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Farooq Ansari Feb 2018
Once upon a time,
there was a town by the eastern sea
where all the roads and rivers
led to the cathedral

not so long ago,
sheltered underneath the dome
we caressed the walls, the ceilings
with our hands dreched in colour,
the visions of Eden

all was right, all was well
we danced when we took rest
we sang after our feet had bled
a chorus that echoed beyond the sea

then on a fateful day
an oasis peered beyond the waves
calling us to be one with the divine,
the trees, streams and cascade
our visions of Eden

with paint still wet on our hands
the oars were held with passion
and curiosity flooded in
where once was devotion

we saw upon reaching the shore,
the trees, vines and bushes
wrapped around its inhabitants
servings of precious fruits and reveries
and them being ecstatic in constraints

so we sailed for the harbor
the one where we strayed from,
we took to the streets of our town
but the roads wouldn't lead us home.
in a
flair of
oil there
she'd  kurd
lard with
cream puff
but a
suit made
up lore
while its
migration uprooting
societal bliss  
left vagrancy
or anarchy
there so
trump avoid
****** today
This is MLK Day!
Thine ever-faithful children born
Amidst thy mirthful knoll and lawn,
Rippling rivers, bubbling brook,
Known in tale and glee and book.

Made up of kith and kin alike,
Bridling horse or riding bike.
Be it by lake or under tree,
This people surely known to Thee.

Folk which temper from hewn rock,
Few have known more hardened stock,
Though brother-wars and streams of blood,
They fought gale and raging flood.

To whom owe we our yore so long?
Carved buildings and pretty song,
A stead of kings and noble lords,
Standing firm with swords and boards.

From glacial seas of Northern hearths,
To scorching plains and bloodied sparths.
Traditions range from meal and brick,
Tilling soil and healing sick.

Rich glories befall this folk,
Crafting metal, stone and yoke.
Humble start of pain and ill,
Overcome by might of will.

Where does it end, our precious land?
Warding foes from sea and sand.
Those granted gifts from bloodied mitts,
Forebears strengthened by their wits.

In many ways those heroes fell,
Sharpened axe or fired shell.
Unmatched fury in the soul,
Evelandish men with rage like coal.

Stand once again, O noble folk
Let not this foe thee string and choke.
Recall the glory of thy yore,
Richest lord or begging poor.

My Europa, ever-Queen,
Snowy peaks and hilltops green.
A thousand tongues which touch thine ears
Ripened over untold years.

So all tales come to be,
Yore’s unending symphony.
Taking in its last drawn breath,
No mighty cry... but silent death.
Verse 1
why do I need patience
buying time don't make sense

Oh, yes
time don't cost two cents
when you're just a child just
wait and see

Can't hit rock bottom
can't hit rock bottom
with these wings
can I?
Caught me some rainbows
I'm going to paint myself
Saturn's rings.

Verse 2
Colors of my innocence,
raining down upon me
I don't know what
hopeless means.
Happiness does make sense
filling up my lonely
Nothing will prevent
my dreams.

Can't hit rock bottom
can't hit rock bottom
with these wings
can I?
Caught me some rainbows
I'm going to paint myself
Saturn's rings.
I got into a phase of writing country/folk sounding lyrics and poetry last year (summer).
It was very quick, but I enjoyed it immensely.

I abandoned this; I guess I was feeling funky.
So I just repeated the chorus (copy/paste) and I'm, otherwise, leaving it as is.
Don't want to ruin the tone of the song now, right?

I have to admit to myself, it is kind of beautiful. What do you think? :)
Maria Etre Dec 2017
I watched a live band
my stomach churned
against its empty walls
digesting emptiness
and simply
feeling human

With a voice
so mellow
it mesmerized
the murmurs
to a silence

A marriage of strums
carried feelings
every stander
with a certain warmth
that reaches the heart
I heard my friend say
"they make fall
in love with myself"
how delicate of a statement
to float amidst
the dark space
dancing with their voices

Something pure
was taking place
and as an audience
we have longed for
such a feeling
so foreign
to carry us a bit closer
to our very core
reminding us
that it's possible
for a heart to smile
to prove that
innocence does
still exist

"Who are they?" I asked
"Waynick" she said
Waynick: means "where are you" in Arabic

Waynick, an indie folk band from Lebanon, consisting of Sara and Joe,  Nick, Yvan and Cyril.

On their first meeting, Nick showed up 2 hours late; his phone battery was dead, as he helplessly looked for the rest of the band (hence, the name of the band Wayn-Nick).
this anonymous weaver spun written tapestry
to acknowledge ninetieth plus longevity year
no matter this author unknown, who deftly tries to weave
(for pete sakes) with english poetry
where rhyming threads fire away (from axons to neurons)
at warp speed way out there
attempting to coalesce into
semblance of comprehension from non other than me
a veritable stranger, who considers
ye huff hoke icon, that hoop fully destiny will spare

until one grain of sand takes thee
to eternal blue skies astride astral throne like king henry
with minstrelsy folks housed
the memories hermetically sealed place
thy father’s razed mansion no longer poised far and near
intent to discern adroit banjo finger
picking plucky talent admission for all – free,
whose eponymous trademark je nais sais quois
legendary voice rang like a bell jar in the air.

