tea
and Pringles
and not regretting eating,
in pens that help the words flow
and laughs,
and hope that in the future
things will be alright...
More alright than they are now.
NeroameeAlucard Nov 2014
Let's take a look at the band
it's the ladies that  they're after
but I'll bet you didn't know
that guitarists finger faster.

Sure the singer's good with the tongue
and the drummer has rhythm mastered
the bass player always slaps the g string
but guitarists finger faster

My Girlfriend and I laid together
on her soft warm bed
little did we know what blazing passion
soon laid ahead

She said "Babe can you play me something? I had a very bad day
I kissed her cheek and with a voice so Meek I said lovingly "Okay".

I walked across the room
picked up my six string acoustic
I sat on the bed and played Stand By me, because I knew my girlfriend knew this.

She said "Babe, I wanna hear something exciting"
As I slowly came to a stop.
I picked it up again, and played one of my favorites, miserlou, by the king of surf rock.

As I played I looked at my lady
sitting across from me on the bed
she was grinning from ear to ear
and her thighs were sensually spread.

I laughed softly and stopped playing
and put my six string down
I got on top her warm body and said
looks like your my instrument now

I kissed her warm sweet lips
and looked into those come hither eyes
I slowly bit on her neck sliding
my hand between her thighs

I kissed her again, growling softly
As I ran my fingers between her hips
I slid my finger up and down
slowly upon her c/it

She said "Baby make me scream I want you to be my master
I kissed her once again and said
"Guitarists Finger faster"

With that etched onto her brain
I slid my fingers inside
slowly, but firmly I wanted her
to enjoy the ride

I started to let my hand pick up speed
Middle and ring don't fail me now
I blocked out all sound but I could tell
my hand should take a bow

I slid my fingers back outside
and put them to her lips
I licked them too and said
"Hmm your pxssy seems like a tasty dish"
So yeah .. this is dedicated to my Gf and music lovers!
cr Nov 2014
rummaging through the drawers
of my closet, i find pieces of you
tucked into your old t-shirts
and the notes which cracked
my frowns into grins and the
guitar pick you'd left behind
along with your heart-

oh how i long to throw them to the flames.
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