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showyoulove Dec 2024
What a beautiful way to start the day
To spend an hour with Jesus
To give him my joys and challenges
And see Him how he sees us
To see him is to know him
To know him is to love him
To love him and be loved by him
There is nothing better
In Heaven or on Earth
Bread from Heaven the original Wheaties(TM)
It truly is the breakfast of champions
It gives me the strength I require
It gives me the tools I need to succeed
And it gives me the grace to inspire
showyoulove Dec 2024
"Our way of thinking is attuned to the Eucharist; and the Eucharist, in turn, confirms our way of thinking". -- St. Irenaeus

Who can know the mind of God
Or plumb the depths of his wisdom?
What song can rise to Heaven's height
Or word can aptly describe Him?
Such mysteries plague the mind of man
No simple solution for this searching soul
It slips away like water through the hand
And loathe are we to relinquish control
We look upon the Eucharist with grateful thanksgiving
And offer graciously our petition and praise
For the purest act of love: life-giving
This source of food and drink in the form of bread and wine
Transcends and crosses through both mortal and divine
In this life-giving and purely creative force
I find my own creative imagination's source
showyoulove Nov 2024
You, oh Lord, have come down to earth
God by design and human by birth
Entered into a relationship with us
Our creation is your magnum opus
We are made perfect through the sacrifice
Your death is what paid the price
And still you longed to always be
So close to us that we might see
You in all your glory and majesty.
In the form of bread and wine
Given a foretaste of the divine
United to you now in body and soul
I am ever closer to the highest goal
You are part of me and we are one
And never shall this action be undone
I can feel your heartbeat so strong
You are the words to my greatest song
You are as close as my very next breath
In fact, without you, I have only death
You are the strength to take the next step
You are the wind that fills my sails
You are in the smallest of details
You are so close that I am surrounded
So close the hairs on my head are counted
showyoulove Nov 2024
I don't know how many people have been in love; I mean truly, madly, deeply, hopelessly in love. I thought I was once. When you are that in love it changes you inside and out. It changes how you think, act, and what you say. It changes the way you feel, how you look at things, how you spend your time and money. Being in love changes you, usually for the better. Love forces us to think of someone else's wants and needs before our own. We make sacrifices in big and small ways to make the relationship work. It is a give and take, talking and listening and it is open and honest communication. A relationship is a dialogue not a monologue.

Loving someone changes a lot, but loving God and being in a relationship with Him changes EVERYTHING.

Working from the belief that you believe in the stories; you can't stay the same. You can't truly live your old life when you know The Life. The apostles were the perfect example. They weren't great men, particularly smart or famous, but when they saw Jesus, they dropped what they were doing and followed him. Then imagine the Transfiguration and the impact that that moment had on the apostles. This was the transforming love of God made manifest: He was radiant like honest-to-God glowing. It hits like a ton of bricks if you begin to understand the magnitude and the scope of His death and resurrection. How can one heart love that much?! And this fact is especially hard given the knowledge and experiences we have in the world we know today!

And then the most intimate and profound act of love is the gift of the Eucharist which comes from the words meaning grateful, thanksgiving, well and offer graciously. Kharis is the Greek word for Grace.

Catholics believe that the bread and wine at the mass are transformed in essence although not necessarily in substance to the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the reception of the Eucharist, God's ultimate gift of love is revealed and shared with us as he gives us his very life. And we consume him in a profoundly physical and spiritual way. We are literally uniting with Christ and the two become one in body and soul. It is the most perfect expression of love's life-giving power. Christ marries (joins) himself to us.

When you have something so good, so amazing, you can't keep it to yourself. You just have to share it and tell all the world about it. You are in love, and you are loved. You are loved by God and THIS... CHANGES EVERYTHING!
showyoulove Nov 2024
It's okay, you don't have to pay. It's covered
By (assurance) of Grace

On Judgement of Value

Food for the world on a gold plate
Something so small has so much weight
For who can weigh eternal life
And who can say that life has a price
This world will rate and measure
Criticize and place you at its leisure
But the Lord uses a different system
Jesus took our place as spotless victim
He looks into the heart of hearts
Where the human soul resides
He moves past even the locked parts
To find where the treasure lies
He sees beneath the surface. Hidden,
Lies untapped potential; something more
And from the depths it has risen
Like waves to crash upon the shore
Who can know the mind of God
Or understand God's actions?
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder
How beautiful we must truly be
For God made us in His image
And so dearly loves you and me
showyoulove May 2018
Oh little flame how bright you burn
And from darkness you will turn
To bathe us in your little light
And guide us through the darkest night

Oh little flame of Holy Fire
In your simplicity you do inspire
You remind me that I too carry
A light that makes the darkness less scary

Oh little flame you are strong
And yet you are so frail
You illuminate the right and wrong
Your little light will pierce the veil