unsure if this epistle (possibly coming across
as mixed up) like mish mashed verse
ye might arrange and rearrange into a song
living in the country of upstate new york state
epitomizing spartan holistic existence somewhere
over the rainbow with hefty purse
exemplifying decades of fame and fortune
that odds on favorite moost did highly rate
your fount of endless lyrical musical natural playing style

auditory tunes ears did immerse
themselves from just one man’s hand
whether newlyweds who did marry a loving mate
or others exhaling final breath
afore crossing river jordan inside the hearse
while convoy chants favorite chorus abiyoyo
with standard amen for the late
mortal, whereby such preferential fanfare
for loss of precious friend family doth curse.

since thee became deceased no great expectations (by dickens)
feedback will be forth coming to this average joe
who chose to plunk himself down here
and simply let spontaneity take full rein
this spur of the moment ode
(perhaps difficult to comprehend),
oaf hello you will never know
and travel down shady lane

(more akin to boulevard of broken dreams) in the main
with elusive passion to live in tandem with nature
whereby garden this dad could ***
reaping from sweat of thine brow afterward
upon festival of flowers this body will be lain
but spouse prepared siesta meal,
hence now end this rambling poem to go,
ponder trials and tribulations whilst in need to feed body and brain.

Derrek Estrella Oct 2017
Let you know a story of the sweepers
They were no fools, they did not take the weeper
Every dime they made
They built their own brigade

She tinkered on, she did, the sulky sailor
He dreamt another job, the timid tailor
Surely, they’ll cross paths
Where the money’s at

A fantastic sail
Carried by a gale
Gallop down the windpipe
Of the sea-coloured stripes

The beggar found his riches off the starboard
We reach for that which we can never afford
A sandy rune in time
Our happy, crooning crimes

When pruning eyes quickly peruse the wheel
The boy quickly rises to show his seal
Beyond comprehension
Beyond condescension

Do away with looking glass
Steel your ship with trumpet brass
The world will only sway for you
If you take heed and start to move

A fantastic sail
Carried by a gale
Gallop down the windpipe
Of the sea-coloured stripes

When they reached the land they became meek
The weary scrambled to seek out the creek
To drown their riches in
And start alone again

Is it such a crime they are now strangers?
Fast and loose, when you befriend for flavour
They hold the memoir
They know that they’ve come far

The fantastic sail
Carried by the gale
They galloped down the windpipe
Of the sea-coloured stripes
Derrek Estrella Sep 2017
Jerry Estrel was a kook
He marked his grounds with white chalk
Proclaimed to be neighborhood Duke
He made a throne out of cinder blocks

His mother seems small, dreams tall
She once swayed and threw it away
She drove over his basketball
Wept and locked herself in her promenade

Jerry gave a perplexed look
She's only been like that once
When his father died, she read his book
And duly took home his dozen buns

Mother held rings ever tight
And dreamt her child to be rich
His grandest birthday gift in sight
Her wallet, merely a stitch

She dug in her mouth and cried,
"I'm sorry my son, I lied"
He says,
"Ma, I just want a harmonica for my birthday"

Jerry was of an old soul
Wrote in mad spells to sell
With light years within his control
But couldn't afford what he could not foretell

In winter, the mother, she shivered
In summer, the beggar laid down
The years gnawing at her liver
Traded her gowns for a bound

Jerry gave a limping look
Duly blamed his mother's fate
He wandered, and loved, and mistook
Every circumstance as her incarnate

Then the debt filled up to her eyes
They could not provide themselves sun
She offered him no alibis
And slept in the silent sounds of the guns

She steeled herself till she was sore
"My son, I can't buy you anymore"
He says,
"Ma, I just want a harmonica for my birthday"

Jerry traveled for a time
He had found the sights that he craved
Walked home to offer his mother a dime
But now, she dreams beneath a grave

He fell down and cried,
"I'm sorry ma, I tried"
Jerry played a harmonica for her birthday
Dalton Cantrell Jul 2017
The musician

Long days yet never distracted...
Lost in thought for a vision...
Waking at the crack of dawn far to long...
Blank page no more..
Guitar in hand...
Oh how this woman amazes me ...
When her finger strum the chords...
Its like magic appearing...
And oh so endearing...  a
Music plays so softly, as she hums in her head ...
Her personality comes through in all Her work
God truly blessed her the peaceful Writer...
Rachel Ace May 2017
·····The Top·····
Golden yellow freshness, flowers and spikes rocking
A large reservoir of water in the distance
(Imaginations of us in my head among sweet clear wheat)
I'm sitting on top of a hill                                      
   Every day waiting for you                              
                               and you don't arrive ....
I don't understand the reasons
Storm sounds far away
Sad lyrics with violins start in my mind

I wait for you every day

Do not you remember the good times?
When we spoke in writing, as little notes
Because you don't tell me that you don't like the letters
Do not like the slow romantic songs?

I am still the classic romantic girl in a slightly sloppy dress
What awaits you with illusions near the atmosphere

I hope you aren't lost in another galaxy trying to be another

Clouds formed by warm air
You never arrive
I wait for you

Wishing you two legends together at the top of the hill.

-Codelandandmore // 22:44PM ©
Inpired by James Dean folk air.
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