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what right we mess with a better gone before?^

what right does it mess with our composure
one hundred and three years later?


“Such are the little memories of you”

these crafted words of flying feet bittersweet
knock a mother farther back upon her lowered flat heels,
recalling too, similar and same,
the resounding pattern of a gone child’s pitter-patter,
of treading, exploring long hallways and secret rooms
with comfortable, yet reckless flying abandon until,
a fateful reckoning abandons us both

this poem elocutes my charges against your Taker,
and all the little prayers of the angels sent to minister,
give no comfort like the giant memory of your
running little feet,
coming and going and gone
^ To Theodore

by George Marion McClellan, 1860

Such are the little memories of you;
They come and go, return and lie apart
From all main things of life; yet more than they,
With noiseless feet, they come and grip the heart.
Gay laughter leading quick and stormy tears,
Then smiles again and pulse of flying feet,
In breathless chase of fleeting gossamers,
Are memories so dear, so bitter-sweet.

No more are echoes of your flying feet.
Hard by, where Pike’s Peak rears its head in state,
The erstwhile rushing feet, with halting steps,
For health’s return in Denver watch and wait.
But love and memories of noiseless tread,
Where angels hovered once, all shining fair,
To tuck you in your little trundle bed,
Kneel nightly now in agony of prayer.
Badshah Khan Apr 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 83

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

I am passively standing at the sea shore,
The sea waves willingly grasp my dainty feet.

With soothing and chillness
Everytime they voluntarily undergo
And dearly retreat my dear feet with tender touch.

Indeed, they bear the vast knowledge.
Under beneath themselves.
However, they tenderly caress,
My dear feet with sincere love.

How lucky am I, as your own creation,
Oh All Known Divine Creator!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
Jenna Apr 2019
My feet dangle in question
if these legs will ever grow
or perhaps find motivation
to make their own tracks again
leaving imprints of obliviousness

Wheels turn, stuck momentarily
a glimpse of looping future
pushing with a heavy burden
footsteps echo hollowly
dragging approaching fate
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Bare feet in the sand,
as it squishes neath my toes.
I love the Ocean!
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2019
My toe
Is filled
With woe
Because one
Sad solo
Sock and shoe
With wet ice
And freezing snow
But I won't show
Or let anyone know
The cold I feel
Numbing me slow
I know
It will grow
But onwards
I go
I guess
My warmth
I owe
To this foe
I realized
Long ago
I can't or won't
Or say no
To chilly air  
That through me flows
Without fail
Stealing my glow
I suppose
I'm used to it though
This evil villian
That stays down low
My feet
I wrote this nine years ago!
c Mar 2019
I am three
and the grass beneath my feet
is young too
there is wind
and a bird song
and I am happy
mary liles Feb 2019
I may have two left feet
And always miss the beat,
But you’ve got two right feet,
So I think that makes us
Quite complete
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