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Petals weaved and laced for limbs,
   Infinity intricately at his feet,
Arrows of lobster clawed feathers,
   Shooting lanterns up the street.

Four corners in black,
   Multiplied with moving tints,
Grey flowing into the endless drift,
   Scissors slicing ribbons,
The final trick played by twins.

Redly lit and pink warmth of a bird's statue,
   Emitting frozen tones,
Evermore catering his fortitude,
   Fleetly plucking each leaf,
Each one falling and bending,
   Into smokey cat-eyed gleam.
© Teri Darlene Basallote Yeo
Outside Words Oct 2018
Strolling through the park
With humans, dogs, and birds,
Pink leaves make their mark
As they hover down in thirds.

Drifting along lazy airwaves,
An amplified guitar echoes
As a band soulfully misbehaves
For all nearby bedfellows.

Apartments loom over trees,
From a place of urban gray
As blue air works to appease
Spaces between dusk and day.

Sturdy street lights rusted and old
Accompanying a worn path ignite,
One by one flashing dark to gold
On a normal Wednesday night.
Listen to this while you read:

© Outside Words
Robert J Howard Sep 2018
This Is It.
No *******.
Ian Lemmy Kilmister
Genesee Aug 2018
I love exploring other genres of music
expanding my music taste is fun
in addition to discovering new artists
but do you ever listen to a couple of new songs and immediately afterward feel like you’ve been listening to the song your whole entire life and just fell out of touch with the song
upon discovering it once again you feel this strange sense of peace and belonging
the strumming of a guitar is so peaceful and calming
I have a couple of songs that I’m fond of
and in my head, I envision the types of songs that during certain scenarios
the songs would be played either at high volume
or at a soft volume, it would be so quiet you could almost hear a pin drop  except in the background the strumming of a guitar would be heard  
For example when life gets too hectic or I’m feeling overwhelmed
just listening to one of these songs
makes me forget about life just for a bit and immerse myself in the melody and the message of the song
Written while I was listening to one of the songs that I wrote about in this song
Joey fonseca Aug 2018
Dark and beautiful
I could play for hours
Running my fingers down
The strings upon the frets
Like a kayak
Floating down a strong river
Riff by riff Chord by chord
Played all day and all night
I play and sing by myself
Yet I am not alone
For with every string strummed
he is with me
But what I would give
Just to hear once more
My grandfather play us a song
Lynnia Aug 2018
Piano trilling
Drums thrilling
Bass pumps straight through your heart
Guitar screams,
Keys dream,
Vocals piercing like a dart—
Mist shifts
Mood lifts
Hot chills electric down your spine
Crowd yells
Colors swell
Lift your hands, lose your sense of time...
Merna Ketana Aug 2018
The world moves in rhyme with the beats of his heart,
Taking shapes of everything that sets his mind apart.
His fingers sway to play the notes of, both, dear life and death.
For his strings were blessed to hold, both, dear peace and mess.
The music in his veins fuels his pain to ignite a flame,
To dawn over his shame, shut madness' claim he's insane.
It's swinging on the walls of every home he's ever had,
That home was never really part of any room or flat.
But dwells inside his lonely guitar a heaven of his own.
The tragedy of the closest thing to home he'd ever known
Pyrrha Aug 2018
I don't need a man who wants a princess
I don't need those expectations
I won't paint my nails or wear high heels

I want someone who will understand
That some days are just for sitting indoors
Playing video games and ordering takeout

Sometimes you just want to hang out
Watch a horror movie or write a poem
I want someone who can understand some days are slow

I also want them to know that some days are fast
Sometimes you just need the rush of riding a skateboard or throwing a frisbee
Sometimes you just need to feel the notes of a guitar till your hands are numb

I don't want someone who thinks I am only silent and reserved
Because I will crush you in your favorite games
I will tire you out with my favorite things

I don't want someone who thinks they are temporary
I will write about you and immortalize you through my art
Keep your expectations away and I'll surprise you every day
Side note: Rampage was one of my favorite childhood games heck yeah
Sort of a violent game for a six year old to obsessively play
It's also unfair how I love horror but I will fall over the back of a couch at any jumpscare
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