Oh little flame oh cherished glow
Don’t live too fast but take it slow
In living there is sacrifice
In giving there is a price

Oh little flame oh light divine
I hold your light and make it mine
I will shine for all to see
The difference you have made for me
showyoulove May 2018
My Lord and my God I am so unworthy
A sinner for all of my days
What did I do to deserve your love
When I deserve death
You died for me you love me wholly
You cleanse my soul and make me holy
By your perfect love you deem me worthy
To be with you eternally in love
You call me your friend, you call me your child
No longer slaves but free from the chains
From my sin and shame you restore me
You raise me up from the mire
Grant me Oh Lord a penitent heart
That I may turn from my ways and die to myself
In dying, you come alive in me
By rising I am born again into new life
You are worthy of all my praise and thanksgiving
You are the reason I am still living
You are worthy of all my love and affection
You are worthy of all my prayer and adoration
You deem me worthy to shine your light
You deem me worthy to listen and write
You deem me worthy to be your child
You deem me worthy of your love
You deem me worthy to be your Lamb
You deem me worthy and though unworthy it is enough
Thank you Oh Lord my God and have mercy on my soul
Help me turn my heart to you and so live in your perfect love
showyoulove Apr 2018
He is with us in our hearts and in our lives;
He is not so far away.
Reach out to him in your very breath,
Reach out and hold him in your hands.
He is with us always
To the end of the age and beyond.
He is with us always
We are never truly alone.
He has a place in my heart,
He is here in my soul,
He is the music around me,
He is the spirit that moves me.
He came down from Heaven to live as man;
He came as a human so we might understand
How much he loves us loves you and me.
He is with us at home, at work, at play,
He is beside us each and every day.
This Holy Room and He Is With Us were written during Adoration at St. Isidore in Bloomingdale. I went there on a whim one afternoon. The church was supposed to be closed, but I got lucky and I was let in to pray. It was so cool!!
showyoulove Apr 2018
Here I sit in this holy room
Surrounded by God and a heavenly host
Of saints and angels who give him glory.
Each changed by the body and blood
The power of love and beauty in the sacrifice.
Here I sit in this holy room
A witness to the saving power
A devotion to the perpetual presence
Of Christ with us and in us.
We are each bearers of light, bearers of Christ;
We carry him in us wherever we go.
Here I sit in this holy room
To listen and take in this wondrous gift.
I choose to accept this gift.
How can I not want to share this love with others?
How can I keep from singing and shouting His name?
Here I sit in this holy room
Holy Spirit fill this place and my soul,
Uplift them to the throne of God above.
Start a fire in me that cannot be quenched
And set in me the bright flame of love and passion.
Lead my feet and guide my steps along the path
Be my compass and my Northern Star
So I may never lose my way;
So I can always find my way back home.
Here I sit in this holy room
To add my voice to those around the world
At this moment praying for a change
In others and in their own lives:
Praying for safety and peace,
Understanding and patience.
Praying for survival, praying for the faith's revival.
Praying with men and women past and present
To call upon your aid as we aid those in need.
We pray for many things: our families, friends, nation.
We pray for each other, we pray for ourselves.
Lead us to you, take us closer to your merciful heart,
Love us and heal us and teach us where to start.
Here I sit in this holy room
I give thanks for the gift of undeserved love
And cast my gaze to Heaven above.
This Holy Room and He Is With Us were written during Adoration at St. Isidore in Bloomingdale. I went there on a whim one afternoon. The church was supposed to be closed, but I got lucky and I was let in to pray. It was so cool!!
showyoulove Apr 2018
Love Was Greater

Love was Greater
Love was greater than our sin and hate
Love is necessary in order to create
Love was greater than suffering and pain
Love bore the weight of all our shame
Love was greater than the power of death
Love gave life with it’s breath
Love was greater than all our dreams
Love is so much more than it first seems
Love was greater than all our fear
Love is something I hold most dear
Love is patient love is kind
Love is gentle love is not blind
Love is slow to anger and quick to forgive
Love is not jealous love loves to give
Love does not boast but acts humbly
Love is what can set a prisoner free
Love never quits when things get hairy
Love will not waste nor will it tarry
Love is what flowed from Jesus’ side
Love was shown when He spread his arms and died
Love was greater than what we deserve
Love has covered over all the earth
Love is greater than all treasure is worth
Love is our heritage love is our legacy
Love is a mystery love is our history
Love is greater than words can say
Love is the message we try to convey
Love is a peace beyond compare
Love is a presence that is everywhere
Love is opening the eyes of my heart
Love has painted us works of art
Love is a secret that needs to be shared
Love was so great that our lives were spared
Love was greater than death on a cross
Love said we’re worth any cost
Love Is Greater
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